1 | # eslint-plugin-react-refresh [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/eslint-plugin-react-refresh)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-react-refresh)
2 |
3 | Validate that your components can safely be updated with Fast Refresh.
4 |
5 | ## Explainer
6 |
7 | "Fast Refresh", also known as "hot reloading", is a feature in many modern bundlers.
8 | If you update some React component(s) on disk, then the bundler will know to update only the impacted parts of your page -- without a full page reload.
9 |
10 | `eslint-plugin-react-refresh` enforces that your components are structured in a way that integrations such as [react-refresh](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-refresh) expect.
11 |
12 | ### Limitations
13 |
14 | ⚠️ To avoid false positives, by default this plugin is only applied on `tsx` & `jsx` files. See [Options](#options) to run on JS files. ⚠️
15 |
16 | The plugin relies on naming conventions (i.e. use PascalCase for components, camelCase for util functions). This is why there are some limitations:
17 |
18 | - `export *` are not supported and will be reported as an error
19 | - Anonymous function are not supported (i.e `export default function() {}`)
20 | - Class components are not supported
21 | - All-uppercase function export is considered an error when not using direct named export (ex `const CMS = () => <></>; export { CMS }`)
22 |
23 | ## Installation
24 |
25 | ```sh
26 | npm i -D eslint-plugin-react-refresh
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ## Usage
30 |
31 | This plugin provides a single rule, `react-refresh/only-export-components`. There are multiple ways to enable it.
32 |
33 | ### Recommended config
34 |
35 | ```js
36 | import reactRefresh from "eslint-plugin-react-refresh";
37 |
38 | export default [
39 | /* Main config */
40 | reactRefresh.configs.recommended,
41 | ];
42 | ```
43 |
44 | ### Vite config
45 |
46 | This enables the `allowConstantExport` option which is supported by Vite React plugins.
47 |
48 | ```js
49 | import reactRefresh from "eslint-plugin-react-refresh";
50 |
51 | export default [
52 | /* Main config */
53 | reactRefresh.configs.vite,
54 | ];
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ### Without config
58 |
59 | ```js
60 | import reactRefresh from "eslint-plugin-react-refresh";
61 |
62 | export default [
63 | {
64 | // in main config for TSX/JSX source files
65 | plugins: {
66 | "react-refresh": reactRefresh,
67 | },
68 | rules: {
69 | "react-refresh/only-export-components": "error",
70 | },
71 | },
72 | ];
73 | ```
74 |
75 | ### Legacy config
76 |
77 | ```jsonc
78 | {
79 | "plugins": ["react-refresh"],
80 | "rules": {
81 | "react-refresh/only-export-components": "error"
82 | }
83 | }
84 | ```
85 |
86 | ## Examples
87 |
88 | These examples are from enabling `react-refresh/only-exports-components`.
89 |
90 | ### Fail
91 |
92 | ```jsx
93 | export const foo = () => {};
94 | export const Bar = () => <></>;
95 | ```
96 |
97 | ```jsx
98 | export default function () {}
99 | export default compose()(MainComponent)
100 | ```
101 |
102 | ```jsx
103 | export * from "./foo";
104 | ```
105 |
106 | ```jsx
107 | const Tab = () => {};
108 | export const tabs = [<Tab />, <Tab />];
109 | ```
110 |
111 | ```jsx
112 | const App = () => {};
113 | createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render(<App />);
114 | ```
115 |
116 | ### Pass
117 |
118 | ```jsx
119 | export default function Foo() {
120 | return <></>;
121 | }
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ```jsx
125 | const foo = () => {};
126 | export const Bar = () => <></>;
127 | ```
128 |
129 | ```jsx
130 | import { App } from "./App";
131 | createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render(<App />);
132 | ```
133 |
134 | ## Options
135 |
136 | These options are all present on `react-refresh/only-exports-components`.
137 |
138 | ```ts
139 | interface Options {
140 | allowExportNames?: string[];
141 | allowConstantExport?: boolean;
142 | customHOCs?: string[];
143 | checkJS?: boolean;
144 | }
145 |
146 | const defaultOptions: Options = {
147 | allowExportNames: [],
148 | allowConstantExport: false,
149 | customHOCs: [],
150 | checkJS: false,
151 | };
152 | ```
153 |
154 | ### allowExportNames <small>(v0.4.4)</small>
155 |
156 | > Default: `[]`
157 |
158 | If you use a framework that handles HMR of some specific exports, you can use this option to avoid warning for them.
159 |
160 | Example for [Remix](https://remix.run/docs/en/main/discussion/hot-module-replacement#supported-exports):
161 |
162 | ```json
163 | {
164 | "react-refresh/only-export-components": [
165 | "error",
166 | { "allowExportNames": ["meta", "links", "headers", "loader", "action"] }
167 | ]
168 | }
169 | ```
170 |
171 | ### allowConstantExport <small>(v0.4.0)</small>
172 |
173 | > Default: `false` (`true` in `vite` config)
174 |
175 | Don't warn when a constant (string, number, boolean, templateLiteral) is exported aside one or more components.
176 |
177 | This should be enabled if the fast refresh implementation correctly handles this case (HMR when the constant doesn't change, propagate update to importers when the constant changes.). Vite supports it, PR welcome if you notice other integrations works well.
178 |
179 | ```json
180 | {
181 | "react-refresh/only-export-components": [
182 | "error",
183 | { "allowConstantExport": true }
184 | ]
185 | }
186 | ```
187 |
188 | Enabling this option allows code such as the following:
189 |
190 | ```jsx
191 | export const CONSTANT = 3;
192 | export const Foo = () => <></>;
193 | ```
194 |
195 | ### checkJS <small>(v0.3.3)</small>
196 |
197 | > Default: `false`
198 |
199 | If your using JSX inside `.js` files (which I don't recommend because it forces you to configure every tool you use to switch the parser), you can still use the plugin by enabling this option. To reduce the number of false positive, only files importing `react` are checked.
200 |
201 | ```json
202 | {
203 | "react-refresh/only-export-components": ["error", { "checkJS": true }]
204 | }
205 | ```
206 |
207 | ### customHOCs <small>(v0.4.15)</small>
208 |
209 | If you're exporting a component wrapped in a custom HOC, you can use this option to avoid false positives.
210 |
211 | ```json
212 | {
213 | "react-refresh/only-export-components": [
214 | "error",
215 | { "customHOCs": ["observer", "withAuth"] }
216 | ]
217 | }
218 | ```