1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var $gOPD = require('gopd');
4 | var $SyntaxError = require('es-errors/syntax');
5 | var $TypeError = require('es-errors/type');
6 |
7 | var isPropertyDescriptor = require('../helpers/records/property-descriptor');
8 |
9 | var IsAccessorDescriptor = require('./IsAccessorDescriptor');
10 | var IsExtensible = require('./IsExtensible');
11 | var isPropertyKey = require('../helpers/isPropertyKey');
12 | var ToPropertyDescriptor = require('./ToPropertyDescriptor');
13 | var SameValue = require('./SameValue');
14 | var ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor = require('./ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor');
15 |
16 | var isObject = require('../helpers/isObject');
17 |
18 | // https://262.ecma-international.org/6.0/#sec-ordinarydefineownproperty
19 |
20 | module.exports = function OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(O, P, Desc) {
21 | if (!isObject(O)) {
22 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: O must be an Object');
23 | }
24 | if (!isPropertyKey(P)) {
25 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: P must be a Property Key');
26 | }
27 | if (!isPropertyDescriptor(Desc)) {
28 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: Desc must be a Property Descriptor');
29 | }
30 | if (!$gOPD) {
31 | // ES3/IE 8 fallback
32 | if (IsAccessorDescriptor(Desc)) {
33 | throw new $SyntaxError('This environment does not support accessor property descriptors.');
34 | }
35 | var creatingNormalDataProperty = !(P in O)
36 | && Desc['[[Writable]]']
37 | && Desc['[[Enumerable]]']
38 | && Desc['[[Configurable]]']
39 | && '[[Value]]' in Desc;
40 | var settingExistingDataProperty = (P in O)
41 | && (!('[[Configurable]]' in Desc) || Desc['[[Configurable]]'])
42 | && (!('[[Enumerable]]' in Desc) || Desc['[[Enumerable]]'])
43 | && (!('[[Writable]]' in Desc) || Desc['[[Writable]]'])
44 | && '[[Value]]' in Desc;
45 | if (creatingNormalDataProperty || settingExistingDataProperty) {
46 | O[P] = Desc['[[Value]]']; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
47 | return SameValue(O[P], Desc['[[Value]]']);
48 | }
49 | throw new $SyntaxError('This environment does not support defining non-writable, non-enumerable, or non-configurable properties');
50 | }
51 | var desc = $gOPD(O, P);
52 | var current = desc && ToPropertyDescriptor(desc);
53 | var extensible = IsExtensible(O);
54 | return ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, P, extensible, Desc, current);
55 | };