1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var $TypeError = require('es-errors/type');
4 |
5 | var callBound = require('call-bound');
6 | var regexTester = require('safe-regex-test');
7 | var isInteger = require('math-intrinsics/isInteger');
8 |
9 | var $charAt = callBound('String.prototype.charAt');
10 | var $strSlice = callBound('String.prototype.slice');
11 | var $indexOf = callBound('String.prototype.indexOf');
12 | var $parseInt = parseInt;
13 |
14 | var isDigit = regexTester(/^[0-9]$/);
15 |
16 | var inspect = require('object-inspect');
17 |
18 | var Get = require('./Get');
19 | var IsArray = require('./IsArray');
20 | var ToObject = require('./ToObject');
21 | var ToString = require('./ToString');
22 |
23 | var every = require('../helpers/every');
24 | var isStringOrUndefined = require('../helpers/isStringOrUndefined');
25 |
26 | // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/12.0/#sec-getsubstitution
27 |
28 | // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements, max-params, max-lines-per-function
29 | module.exports = function GetSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacement) {
30 | if (typeof matched !== 'string') {
31 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `matched` must be a String');
32 | }
33 | var matchLength = matched.length;
34 |
35 | if (typeof str !== 'string') {
36 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `str` must be a String');
37 | }
38 | var stringLength = str.length;
39 |
40 | if (!isInteger(position) || position < 0 || position > stringLength) {
41 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `position` must be a nonnegative integer, and less than or equal to the length of `string`, got ' + inspect(position));
42 | }
43 |
44 | if (!IsArray(captures) || !every(captures, isStringOrUndefined)) {
45 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `captures` must be a possibly-empty List of Strings or `undefined`, got ' + inspect(captures));
46 | }
47 |
48 | if (typeof replacement !== 'string') {
49 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `replacement` must be a String');
50 | }
51 |
52 | var tailPos = position + matchLength;
53 | var m = captures.length;
54 | if (typeof namedCaptures !== 'undefined') {
55 | namedCaptures = ToObject(namedCaptures); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
56 | }
57 |
58 | var result = '';
59 | for (var i = 0; i < replacement.length; i += 1) {
60 | // if this is a $, and it's not the end of the replacement
61 | var current = $charAt(replacement, i);
62 | var isLast = (i + 1) >= replacement.length;
63 | var nextIsLast = (i + 2) >= replacement.length;
64 | if (current === '$' && !isLast) {
65 | var next = $charAt(replacement, i + 1);
66 | if (next === '$') {
67 | result += '$';
68 | i += 1;
69 | } else if (next === '&') {
70 | result += matched;
71 | i += 1;
72 | } else if (next === '`') {
73 | result += position === 0 ? '' : $strSlice(str, 0, position - 1);
74 | i += 1;
75 | } else if (next === "'") {
76 | result += tailPos >= stringLength ? '' : $strSlice(str, tailPos);
77 | i += 1;
78 | } else {
79 | var nextNext = nextIsLast ? null : $charAt(replacement, i + 2);
80 | if (isDigit(next) && next !== '0' && (nextIsLast || !isDigit(nextNext))) {
81 | // $1 through $9, and not followed by a digit
82 | var n = $parseInt(next, 10);
83 | // if (n > m, impl-defined)
84 | result += n <= m && typeof captures[n - 1] === 'undefined' ? '' : captures[n - 1];
85 | i += 1;
86 | } else if (isDigit(next) && (nextIsLast || isDigit(nextNext))) {
87 | // $00 through $99
88 | var nn = next + nextNext;
89 | var nnI = $parseInt(nn, 10) - 1;
90 | // if nn === '00' or nn > m, impl-defined
91 | result += nn <= m && typeof captures[nnI] === 'undefined' ? '' : captures[nnI];
92 | i += 2;
93 | } else if (next === '<') {
94 | if (typeof namedCaptures === 'undefined') {
95 | result += '$<';
96 | i += 2;
97 | } else {
98 | var endIndex = $indexOf(replacement, '>', i);
99 | if (endIndex > -1) {
100 | var groupName = $strSlice(replacement, i + '$<'.length, endIndex);
101 | var capture = Get(namedCaptures, groupName);
102 |
103 | if (typeof capture !== 'undefined') {
104 | result += ToString(capture);
105 | }
106 | i += ('<' + groupName + '>').length;
107 | }
108 | }
109 | } else {
110 | result += '$';
111 | }
112 | }
113 | } else {
114 | // the final $, or else not a $
115 | result += $charAt(replacement, i);
116 | }
117 | }
118 | return result;
119 | };