1 | var DEFAULTS = {
2 | '*': {
3 | colors: {
4 | hexAlpha: false, // 4- and 8-character hex notation
5 | opacity: true // rgba / hsla
6 | },
7 | customUnits: { rpx: false },
8 | properties: {
9 | backgroundClipMerging: true, // background-clip to shorthand
10 | backgroundOriginMerging: true, // background-origin to shorthand
11 | backgroundSizeMerging: true, // background-size to shorthand
12 | colors: true, // any kind of color transformations, like `#ff00ff` to `#f0f` or `#fff` into `red`
13 | ieBangHack: false, // !ie suffix hacks on IE<8
14 | ieFilters: false, // whether to preserve `filter` and `-ms-filter` properties
15 | iePrefixHack: false, // underscore / asterisk prefix hacks on IE
16 | ieSuffixHack: false, // \9 suffix hacks on IE6-9, \0 suffix hack on IE6-11
17 | merging: true, // merging properties into one
18 | shorterLengthUnits: false, // optimize pixel units into `pt`, `pc` or `in` units
19 | spaceAfterClosingBrace: true, // 'url() no-repeat' to 'url()no-repeat'
20 | urlQuotes: true, // whether to wrap content of `url()` into quotes or not
21 | zeroUnits: true // 0[unit] -> 0
22 | },
23 | selectors: {
24 | adjacentSpace: false, // div+ nav Android stock browser hack
25 | ie7Hack: false, // *+html hack
26 | mergeablePseudoClasses: [
27 | ':active',
28 | ':after',
29 | ':before',
30 | ':empty',
31 | ':checked',
32 | ':disabled',
33 | ':empty',
34 | ':enabled',
35 | ':first-child',
36 | ':first-letter',
37 | ':first-line',
38 | ':first-of-type',
39 | ':focus',
40 | ':hover',
41 | ':lang',
42 | ':last-child',
43 | ':last-of-type',
44 | ':link',
45 | ':not',
46 | ':nth-child',
47 | ':nth-last-child',
48 | ':nth-last-of-type',
49 | ':nth-of-type',
50 | ':only-child',
51 | ':only-of-type',
52 | ':root',
53 | ':target',
54 | ':visited'
55 | ], // selectors with these pseudo-classes can be merged as these are universally supported
56 | mergeablePseudoElements: [
57 | '::after',
58 | '::before',
59 | '::first-letter',
60 | '::first-line'
61 | ], // selectors with these pseudo-elements can be merged as these are universally supported
62 | mergeLimit: 8191, // number of rules that can be safely merged together
63 | multiplePseudoMerging: true
64 | },
65 | units: {
66 | ch: true,
67 | in: true,
68 | pc: true,
69 | pt: true,
70 | rem: true,
71 | vh: true,
72 | vm: true, // vm is vmin on IE9+ see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length
73 | vmax: true,
74 | vmin: true,
75 | vw: true
76 | }
77 | }
78 | };
79 |
80 | DEFAULTS.ie11 = merge(DEFAULTS['*'], { properties: { ieSuffixHack: true } });
81 |
82 | DEFAULTS.ie10 = merge(DEFAULTS['*'], { properties: { ieSuffixHack: true } });
83 |
84 | DEFAULTS.ie9 = merge(DEFAULTS['*'], {
85 | properties: {
86 | ieFilters: true,
87 | ieSuffixHack: true
88 | }
89 | });
90 |
91 | DEFAULTS.ie8 = merge(DEFAULTS.ie9, {
92 | colors: { opacity: false },
93 | properties: {
94 | backgroundClipMerging: false,
95 | backgroundOriginMerging: false,
96 | backgroundSizeMerging: false,
97 | iePrefixHack: true,
98 | merging: false
99 | },
100 | selectors: {
101 | mergeablePseudoClasses: [
102 | ':after',
103 | ':before',
104 | ':first-child',
105 | ':first-letter',
106 | ':focus',
107 | ':hover',
108 | ':visited'
109 | ],
110 | mergeablePseudoElements: []
111 | },
112 | units: {
113 | ch: false,
114 | rem: false,
115 | vh: false,
116 | vm: false,
117 | vmax: false,
118 | vmin: false,
119 | vw: false
120 | }
121 | });
122 |
123 | DEFAULTS.ie7 = merge(DEFAULTS.ie8, {
124 | properties: { ieBangHack: true },
125 | selectors: {
126 | ie7Hack: true,
127 | mergeablePseudoClasses: [
128 | ':first-child',
129 | ':first-letter',
130 | ':hover',
131 | ':visited'
132 | ]
133 | }
134 | });
135 |
136 | function compatibilityFrom(source) {
137 | return merge(DEFAULTS['*'], calculateSource(source));
138 | }
139 |
140 | function merge(source, target) {
141 | for (var key in source) {
142 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
143 | var value = source[key];
144 |
145 | if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, key) && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
146 | target[key] = merge(value, target[key] || {});
147 | } else {
148 | target[key] = key in target ? target[key] : value;
149 | }
150 | }
151 | }
152 |
153 | return target;
154 | }
155 |
156 | function calculateSource(source) {
157 | if (typeof source == 'object') { return source; }
158 |
159 | if (!/[,+-]/.test(source)) { return DEFAULTS[source] || DEFAULTS['*']; }
160 |
161 | var parts = source.split(',');
162 | var template = parts[0] in DEFAULTS
163 | ? DEFAULTS[parts.shift()]
164 | : DEFAULTS['*'];
165 |
166 | source = {};
167 |
168 | parts.forEach(function(part) {
169 | var isAdd = part[0] == '+';
170 | var key = part.substring(1).split('.');
171 | var group = key[0];
172 | var option = key[1];
173 |
174 | source[group] = source[group] || {};
175 | source[group][option] = isAdd;
176 | });
177 |
178 | return merge(template, source);
179 | }
180 |
181 | module.exports = compatibilityFrom;