1 | # flat-cache
2 | > A stupidly simple key/value storage using files to persist the data
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9 | ## install
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11 | ```bash
12 | npm i --save flat-cache
13 | ```
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15 | ## Usage
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17 | ```js
18 | var flatCache = require('flat-cache')
19 | // loads the cache, if one does not exists for the given
20 | // Id a new one will be prepared to be created
21 | var cache = flatCache.load('cacheId');
22 |
23 | // sets a key on the cache
24 | cache.setKey('key', { foo: 'var' });
25 |
26 | // get a key from the cache
27 | cache.getKey('key') // { foo: 'var' }
28 |
29 | // fetch the entire persisted object
30 | cache.all() // { 'key': { foo: 'var' } }
31 |
32 | // remove a key
33 | cache.removeKey('key'); // removes a key from the cache
34 |
35 | // save it to disk
36 | cache.save(); // very important, if you don't save no changes will be persisted.
37 | // cache.save( true /* noPrune */) // can be used to prevent the removal of non visited keys
38 |
39 | // loads the cache from a given directory, if one does
40 | // not exists for the given Id a new one will be prepared to be created
41 | var cache = flatCache.load('cacheId', path.resolve('./path/to/folder'));
42 |
43 | // The following methods are useful to clear the cache
44 | // delete a given cache
45 | flatCache.clearCacheById('cacheId') // removes the cacheId document if one exists.
46 |
47 | // delete all cache
48 | flatCache.clearAll(); // remove the cache directory
49 | ```
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51 | ## Motivation for this module
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53 | I needed a super simple and dumb **in-memory cache** with optional disk persistance in order to make
54 | a script that will beutify files with `esformatter` only execute on the files that were changed since the last run.
55 | To make that possible we need to store the `fileSize` and `modificationTime` of the files. So a simple `key/value`
56 | storage was needed and Bam! this module was born.
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58 | ## Important notes
59 | - If no directory is especified when the `load` method is called, a folder named `.cache` will be created
60 | inside the module directory when `cache.save` is called. If you're committing your `node_modules` to any vcs, you
61 | might want to ignore the default `.cache` folder, or specify a custom directory.
62 | - The values set on the keys of the cache should be `stringify-able` ones, meaning no circular references
63 | - All the changes to the cache state are done to memory
64 | - I could have used a timer or `Object.observe` to deliver the changes to disk, but I wanted to keep this module
65 | intentionally dumb and simple
66 | - Non visited keys are removed when `cache.save()` is called. If this is not desired, you can pass `true` to the save call
67 | like: `cache.save( true /* noPrune */ )`.
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69 | ## License
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71 | MIT
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73 | ## Changelog
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75 | [changelog](./changelog.md)