[79a0317] | 1 | import Canvg from '../Canvg';
| 2 | import Screen, { IScreenViewBoxConfig } from '../Screen';
| 3 | import Property from '../Property';
| 4 | import SVGFontLoader from '../SVGFontLoader';
| 5 | import Element from './Element';
| 6 | import TextNode from './TextNode';
| 7 | import ImageElement from './ImageElement';
| 8 | import SVGElement from './SVGElement';
| 9 | /**
| 10 | * Function to create new canvas.
| 11 | */
| 12 | export declare type CreateCanvas = (width: number, height: number) => HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas;
| 13 | /**
| 14 | * Function to create new image.
| 15 | */
| 16 | export declare type CreateImage = (src: string, anonymousCrossOrigin?: boolean) => Promise<CanvasImageSource>;
| 17 | export interface IDocumentOptions {
| 18 | /**
| 19 | * Default `rem` size.
| 20 | */
| 21 | rootEmSize?: number;
| 22 | /**
| 23 | * Default `em` size.
| 24 | */
| 25 | emSize?: number;
| 26 | /**
| 27 | * Function to create new canvas.
| 28 | */
| 29 | createCanvas?: CreateCanvas;
| 30 | /**
| 31 | * Function to create new image.
| 32 | */
| 33 | createImage?: CreateImage;
| 34 | /**
| 35 | * Load images anonymously.
| 36 | */
| 37 | anonymousCrossOrigin?: boolean;
| 38 | }
| 39 | export declare type IViewBoxConfig = Omit<IScreenViewBoxConfig, 'document'>;
| 40 | declare type DOMDocument = typeof window.document;
| 41 | declare function createCanvas(width: number, height: number): HTMLCanvasElement;
| 42 | declare function createImage(src: string, anonymousCrossOrigin?: boolean): Promise<HTMLImageElement>;
| 43 | export default class Document {
| 44 | readonly canvg: Canvg;
| 45 | static readonly createCanvas: typeof createCanvas;
| 46 | static readonly createImage: typeof createImage;
| 47 | static readonly elementTypes: {
| 48 | svg: typeof SVGElement;
| 49 | rect: typeof import("./RectElement").default;
| 50 | circle: typeof import("./CircleElement").default;
| 51 | ellipse: typeof import("./EllipseElement").default;
| 52 | line: typeof import("./LineElement").default;
| 53 | polyline: typeof import("./PolylineElement").default;
| 54 | polygon: typeof import("./PolygonElement").default;
| 55 | path: typeof import("./PathElement").default;
| 56 | pattern: typeof import("./PatternElement").default;
| 57 | marker: typeof import("./MarkerElement").default;
| 58 | defs: typeof import("./DefsElement").default;
| 59 | linearGradient: typeof import("./LinearGradientElement").default;
| 60 | radialGradient: typeof import("./RadialGradientElement").default;
| 61 | stop: typeof import("./StopElement").default;
| 62 | animate: typeof import("./AnimateElement").default;
| 63 | animateColor: typeof import("./AnimateColorElement").default;
| 64 | animateTransform: typeof import("./AnimateTransformElement").default;
| 65 | font: typeof import("./FontElement").default;
| 66 | 'font-face': typeof import("./FontFaceElement").default;
| 67 | 'missing-glyph': typeof import("./MissingGlyphElement").default;
| 68 | glyph: typeof import("./GlyphElement").default;
| 69 | text: typeof import("./TextElement").default;
| 70 | tspan: typeof import("./TSpanElement").default;
| 71 | tref: typeof import("./TRefElement").default;
| 72 | a: typeof import("./AElement").default;
| 73 | textPath: typeof import("./TextPathElement").default;
| 74 | image: typeof ImageElement;
| 75 | g: typeof import("./GElement").default;
| 76 | symbol: typeof import("./SymbolElement").default;
| 77 | style: typeof import("./StyleElement").default;
| 78 | use: typeof import("./UseElement").default;
| 79 | mask: typeof import("./MaskElement").default;
| 80 | clipPath: typeof import("./ClipPathElement").default;
| 81 | filter: typeof import("./FilterElement").default;
| 82 | feDropShadow: typeof import("./FeDropShadowElement").default;
| 83 | feMorphology: typeof import("./FeMorphologyElement").default;
| 84 | feComposite: typeof import("./FeCompositeElement").default;
| 85 | feColorMatrix: typeof import("./FeColorMatrixElement").default;
| 86 | feGaussianBlur: typeof import("./FeGaussianBlurElement").default;
| 87 | title: typeof import("./TitleElement").default;
| 88 | desc: typeof import("./DescElement").default;
| 89 | };
| 90 | rootEmSize: number;
| 91 | documentElement: SVGElement;
| 92 | readonly screen: Screen;
| 93 | readonly createCanvas: CreateCanvas;
| 94 | readonly createImage: CreateImage;
| 95 | readonly definitions: Record<string, Element>;
| 96 | readonly styles: Record<string, Record<string, Property>>;
| 97 | readonly stylesSpecificity: Record<string, string>;
| 98 | readonly images: ImageElement[];
| 99 | readonly fonts: SVGFontLoader[];
| 100 | private readonly emSizeStack;
| 101 | private uniqueId;
| 102 | constructor(canvg: Canvg, { rootEmSize, emSize, createCanvas, createImage, anonymousCrossOrigin }?: IDocumentOptions);
| 103 | private bindCreateImage;
| 104 | get window(): Window;
| 105 | get fetch(): typeof fetch;
| 106 | get ctx(): import("..").RenderingContext2D;
| 107 | get emSize(): number;
| 108 | set emSize(value: number);
| 109 | popEmSize(): void;
| 110 | getUniqueId(): string;
| 111 | isImagesLoaded(): boolean;
| 112 | isFontsLoaded(): boolean;
| 113 | createDocumentElement(document: DOMDocument): SVGElement;
| 114 | createElement<T extends Element>(node: HTMLElement): T;
| 115 | createTextNode(node: HTMLElement): TextNode;
| 116 | setViewBox(config: IViewBoxConfig): void;
| 117 | }
| 118 | export {};
| 119 | //# sourceMappingURL=Document.d.ts.map |