1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var defineProperties = require('define-properties');
4 | var test = require('tape');
5 | var callBind = require('call-bind');
6 | var functionsHaveNames = require('functions-have-names')();
7 | var hasProto = require('has-proto')();
8 | var forEach = require('for-each');
9 | var debug = require('object-inspect');
10 | var v = require('es-value-fixtures');
11 | var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams')();
12 | var mockProperty = require('mock-property');
13 |
14 | var index = require('../Iterator.from');
15 | var impl = require('../Iterator.from/implementation');
16 |
17 | var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
18 |
19 | var testIterator = require('./helpers/testIterator');
20 |
21 | var $Iterator = require('../Iterator/implementation');
22 | var iterProto = require('iterator.prototype');
23 |
24 | var getCodePoints = function getCodePoints(str) {
25 | var chars = [];
26 | for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
27 | var c1 = str.charCodeAt(i);
28 | if (c1 >= 0xD800 && c1 < 0xDC00 && i + 1 < str.length) {
29 | var c2 = str.charCodeAt(i + 1);
30 | if (c2 >= 0xDC00 && c2 < 0xE000) {
31 | chars.push(str.charAt(i) + str.charAt(i + 1));
32 | i += 1;
33 | continue; // eslint-disable-line no-continue, no-restricted-syntax
34 | }
35 | }
36 | chars.push(str.charAt(i));
37 | }
38 | return chars;
39 | };
40 |
41 | module.exports = {
42 | tests: function (from, name, t) {
43 | t['throws'](
44 | function () { return new from(); }, // eslint-disable-line new-cap
45 | TypeError,
46 | '`' + name + '` itself is not a constructor'
47 | );
48 | t['throws'](
49 | function () { return new from({}); }, // eslint-disable-line new-cap
50 | TypeError,
51 | '`' + name + '` itself is not a constructor, with an argument'
52 | );
53 |
54 | forEach(v.primitives.concat(v.objects), function (nonIterator) {
55 | if (typeof nonIterator !== 'string') {
56 | t['throws'](
57 | function () { from(nonIterator).next(); },
58 | TypeError,
59 | debug(nonIterator) + ' is not an iterable Object'
60 | );
61 | }
62 | });
63 |
64 | t.test('actual iteration', { skip: !hasSymbols }, function (st) {
65 | forEach(v.nonFunctions, function (nonFunction) {
66 | var badIterable = {};
67 | badIterable[Symbol.iterator] = nonFunction;
68 | st['throws'](
69 | function () { from(badIterable).next(); },
70 | TypeError,
71 | debug(badIterable) + ' is not a function'
72 | );
73 | });
74 |
75 | // st['throws'](
76 | // function () { return new from([]); }, // eslint-disable-line new-cap
77 | // RangeError,
78 | // '`' + name + '` iterator is not a constructor'
79 | // );
80 |
81 | forEach(v.strings, function (string) {
82 | var stringIt = from(string);
83 | testIterator(stringIt, getCodePoints(string), st, 'string iterator: ' + debug(string));
84 | });
85 |
86 | var arrayIt = from([1, 2, 3]);
87 | st.equal(typeof arrayIt.next, 'function', 'has a `next` function');
88 |
89 | st.test('__proto__ is Iterator.prototype', { skip: !hasProto }, function (s2t) {
90 | var fakeIterator = {
91 | __proto__: iterProto,
92 | next: function () {}
93 | };
94 | s2t.ok(fakeIterator instanceof $Iterator, 'is an instanceof Iterator');
95 | s2t.equal(typeof fakeIterator.next, 'function', 'fake iterator `.next` is a function');
96 | s2t.equal(from(fakeIterator), fakeIterator, 'returns input when it is an instanceof Iterator');
97 |
98 | s2t.end();
99 | });
100 |
101 | st.test('real iterators', { skip: !hasSymbols }, function (s2t) {
102 | var iter = [][Symbol.iterator]();
103 | // eslint-disable-next-line no-proto
104 | var arrayIterHasIterProto = hasProto && iter.__proto__.__proto__ !== Object.prototype;
105 | s2t.equal(
106 | from(iter),
107 | iter,
108 | 'array iterator becomes itself',
109 | { skip: !arrayIterHasIterProto && 'node 0.12 - 3 do not have Iterator.prototype in the proto chains' }
110 | );
111 |
112 | s2t.end();
113 | });
114 |
115 | st.test('observability in a replaced String iterator', function (s2t) {
116 | var originalStringIterator = String.prototype[Symbol.iterator];
117 | var observedType;
118 | s2t.teardown(mockProperty(String.prototype, Symbol.iterator, {
119 | get: function () {
120 | 'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict, lines-around-directive
121 |
122 | observedType = typeof this;
123 | return originalStringIterator;
124 | }
125 | }));
126 |
127 | from('');
128 | s2t.equal(observedType, 'string', 'string primitive -> primitive receiver in Symbol.iterator getter');
129 | from(Object(''));
130 | s2t.equal(observedType, 'object', 'boxed string -> boxed string in Symbol.iterator getter');
131 |
132 | s2t.end();
133 | });
134 |
135 | st.end();
136 | });
137 | },
138 | index: function () {
139 | test('Iterator.from: index', function (t) {
140 | module.exports.tests(index, 'Iterator.from', t);
141 |
142 | t.end();
143 | });
144 | },
145 | implementation: function () {
146 | test('Iterator.from: implementation', function (t) {
147 | module.exports.tests(impl, 'Iterator.from', t);
148 |
149 | t.end();
150 | });
151 | },
152 | shimmed: function () {
153 | test('Iterator.from: shimmed', function (t) {
154 | t.test('Function name', { skip: !functionsHaveNames }, function (st) {
155 | st.equal(Iterator.from.name, 'from', 'Iterator.from has name "from"');
156 | st.end();
157 | });
158 |
159 | t.test('enumerability', { skip: !defineProperties.supportsDescriptors }, function (et) {
160 | et.equal(false, isEnumerable.call(Iterator, 'from'), 'Iterator.from is not enumerable');
161 | et.end();
162 | });
163 |
164 | module.exports.tests(callBind(Iterator.from, Iterator), 'Iterator.from', t);
165 |
166 | t.end();
167 | });
168 | }
169 | };