1 | import type {
2 | CodeKeywordDefinition,
3 | ErrorObject,
4 | KeywordErrorDefinition,
5 | SchemaObject,
6 | } from "../../types"
7 | import type {KeywordCxt} from "../../compile/validate"
8 | import {propertyInData, allSchemaProperties, isOwnProperty} from "../code"
9 | import {alwaysValidSchema, schemaRefOrVal} from "../../compile/util"
10 | import {_, and, not, Code, Name} from "../../compile/codegen"
11 | import {checkMetadata} from "./metadata"
12 | import {checkNullableObject} from "./nullable"
13 | import {typeErrorMessage, typeErrorParams, _JTDTypeError} from "./error"
14 |
15 | enum PropError {
16 | Additional = "additional",
17 | Missing = "missing",
18 | }
19 |
20 | type PropKeyword = "properties" | "optionalProperties"
21 |
22 | type PropSchema = {[P in string]?: SchemaObject}
23 |
24 | export type JTDPropertiesError =
25 | | _JTDTypeError<PropKeyword, "object", PropSchema>
26 | | ErrorObject<PropKeyword, {error: PropError.Additional; additionalProperty: string}, PropSchema>
27 | | ErrorObject<PropKeyword, {error: PropError.Missing; missingProperty: string}, PropSchema>
28 |
29 | export const error: KeywordErrorDefinition = {
30 | message: (cxt) => {
31 | const {params} = cxt
32 | return params.propError
33 | ? params.propError === PropError.Additional
34 | ? "must NOT have additional properties"
35 | : `must have property '${params.missingProperty}'`
36 | : typeErrorMessage(cxt, "object")
37 | },
38 | params: (cxt) => {
39 | const {params} = cxt
40 | return params.propError
41 | ? params.propError === PropError.Additional
42 | ? _`{error: ${params.propError}, additionalProperty: ${params.additionalProperty}}`
43 | : _`{error: ${params.propError}, missingProperty: ${params.missingProperty}}`
44 | : typeErrorParams(cxt, "object")
45 | },
46 | }
47 |
48 | const def: CodeKeywordDefinition = {
49 | keyword: "properties",
50 | schemaType: "object",
51 | error,
52 | code: validateProperties,
53 | }
54 |
55 | // const error: KeywordErrorDefinition = {
56 | // message: "should NOT have additional properties",
57 | // params: ({params}) => _`{additionalProperty: ${params.additionalProperty}}`,
58 | // }
59 |
60 | export function validateProperties(cxt: KeywordCxt): void {
61 | checkMetadata(cxt)
62 | const {gen, data, parentSchema, it} = cxt
63 | const {additionalProperties, nullable} = parentSchema
64 | if (it.jtdDiscriminator && nullable) throw new Error("JTD: nullable inside discriminator mapping")
65 | if (commonProperties()) {
66 | throw new Error("JTD: properties and optionalProperties have common members")
67 | }
68 | const [allProps, properties] = schemaProperties("properties")
69 | const [allOptProps, optProperties] = schemaProperties("optionalProperties")
70 | if (properties.length === 0 && optProperties.length === 0 && additionalProperties) {
71 | return
72 | }
73 |
74 | const [valid, cond] =
75 | it.jtdDiscriminator === undefined
76 | ? checkNullableObject(cxt, data)
77 | : [gen.let("valid", false), true]
78 | gen.if(cond, () =>
79 | gen.assign(valid, true).block(() => {
80 | validateProps(properties, "properties", true)
81 | validateProps(optProperties, "optionalProperties")
82 | if (!additionalProperties) validateAdditional()
83 | })
84 | )
85 | cxt.pass(valid)
86 |
87 | function commonProperties(): boolean {
88 | const props = parentSchema.properties as Record<string, any> | undefined
89 | const optProps = parentSchema.optionalProperties as Record<string, any> | undefined
90 | if (!(props && optProps)) return false
91 | for (const p in props) {
92 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(optProps, p)) return true
93 | }
94 | return false
95 | }
96 |
97 | function schemaProperties(keyword: string): [string[], string[]] {
98 | const schema = parentSchema[keyword]
99 | const allPs = schema ? allSchemaProperties(schema) : []
100 | if (it.jtdDiscriminator && allPs.some((p) => p === it.jtdDiscriminator)) {
101 | throw new Error(`JTD: discriminator tag used in ${keyword}`)
102 | }
103 | const ps = allPs.filter((p) => !alwaysValidSchema(it, schema[p]))
104 | return [allPs, ps]
105 | }
106 |
107 | function validateProps(props: string[], keyword: string, required?: boolean): void {
108 | const _valid = gen.var("valid")
109 | for (const prop of props) {
110 | gen.if(
111 | propertyInData(gen, data, prop, it.opts.ownProperties),
112 | () => applyPropertySchema(prop, keyword, _valid),
113 | () => missingProperty(prop)
114 | )
115 | cxt.ok(_valid)
116 | }
117 |
118 | function missingProperty(prop: string): void {
119 | if (required) {
120 | gen.assign(_valid, false)
121 | cxt.error(false, {propError: PropError.Missing, missingProperty: prop}, {schemaPath: prop})
122 | } else {
123 | gen.assign(_valid, true)
124 | }
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | function applyPropertySchema(prop: string, keyword: string, _valid: Name): void {
129 | cxt.subschema(
130 | {
131 | keyword,
132 | schemaProp: prop,
133 | dataProp: prop,
134 | },
135 | _valid
136 | )
137 | }
138 |
139 | function validateAdditional(): void {
140 | gen.forIn("key", data, (key: Name) => {
141 | const addProp = isAdditional(key, allProps, "properties", it.jtdDiscriminator)
142 | const addOptProp = isAdditional(key, allOptProps, "optionalProperties")
143 | const extra =
144 | addProp === true ? addOptProp : addOptProp === true ? addProp : and(addProp, addOptProp)
145 | gen.if(extra, () => {
146 | if (it.opts.removeAdditional) {
147 | gen.code(_`delete ${data}[${key}]`)
148 | } else {
149 | cxt.error(
150 | false,
151 | {propError: PropError.Additional, additionalProperty: key},
152 | {instancePath: key, parentSchema: true}
153 | )
154 | if (!it.opts.allErrors) gen.break()
155 | }
156 | })
157 | })
158 | }
159 |
160 | function isAdditional(
161 | key: Name,
162 | props: string[],
163 | keyword: string,
164 | jtdDiscriminator?: string
165 | ): Code | true {
166 | let additional: Code | boolean
167 | if (props.length > 8) {
168 | // TODO maybe an option instead of hard-coded 8?
169 | const propsSchema = schemaRefOrVal(it, parentSchema[keyword], keyword)
170 | additional = not(isOwnProperty(gen, propsSchema as Code, key))
171 | if (jtdDiscriminator !== undefined) {
172 | additional = and(additional, _`${key} !== ${jtdDiscriminator}`)
173 | }
174 | } else if (props.length || jtdDiscriminator !== undefined) {
175 | const ps = jtdDiscriminator === undefined ? props : [jtdDiscriminator].concat(props)
176 | additional = and(...ps.map((p) => _`${key} !== ${p}`))
177 | } else {
178 | additional = true
179 | }
180 | return additional
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | export default def