1 | /**
2 | * @fileoverview Enforce consistent usage of destructuring assignment of props, state, and context.
3 | */
4 |
5 | 'use strict';
6 |
7 | const Components = require('../util/Components');
8 | const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl');
9 | const eslintUtil = require('../util/eslint');
10 | const isAssignmentLHS = require('../util/ast').isAssignmentLHS;
11 | const report = require('../util/report');
12 |
13 | const getScope = eslintUtil.getScope;
14 | const getText = eslintUtil.getText;
15 |
16 | const DEFAULT_OPTION = 'always';
17 |
18 | function createSFCParams() {
19 | const queue = [];
20 |
21 | return {
22 | push(params) {
23 | queue.unshift(params);
24 | },
25 | pop() {
26 | queue.shift();
27 | },
28 | propsName() {
29 | const found = queue.find((params) => {
30 | const props = params[0];
31 | return props && !props.destructuring && props.name;
32 | });
33 | return found && found[0] && found[0].name;
34 | },
35 | contextName() {
36 | const found = queue.find((params) => {
37 | const context = params[1];
38 | return context && !context.destructuring && context.name;
39 | });
40 | return found && found[1] && found[1].name;
41 | },
42 | };
43 | }
44 |
45 | function evalParams(params) {
46 | return params.map((param) => ({
47 | destructuring: param.type === 'ObjectPattern',
48 | name: param.type === 'Identifier' && param.name,
49 | }));
50 | }
51 |
52 | const messages = {
53 | noDestructPropsInSFCArg: 'Must never use destructuring props assignment in SFC argument',
54 | noDestructContextInSFCArg: 'Must never use destructuring context assignment in SFC argument',
55 | noDestructAssignment: 'Must never use destructuring {{type}} assignment',
56 | useDestructAssignment: 'Must use destructuring {{type}} assignment',
57 | destructureInSignature: 'Must destructure props in the function signature.',
58 | };
59 |
60 | /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */
61 | module.exports = {
62 | meta: {
63 | docs: {
64 | description: 'Enforce consistent usage of destructuring assignment of props, state, and context',
65 | category: 'Stylistic Issues',
66 | recommended: false,
67 | url: docsUrl('destructuring-assignment'),
68 | },
69 | fixable: 'code',
70 | messages,
71 |
72 | schema: [{
73 | type: 'string',
74 | enum: [
75 | 'always',
76 | 'never',
77 | ],
78 | }, {
79 | type: 'object',
80 | properties: {
81 | ignoreClassFields: {
82 | type: 'boolean',
83 | },
84 | destructureInSignature: {
85 | type: 'string',
86 | enum: [
87 | 'always',
88 | 'ignore',
89 | ],
90 | },
91 | },
92 | additionalProperties: false,
93 | }],
94 | },
95 |
96 | create: Components.detect((context, components, utils) => {
97 | const configuration = context.options[0] || DEFAULT_OPTION;
98 | const ignoreClassFields = (context.options[1] && (context.options[1].ignoreClassFields === true)) || false;
99 | const destructureInSignature = (context.options[1] && context.options[1].destructureInSignature) || 'ignore';
100 | const sfcParams = createSFCParams();
101 |
102 | /**
103 | * @param {ASTNode} node We expect either an ArrowFunctionExpression,
104 | * FunctionDeclaration, or FunctionExpression
105 | */
106 | function handleStatelessComponent(node) {
107 | const params = evalParams(node.params);
108 |
109 | const SFCComponent = components.get(getScope(context, node).block);
110 | if (!SFCComponent) {
111 | return;
112 | }
113 | sfcParams.push(params);
114 |
115 | if (params[0] && params[0].destructuring && components.get(node) && configuration === 'never') {
116 | report(context, messages.noDestructPropsInSFCArg, 'noDestructPropsInSFCArg', {
117 | node,
118 | });
119 | } else if (params[1] && params[1].destructuring && components.get(node) && configuration === 'never') {
120 | report(context, messages.noDestructContextInSFCArg, 'noDestructContextInSFCArg', {
121 | node,
122 | });
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 | function handleStatelessComponentExit(node) {
127 | const SFCComponent = components.get(getScope(context, node).block);
128 | if (SFCComponent) {
129 | sfcParams.pop();
130 | }
131 | }
132 |
133 | function handleSFCUsage(node) {
134 | const propsName = sfcParams.propsName();
135 | const contextName = sfcParams.contextName();
136 | // props.aProp || context.aProp
137 | const isPropUsed = (
138 | (propsName && node.object.name === propsName)
139 | || (contextName && node.object.name === contextName)
140 | )
141 | && !isAssignmentLHS(node);
142 | if (isPropUsed && configuration === 'always' && !node.optional) {
143 | report(context, messages.useDestructAssignment, 'useDestructAssignment', {
144 | node,
145 | data: {
146 | type: node.object.name,
147 | },
148 | });
149 | }
150 | }
151 |
152 | function isInClassProperty(node) {
153 | let curNode = node.parent;
154 | while (curNode) {
155 | if (curNode.type === 'ClassProperty' || curNode.type === 'PropertyDefinition') {
156 | return true;
157 | }
158 | curNode = curNode.parent;
159 | }
160 | return false;
161 | }
162 |
163 | function handleClassUsage(node) {
164 | // this.props.Aprop || this.context.aProp || this.state.aState
165 | const isPropUsed = (
166 | node.object.type === 'MemberExpression' && node.object.object.type === 'ThisExpression'
167 | && (node.object.property.name === 'props' || node.object.property.name === 'context' || node.object.property.name === 'state')
168 | && !isAssignmentLHS(node)
169 | );
170 |
171 | if (
172 | isPropUsed && configuration === 'always'
173 | && !(ignoreClassFields && isInClassProperty(node))
174 | ) {
175 | report(context, messages.useDestructAssignment, 'useDestructAssignment', {
176 | node,
177 | data: {
178 | type: node.object.property.name,
179 | },
180 | });
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | // valid-jsdoc cannot read function types
185 | // eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
186 | /**
187 | * Find a parent that satisfy the given predicate
188 | * @param {ASTNode} node
189 | * @param {(node: ASTNode) => boolean} predicate
190 | * @returns {ASTNode | undefined}
191 | */
192 | function findParent(node, predicate) {
193 | let n = node;
194 | while (n) {
195 | if (predicate(n)) {
196 | return n;
197 | }
198 | n = n.parent;
199 | }
200 | return undefined;
201 | }
202 |
203 | return {
204 |
205 | FunctionDeclaration: handleStatelessComponent,
206 |
207 | ArrowFunctionExpression: handleStatelessComponent,
208 |
209 | FunctionExpression: handleStatelessComponent,
210 |
211 | 'FunctionDeclaration:exit': handleStatelessComponentExit,
212 |
213 | 'ArrowFunctionExpression:exit': handleStatelessComponentExit,
214 |
215 | 'FunctionExpression:exit': handleStatelessComponentExit,
216 |
217 | MemberExpression(node) {
218 | const SFCComponent = utils.getParentStatelessComponent(node);
219 | if (SFCComponent) {
220 | handleSFCUsage(node);
221 | }
222 |
223 | const classComponent = utils.getParentComponent(node);
224 | if (classComponent) {
225 | handleClassUsage(node);
226 | }
227 | },
228 |
229 | TSQualifiedName(node) {
230 | if (configuration !== 'always') {
231 | return;
232 | }
233 | // handle `typeof props.a.b`
234 | if (node.left.type === 'Identifier'
235 | && node.left.name === sfcParams.propsName()
236 | && findParent(node, (n) => n.type === 'TSTypeQuery')
237 | && utils.getParentStatelessComponent(node)
238 | ) {
239 | report(context, messages.useDestructAssignment, 'useDestructAssignment', {
240 | node,
241 | data: {
242 | type: 'props',
243 | },
244 | });
245 | }
246 | },
247 |
248 | VariableDeclarator(node) {
249 | const classComponent = utils.getParentComponent(node);
250 | const SFCComponent = components.get(getScope(context, node).block);
251 |
252 | const destructuring = (node.init && node.id && node.id.type === 'ObjectPattern');
253 | // let {foo} = props;
254 | const destructuringSFC = destructuring && (node.init.name === 'props' || node.init.name === 'context');
255 | // let {foo} = this.props;
256 | const destructuringClass = destructuring && node.init.object && node.init.object.type === 'ThisExpression' && (
257 | node.init.property.name === 'props' || node.init.property.name === 'context' || node.init.property.name === 'state'
258 | );
259 |
260 | if (SFCComponent && destructuringSFC && configuration === 'never') {
261 | report(context, messages.noDestructAssignment, 'noDestructAssignment', {
262 | node,
263 | data: {
264 | type: node.init.name,
265 | },
266 | });
267 | }
268 |
269 | if (
270 | classComponent && destructuringClass && configuration === 'never'
271 | && !(ignoreClassFields && (node.parent.type === 'ClassProperty' || node.parent.type === 'PropertyDefinition'))
272 | ) {
273 | report(context, messages.noDestructAssignment, 'noDestructAssignment', {
274 | node,
275 | data: {
276 | type: node.init.property.name,
277 | },
278 | });
279 | }
280 |
281 | if (
282 | SFCComponent
283 | && destructuringSFC
284 | && configuration === 'always'
285 | && destructureInSignature === 'always'
286 | && node.init.name === 'props'
287 | ) {
288 | const scopeSetProps = getScope(context, node).set.get('props');
289 | const propsRefs = scopeSetProps && scopeSetProps.references;
290 | if (!propsRefs) {
291 | return;
292 | }
293 |
294 | // Skip if props is used elsewhere
295 | if (propsRefs.length > 1) {
296 | return;
297 | }
298 | report(context, messages.destructureInSignature, 'destructureInSignature', {
299 | node,
300 | fix(fixer) {
301 | const param = SFCComponent.node.params[0];
302 | if (!param) {
303 | return;
304 | }
305 | const replaceRange = [
306 | param.range[0],
307 | param.typeAnnotation ? param.typeAnnotation.range[0] : param.range[1],
308 | ];
309 | return [
310 | fixer.replaceTextRange(replaceRange, getText(context, node.id)),
311 | fixer.remove(node.parent),
312 | ];
313 | },
314 | });
315 | }
316 | },
317 | };
318 | }),
319 | };