[79a0317] | 1 | import type {CodeKeywordDefinition, AnySchemaObject, KeywordErrorDefinition} from "../../types"
| 2 | import type {KeywordCxt} from "../../compile/validate"
| 3 | import {_, getProperty, Name} from "../../compile/codegen"
| 4 | import {DiscrError, DiscrErrorObj} from "../discriminator/types"
| 5 | import {resolveRef, SchemaEnv} from "../../compile"
| 6 | import MissingRefError from "../../compile/ref_error"
| 7 | import {schemaHasRulesButRef} from "../../compile/util"
| 8 |
| 9 | export type DiscriminatorError = DiscrErrorObj<DiscrError.Tag> | DiscrErrorObj<DiscrError.Mapping>
| 10 |
| 11 | const error: KeywordErrorDefinition = {
| 12 | message: ({params: {discrError, tagName}}) =>
| 13 | discrError === DiscrError.Tag
| 14 | ? `tag "${tagName}" must be string`
| 15 | : `value of tag "${tagName}" must be in oneOf`,
| 16 | params: ({params: {discrError, tag, tagName}}) =>
| 17 | _`{error: ${discrError}, tag: ${tagName}, tagValue: ${tag}}`,
| 18 | }
| 19 |
| 20 | const def: CodeKeywordDefinition = {
| 21 | keyword: "discriminator",
| 22 | type: "object",
| 23 | schemaType: "object",
| 24 | error,
| 25 | code(cxt: KeywordCxt) {
| 26 | const {gen, data, schema, parentSchema, it} = cxt
| 27 | const {oneOf} = parentSchema
| 28 | if (!it.opts.discriminator) {
| 29 | throw new Error("discriminator: requires discriminator option")
| 30 | }
| 31 | const tagName = schema.propertyName
| 32 | if (typeof tagName != "string") throw new Error("discriminator: requires propertyName")
| 33 | if (schema.mapping) throw new Error("discriminator: mapping is not supported")
| 34 | if (!oneOf) throw new Error("discriminator: requires oneOf keyword")
| 35 | const valid = gen.let("valid", false)
| 36 | const tag = gen.const("tag", _`${data}${getProperty(tagName)}`)
| 37 | gen.if(
| 38 | _`typeof ${tag} == "string"`,
| 39 | () => validateMapping(),
| 40 | () => cxt.error(false, {discrError: DiscrError.Tag, tag, tagName})
| 41 | )
| 42 | cxt.ok(valid)
| 43 |
| 44 | function validateMapping(): void {
| 45 | const mapping = getMapping()
| 46 | gen.if(false)
| 47 | for (const tagValue in mapping) {
| 48 | gen.elseIf(_`${tag} === ${tagValue}`)
| 49 | gen.assign(valid, applyTagSchema(mapping[tagValue]))
| 50 | }
| 51 | gen.else()
| 52 | cxt.error(false, {discrError: DiscrError.Mapping, tag, tagName})
| 53 | gen.endIf()
| 54 | }
| 55 |
| 56 | function applyTagSchema(schemaProp?: number): Name {
| 57 | const _valid = gen.name("valid")
| 58 | const schCxt = cxt.subschema({keyword: "oneOf", schemaProp}, _valid)
| 59 | cxt.mergeEvaluated(schCxt, Name)
| 60 | return _valid
| 61 | }
| 62 |
| 63 | function getMapping(): {[T in string]?: number} {
| 64 | const oneOfMapping: {[T in string]?: number} = {}
| 65 | const topRequired = hasRequired(parentSchema)
| 66 | let tagRequired = true
| 67 | for (let i = 0; i < oneOf.length; i++) {
| 68 | let sch = oneOf[i]
| 69 | if (sch?.$ref && !schemaHasRulesButRef(sch, it.self.RULES)) {
| 70 | const ref = sch.$ref
| 71 | sch = resolveRef.call(it.self, it.schemaEnv.root, it.baseId, ref)
| 72 | if (sch instanceof SchemaEnv) sch = sch.schema
| 73 | if (sch === undefined) throw new MissingRefError(it.opts.uriResolver, it.baseId, ref)
| 74 | }
| 75 | const propSch = sch?.properties?.[tagName]
| 76 | if (typeof propSch != "object") {
| 77 | throw new Error(
| 78 | `discriminator: oneOf subschemas (or referenced schemas) must have "properties/${tagName}"`
| 79 | )
| 80 | }
| 81 | tagRequired = tagRequired && (topRequired || hasRequired(sch))
| 82 | addMappings(propSch, i)
| 83 | }
| 84 | if (!tagRequired) throw new Error(`discriminator: "${tagName}" must be required`)
| 85 | return oneOfMapping
| 86 |
| 87 | function hasRequired({required}: AnySchemaObject): boolean {
| 88 | return Array.isArray(required) && required.includes(tagName)
| 89 | }
| 90 |
| 91 | function addMappings(sch: AnySchemaObject, i: number): void {
| 92 | if (sch.const) {
| 93 | addMapping(sch.const, i)
| 94 | } else if (sch.enum) {
| 95 | for (const tagValue of sch.enum) {
| 96 | addMapping(tagValue, i)
| 97 | }
| 98 | } else {
| 99 | throw new Error(`discriminator: "properties/${tagName}" must have "const" or "enum"`)
| 100 | }
| 101 | }
| 102 |
| 103 | function addMapping(tagValue: unknown, i: number): void {
| 104 | if (typeof tagValue != "string" || tagValue in oneOfMapping) {
| 105 | throw new Error(`discriminator: "${tagName}" values must be unique strings`)
| 106 | }
| 107 | oneOfMapping[tagValue] = i
| 108 | }
| 109 | }
| 110 | },
| 111 | }
| 112 |
| 113 | export default def