1 | # flat [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/hughsk/flat.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/hughsk/flat)
2 |
3 | Take a nested Javascript object and flatten it, or unflatten an object with
4 | delimited keys.
5 |
6 | ## Installation
7 |
8 | ``` bash
9 | $ npm install flat
10 | ```
11 |
12 | ## Methods
13 |
14 | ### flatten(original, options)
15 |
16 | Flattens the object - it'll return an object one level deep, regardless of how
17 | nested the original object was:
18 |
19 | ``` javascript
20 | var flatten = require('flat')
21 |
22 | flatten({
23 | key1: {
24 | keyA: 'valueI'
25 | },
26 | key2: {
27 | keyB: 'valueII'
28 | },
29 | key3: { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }
30 | })
31 |
32 | // {
33 | // 'key1.keyA': 'valueI',
34 | // 'key2.keyB': 'valueII',
35 | // 'key3.a.b.c': 2
36 | // }
37 | ```
38 |
39 | ### unflatten(original, options)
40 |
41 | Flattening is reversible too, you can call `flatten.unflatten()` on an object:
42 |
43 | ``` javascript
44 | var unflatten = require('flat').unflatten
45 |
46 | unflatten({
47 | 'three.levels.deep': 42,
48 | 'three.levels': {
49 | nested: true
50 | }
51 | })
52 |
53 | // {
54 | // three: {
55 | // levels: {
56 | // deep: 42,
57 | // nested: true
58 | // }
59 | // }
60 | // }
61 | ```
62 |
63 | ## Options
64 |
65 | ### delimiter
66 |
67 | Use a custom delimiter for (un)flattening your objects, instead of `.`.
68 |
69 | ### safe
70 |
71 | When enabled, both `flat` and `unflatten` will preserve arrays and their
72 | contents. This is disabled by default.
73 |
74 | ``` javascript
75 | var flatten = require('flat')
76 |
77 | flatten({
78 | this: [
79 | { contains: 'arrays' },
80 | { preserving: {
81 | them: 'for you'
82 | }}
83 | ]
84 | }, {
85 | safe: true
86 | })
87 |
88 | // {
89 | // 'this': [
90 | // { contains: 'arrays' },
91 | // { preserving: {
92 | // them: 'for you'
93 | // }}
94 | // ]
95 | // }
96 | ```
97 |
98 | ### object
99 |
100 | When enabled, arrays will not be created automatically when calling unflatten, like so:
101 |
102 | ``` javascript
103 | unflatten({
104 | 'hello.you.0': 'ipsum',
105 | 'hello.you.1': 'lorem',
106 | 'hello.other.world': 'foo'
107 | }, { object: true })
108 |
109 | // hello: {
110 | // you: {
111 | // 0: 'ipsum',
112 | // 1: 'lorem',
113 | // },
114 | // other: { world: 'foo' }
115 | // }
116 | ```
117 |
118 | ### overwrite
119 |
120 | When enabled, existing keys in the unflattened object may be overwritten if they cannot hold a newly encountered nested value:
121 |
122 | ```javascript
123 | unflatten({
124 | 'TRAVIS': 'true',
125 | 'TRAVIS.DIR': '/home/travis/build/kvz/environmental'
126 | }, { overwrite: true })
127 |
128 | // TRAVIS: {
129 | // DIR: '/home/travis/build/kvz/environmental'
130 | // }
131 | ```
132 |
133 | Without `overwrite` set to `true`, the `TRAVIS` key would already have been set to a string, thus could not accept the nested `DIR` element.
134 |
135 | This only makes sense on ordered arrays, and since we're overwriting data, should be used with care.
136 |
137 |
138 | ### maxDepth
139 |
140 | Maximum number of nested objects to flatten.
141 |
142 | ``` javascript
143 | var flatten = require('flat')
144 |
145 | flatten({
146 | key1: {
147 | keyA: 'valueI'
148 | },
149 | key2: {
150 | keyB: 'valueII'
151 | },
152 | key3: { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }
153 | }, { maxDepth: 2 })
154 |
155 | // {
156 | // 'key1.keyA': 'valueI',
157 | // 'key2.keyB': 'valueII',
158 | // 'key3.a': { b: { c: 2 } }
159 | // }
160 | ```
161 |
162 | ### transformKey
163 |
164 | Transform each part of a flat key before and after flattening.
165 |
166 | ```javascript
167 | var flatten = require('flat')
168 | var unflatten = require('flat').unflatten
169 |
170 | flatten({
171 | key1: {
172 | keyA: 'valueI'
173 | },
174 | key2: {
175 | keyB: 'valueII'
176 | },
177 | key3: { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }
178 | }, {
179 | transformKey: function(key){
180 | return '__' + key + '__';
181 | }
182 | })
183 |
184 | // {
185 | // '__key1__.__keyA__': 'valueI',
186 | // '__key2__.__keyB__': 'valueII',
187 | // '__key3__.__a__.__b__.__c__': 2
188 | // }
189 |
190 | unflatten({
191 | '__key1__.__keyA__': 'valueI',
192 | '__key2__.__keyB__': 'valueII',
193 | '__key3__.__a__.__b__.__c__': 2
194 | }, {
195 | transformKey: function(key){
196 | return key.substring(2, key.length - 2)
197 | }
198 | })
199 |
200 | // {
201 | // key1: {
202 | // keyA: 'valueI'
203 | // },
204 | // key2: {
205 | // keyB: 'valueII'
206 | // },
207 | // key3: { a: { b: { c: 2 } } }
208 | // }
209 | ```
210 |
211 | ## Command Line Usage
212 |
213 | `flat` is also available as a command line tool. You can run it with
214 | [`npx`](https://ghub.io/npx):
215 |
216 | ```sh
217 | npx flat foo.json
218 | ```
219 |
220 | Or install the `flat` command globally:
221 |
222 | ```sh
223 | npm i -g flat && flat foo.json
224 | ```
225 |
226 | Accepts a filename as an argument:
227 |
228 | ```sh
229 | flat foo.json
230 | ```
231 |
232 | Also accepts JSON on stdin:
233 |
234 | ```sh
235 | cat foo.json | flat
236 | ```