1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic');
4 |
5 | var $Date = GetIntrinsic('%Date%');
6 | var $TypeError = require('es-errors/type');
7 |
8 | var isNaN = require('math-intrinsics/isNaN');
9 |
10 | var callBound = require('call-bound');
11 |
12 | var $indexOf = callBound('String.prototype.indexOf');
13 | var $slice = callBound('String.prototype.slice');
14 | var $toTimeString = callBound('Date.prototype.toTimeString');
15 |
16 | // https://262.ecma-international.org/12.0/#sec-timezoneestring
17 |
18 | module.exports = function TimeZoneString(tv) {
19 | if (typeof tv !== 'number' || isNaN(tv)) {
20 | throw new $TypeError('Assertion failed: `tv` must be a non-NaN Number'); // steps 1 - 2
21 | }
22 |
23 | // 3. Let offset be LocalTZA(tv, true).
24 | // 4. If offset ≥ +0𝔽, then
25 | // a. Let offsetSign be "+".
26 | // b. Let absOffset be offset.
27 | // 5. Else,
28 | // a. Let offsetSign be "-".
29 | // b. Let absOffset be -offset.
30 | // 6. Let offsetMin be the String representation of MinFromTime(absOffset), formatted as a two-digit decimal number, padded to the left with the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO) if necessary.
31 | // 7. Let offsetHour be the String representation of HourFromTime(absOffset), formatted as a two-digit decimal number, padded to the left with the code unit 0x0030 (DIGIT ZERO) if necessary.
32 | // 8. Let tzName be an implementation-defined string that is either the empty String or the string-concatenation of the code unit 0x0020 (SPACE), the code unit 0x0028 (LEFT PARENTHESIS), an implementation-defined timezone name, and the code unit 0x0029 (RIGHT PARENTHESIS).
33 | // 9. Return the string-concatenation of offsetSign, offsetHour, offsetMin, and tzName.
34 |
35 | // hack until LocalTZA, and "implementation-defined string" are available
36 | var ts = $toTimeString(new $Date(tv));
37 | return $slice(ts, $indexOf(ts, '(') + 1, $indexOf(ts, ')'));
38 | };