1 | import type Ajv from "../../core"
2 | import type {SchemaObject} from "../../types"
3 | import {jtdForms, JTDForm, SchemaObjectMap} from "./types"
4 | import {SchemaEnv, getCompilingSchema} from ".."
5 | import {_, str, and, or, nil, not, CodeGen, Code, Name, SafeExpr} from "../codegen"
6 | import MissingRefError from "../ref_error"
7 | import N from "../names"
8 | import {hasPropFunc} from "../../vocabularies/code"
9 | import {hasRef} from "../../vocabularies/jtd/ref"
10 | import {intRange, IntType} from "../../vocabularies/jtd/type"
11 | import {parseJson, parseJsonNumber, parseJsonString} from "../../runtime/parseJson"
12 | import {useFunc} from "../util"
13 | import validTimestamp from "../../runtime/timestamp"
14 |
15 | type GenParse = (cxt: ParseCxt) => void
16 |
17 | const genParse: {[F in JTDForm]: GenParse} = {
18 | elements: parseElements,
19 | values: parseValues,
20 | discriminator: parseDiscriminator,
21 | properties: parseProperties,
22 | optionalProperties: parseProperties,
23 | enum: parseEnum,
24 | type: parseType,
25 | ref: parseRef,
26 | }
27 |
28 | interface ParseCxt {
29 | readonly gen: CodeGen
30 | readonly self: Ajv // current Ajv instance
31 | readonly schemaEnv: SchemaEnv
32 | readonly definitions: SchemaObjectMap
33 | schema: SchemaObject
34 | data: Code
35 | parseName: Name
36 | char: Name
37 | }
38 |
39 | export default function compileParser(
40 | this: Ajv,
41 | sch: SchemaEnv,
42 | definitions: SchemaObjectMap
43 | ): SchemaEnv {
44 | const _sch = getCompilingSchema.call(this, sch)
45 | if (_sch) return _sch
46 | const {es5, lines} = this.opts.code
47 | const {ownProperties} = this.opts
48 | const gen = new CodeGen(this.scope, {es5, lines, ownProperties})
49 | const parseName = gen.scopeName("parse")
50 | const cxt: ParseCxt = {
51 | self: this,
52 | gen,
53 | schema: sch.schema as SchemaObject,
54 | schemaEnv: sch,
55 | definitions,
56 | data: N.data,
57 | parseName,
58 | char: gen.name("c"),
59 | }
60 |
61 | let sourceCode: string | undefined
62 | try {
63 | this._compilations.add(sch)
64 | sch.parseName = parseName
65 | parserFunction(cxt)
66 | gen.optimize(this.opts.code.optimize)
67 | const parseFuncCode = gen.toString()
68 | sourceCode = `${gen.scopeRefs(N.scope)}return ${parseFuncCode}`
69 | const makeParse = new Function(`${N.scope}`, sourceCode)
70 | const parse: (json: string) => unknown = makeParse(this.scope.get())
71 | this.scope.value(parseName, {ref: parse})
72 | sch.parse = parse
73 | } catch (e) {
74 | if (sourceCode) this.logger.error("Error compiling parser, function code:", sourceCode)
75 | delete sch.parse
76 | delete sch.parseName
77 | throw e
78 | } finally {
79 | this._compilations.delete(sch)
80 | }
81 | return sch
82 | }
83 |
84 | const undef = _`undefined`
85 |
86 | function parserFunction(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
87 | const {gen, parseName, char} = cxt
88 | gen.func(parseName, _`${N.json}, ${N.jsonPos}, ${N.jsonPart}`, false, () => {
89 | gen.let(N.data)
90 | gen.let(char)
91 | gen.assign(_`${parseName}.message`, undef)
92 | gen.assign(_`${parseName}.position`, undef)
93 | gen.assign(N.jsonPos, _`${N.jsonPos} || 0`)
94 | gen.const(N.jsonLen, _`${N.json}.length`)
95 | parseCode(cxt)
96 | skipWhitespace(cxt)
97 | gen.if(N.jsonPart, () => {
98 | gen.assign(_`${parseName}.position`, N.jsonPos)
99 | gen.return(N.data)
100 | })
101 | gen.if(_`${N.jsonPos} === ${N.jsonLen}`, () => gen.return(N.data))
102 | jsonSyntaxError(cxt)
103 | })
104 | }
105 |
106 | function parseCode(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
107 | let form: JTDForm | undefined
108 | for (const key of jtdForms) {
109 | if (key in cxt.schema) {
110 | form = key
111 | break
112 | }
113 | }
114 | if (form) parseNullable(cxt, genParse[form])
115 | else parseEmpty(cxt)
116 | }
117 |
118 | const parseBoolean = parseBooleanToken(true, parseBooleanToken(false, jsonSyntaxError))
119 |
120 | function parseNullable(cxt: ParseCxt, parseForm: GenParse): void {
121 | const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
122 | if (!schema.nullable) return parseForm(cxt)
123 | tryParseToken(cxt, "null", parseForm, () => gen.assign(data, null))
124 | }
125 |
126 | function parseElements(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
127 | const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
128 | parseToken(cxt, "[")
129 | const ix = gen.let("i", 0)
130 | gen.assign(data, _`[]`)
131 | parseItems(cxt, "]", () => {
132 | const el = gen.let("el")
133 | parseCode({...cxt, schema: schema.elements, data: el})
134 | gen.assign(_`${data}[${ix}++]`, el)
135 | })
136 | }
137 |
138 | function parseValues(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
139 | const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
140 | parseToken(cxt, "{")
141 | gen.assign(data, _`{}`)
142 | parseItems(cxt, "}", () => parseKeyValue(cxt, schema.values))
143 | }
144 |
145 | function parseItems(cxt: ParseCxt, endToken: string, block: () => void): void {
146 | tryParseItems(cxt, endToken, block)
147 | parseToken(cxt, endToken)
148 | }
149 |
150 | function tryParseItems(cxt: ParseCxt, endToken: string, block: () => void): void {
151 | const {gen} = cxt
152 | gen.for(_`;${N.jsonPos}<${N.jsonLen} && ${jsonSlice(1)}!==${endToken};`, () => {
153 | block()
154 | tryParseToken(cxt, ",", () => gen.break(), hasItem)
155 | })
156 |
157 | function hasItem(): void {
158 | tryParseToken(cxt, endToken, () => {}, jsonSyntaxError)
159 | }
160 | }
161 |
162 | function parseKeyValue(cxt: ParseCxt, schema: SchemaObject): void {
163 | const {gen} = cxt
164 | const key = gen.let("key")
165 | parseString({...cxt, data: key})
166 | parseToken(cxt, ":")
167 | parsePropertyValue(cxt, key, schema)
168 | }
169 |
170 | function parseDiscriminator(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
171 | const {gen, data, schema} = cxt
172 | const {discriminator, mapping} = schema
173 | parseToken(cxt, "{")
174 | gen.assign(data, _`{}`)
175 | const startPos = gen.const("pos", N.jsonPos)
176 | const value = gen.let("value")
177 | const tag = gen.let("tag")
178 | tryParseItems(cxt, "}", () => {
179 | const key = gen.let("key")
180 | parseString({...cxt, data: key})
181 | parseToken(cxt, ":")
182 | gen.if(
183 | _`${key} === ${discriminator}`,
184 | () => {
185 | parseString({...cxt, data: tag})
186 | gen.assign(_`${data}[${key}]`, tag)
187 | gen.break()
188 | },
189 | () => parseEmpty({...cxt, data: value}) // can be discarded/skipped
190 | )
191 | })
192 | gen.assign(N.jsonPos, startPos)
193 | gen.if(_`${tag} === undefined`)
194 | parsingError(cxt, str`discriminator tag not found`)
195 | for (const tagValue in mapping) {
196 | gen.elseIf(_`${tag} === ${tagValue}`)
197 | parseSchemaProperties({...cxt, schema: mapping[tagValue]}, discriminator)
198 | }
199 | gen.else()
200 | parsingError(cxt, str`discriminator value not in schema`)
201 | gen.endIf()
202 | }
203 |
204 | function parseProperties(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
205 | const {gen, data} = cxt
206 | parseToken(cxt, "{")
207 | gen.assign(data, _`{}`)
208 | parseSchemaProperties(cxt)
209 | }
210 |
211 | function parseSchemaProperties(cxt: ParseCxt, discriminator?: string): void {
212 | const {gen, schema, data} = cxt
213 | const {properties, optionalProperties, additionalProperties} = schema
214 | parseItems(cxt, "}", () => {
215 | const key = gen.let("key")
216 | parseString({...cxt, data: key})
217 | parseToken(cxt, ":")
218 | gen.if(false)
219 | parseDefinedProperty(cxt, key, properties)
220 | parseDefinedProperty(cxt, key, optionalProperties)
221 | if (discriminator) {
222 | gen.elseIf(_`${key} === ${discriminator}`)
223 | const tag = gen.let("tag")
224 | parseString({...cxt, data: tag}) // can be discarded, it is already assigned
225 | }
226 | gen.else()
227 | if (additionalProperties) {
228 | parseEmpty({...cxt, data: _`${data}[${key}]`})
229 | } else {
230 | parsingError(cxt, str`property ${key} not allowed`)
231 | }
232 | gen.endIf()
233 | })
234 | if (properties) {
235 | const hasProp = hasPropFunc(gen)
236 | const allProps: Code = and(
237 | ...Object.keys(properties).map((p): Code => _`${hasProp}.call(${data}, ${p})`)
238 | )
239 | gen.if(not(allProps), () => parsingError(cxt, str`missing required properties`))
240 | }
241 | }
242 |
243 | function parseDefinedProperty(cxt: ParseCxt, key: Name, schemas: SchemaObjectMap = {}): void {
244 | const {gen} = cxt
245 | for (const prop in schemas) {
246 | gen.elseIf(_`${key} === ${prop}`)
247 | parsePropertyValue(cxt, key, schemas[prop] as SchemaObject)
248 | }
249 | }
250 |
251 | function parsePropertyValue(cxt: ParseCxt, key: Name, schema: SchemaObject): void {
252 | parseCode({...cxt, schema, data: _`${cxt.data}[${key}]`})
253 | }
254 |
255 | function parseType(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
256 | const {gen, schema, data, self} = cxt
257 | switch (schema.type) {
258 | case "boolean":
259 | parseBoolean(cxt)
260 | break
261 | case "string":
262 | parseString(cxt)
263 | break
264 | case "timestamp": {
265 | parseString(cxt)
266 | const vts = useFunc(gen, validTimestamp)
267 | const {allowDate, parseDate} = self.opts
268 | const notValid = allowDate ? _`!${vts}(${data}, true)` : _`!${vts}(${data})`
269 | const fail: Code = parseDate
270 | ? or(notValid, _`(${data} = new Date(${data}), false)`, _`isNaN(${data}.valueOf())`)
271 | : notValid
272 | gen.if(fail, () => parsingError(cxt, str`invalid timestamp`))
273 | break
274 | }
275 | case "float32":
276 | case "float64":
277 | parseNumber(cxt)
278 | break
279 | default: {
280 | const t = schema.type as IntType
281 | if (!self.opts.int32range && (t === "int32" || t === "uint32")) {
282 | parseNumber(cxt, 16) // 2 ** 53 - max safe integer
283 | if (t === "uint32") {
284 | gen.if(_`${data} < 0`, () => parsingError(cxt, str`integer out of range`))
285 | }
286 | } else {
287 | const [min, max, maxDigits] = intRange[t]
288 | parseNumber(cxt, maxDigits)
289 | gen.if(_`${data} < ${min} || ${data} > ${max}`, () =>
290 | parsingError(cxt, str`integer out of range`)
291 | )
292 | }
293 | }
294 | }
295 | }
296 |
297 | function parseString(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
298 | parseToken(cxt, '"')
299 | parseWith(cxt, parseJsonString)
300 | }
301 |
302 | function parseEnum(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
303 | const {gen, data, schema} = cxt
304 | const enumSch = schema.enum
305 | parseToken(cxt, '"')
306 | // TODO loopEnum
307 | gen.if(false)
308 | for (const value of enumSch) {
309 | const valueStr = JSON.stringify(value).slice(1) // remove starting quote
310 | gen.elseIf(_`${jsonSlice(valueStr.length)} === ${valueStr}`)
311 | gen.assign(data, str`${value}`)
312 | gen.add(N.jsonPos, valueStr.length)
313 | }
314 | gen.else()
315 | jsonSyntaxError(cxt)
316 | gen.endIf()
317 | }
318 |
319 | function parseNumber(cxt: ParseCxt, maxDigits?: number): void {
320 | const {gen} = cxt
321 | skipWhitespace(cxt)
322 | gen.if(
323 | _`"-0123456789".indexOf(${jsonSlice(1)}) < 0`,
324 | () => jsonSyntaxError(cxt),
325 | () => parseWith(cxt, parseJsonNumber, maxDigits)
326 | )
327 | }
328 |
329 | function parseBooleanToken(bool: boolean, fail: GenParse): GenParse {
330 | return (cxt) => {
331 | const {gen, data} = cxt
332 | tryParseToken(
333 | cxt,
334 | `${bool}`,
335 | () => fail(cxt),
336 | () => gen.assign(data, bool)
337 | )
338 | }
339 | }
340 |
341 | function parseRef(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
342 | const {gen, self, definitions, schema, schemaEnv} = cxt
343 | const {ref} = schema
344 | const refSchema = definitions[ref]
345 | if (!refSchema) throw new MissingRefError(self.opts.uriResolver, "", ref, `No definition ${ref}`)
346 | if (!hasRef(refSchema)) return parseCode({...cxt, schema: refSchema})
347 | const {root} = schemaEnv
348 | const sch = compileParser.call(self, new SchemaEnv({schema: refSchema, root}), definitions)
349 | partialParse(cxt, getParser(gen, sch), true)
350 | }
351 |
352 | function getParser(gen: CodeGen, sch: SchemaEnv): Code {
353 | return sch.parse
354 | ? gen.scopeValue("parse", {ref: sch.parse})
355 | : _`${gen.scopeValue("wrapper", {ref: sch})}.parse`
356 | }
357 |
358 | function parseEmpty(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
359 | parseWith(cxt, parseJson)
360 | }
361 |
362 | function parseWith(cxt: ParseCxt, parseFunc: {code: string}, args?: SafeExpr): void {
363 | partialParse(cxt, useFunc(cxt.gen, parseFunc), args)
364 | }
365 |
366 | function partialParse(cxt: ParseCxt, parseFunc: Name, args?: SafeExpr): void {
367 | const {gen, data} = cxt
368 | gen.assign(data, _`${parseFunc}(${N.json}, ${N.jsonPos}${args ? _`, ${args}` : nil})`)
369 | gen.assign(N.jsonPos, _`${parseFunc}.position`)
370 | gen.if(_`${data} === undefined`, () => parsingError(cxt, _`${parseFunc}.message`))
371 | }
372 |
373 | function parseToken(cxt: ParseCxt, tok: string): void {
374 | tryParseToken(cxt, tok, jsonSyntaxError)
375 | }
376 |
377 | function tryParseToken(cxt: ParseCxt, tok: string, fail: GenParse, success?: GenParse): void {
378 | const {gen} = cxt
379 | const n = tok.length
380 | skipWhitespace(cxt)
381 | gen.if(
382 | _`${jsonSlice(n)} === ${tok}`,
383 | () => {
384 | gen.add(N.jsonPos, n)
385 | success?.(cxt)
386 | },
387 | () => fail(cxt)
388 | )
389 | }
390 |
391 | function skipWhitespace({gen, char: c}: ParseCxt): void {
392 | gen.code(
393 | _`while((${c}=${N.json}[${N.jsonPos}],${c}===" "||${c}==="\\n"||${c}==="\\r"||${c}==="\\t"))${N.jsonPos}++;`
394 | )
395 | }
396 |
397 | function jsonSlice(len: number | Name): Code {
398 | return len === 1
399 | ? _`${N.json}[${N.jsonPos}]`
400 | : _`${N.json}.slice(${N.jsonPos}, ${N.jsonPos}+${len})`
401 | }
402 |
403 | function jsonSyntaxError(cxt: ParseCxt): void {
404 | parsingError(cxt, _`"unexpected token " + ${N.json}[${N.jsonPos}]`)
405 | }
406 |
407 | function parsingError({gen, parseName}: ParseCxt, msg: Code): void {
408 | gen.assign(_`${parseName}.message`, msg)
409 | gen.assign(_`${parseName}.position`, N.jsonPos)
410 | gen.return(undef)
411 | }