1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var hasToStringTag = require('has-tostringtag/shams')();
4 | var forEach = require('for-each');
5 | var test = require('tape');
6 | var isRegex = require('..');
7 |
8 | test('not regexes', function (t) {
9 | // @ts-expect-error
10 | t.notOk(isRegex(), 'undefined is not regex');
11 | t.notOk(isRegex(null), 'null is not regex');
12 | t.notOk(isRegex(false), 'false is not regex');
13 | t.notOk(isRegex(true), 'true is not regex');
14 | t.notOk(isRegex(42), 'number is not regex');
15 | t.notOk(isRegex('foo'), 'string is not regex');
16 | t.notOk(isRegex([]), 'array is not regex');
17 | t.notOk(isRegex({}), 'object is not regex');
18 | t.notOk(isRegex(function () {}), 'function is not regex');
19 | t.end();
20 | });
21 |
22 | test('@@toStringTag', { skip: !hasToStringTag }, function (t) {
23 | var regex = /a/g;
24 | /** @type {{ toString(): string, valueOf(): RegExp, [Symbol.toStringTag]?: string}} */
25 | var fakeRegex = {
26 | toString: function () { return String(regex); },
27 | valueOf: function () { return regex; }
28 | };
29 | fakeRegex[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'RegExp';
30 | t.notOk(isRegex(fakeRegex), 'fake RegExp with @@toStringTag "RegExp" is not regex');
31 | t.end();
32 | });
33 |
34 | test('regexes', function (t) {
35 | t.ok(isRegex(/a/g), 'regex literal is regex');
36 | t.ok(isRegex(new RegExp('a', 'g')), 'regex object is regex');
37 | t.end();
38 | });
39 |
40 | test('does not mutate regexes', function (t) {
41 | t.test('lastIndex is a marker object', function (st) {
42 | var regex = /a/;
43 | var marker = {};
44 | // @ts-expect-error
45 | regex.lastIndex = marker;
46 | st.equal(regex.lastIndex, marker, 'lastIndex is the marker object');
47 | st.ok(isRegex(regex), 'is regex');
48 | st.equal(regex.lastIndex, marker, 'lastIndex is the marker object after isRegex');
49 | st.end();
50 | });
51 |
52 | t.test('lastIndex is nonzero', function (st) {
53 | var regex = /a/;
54 | regex.lastIndex = 3;
55 | st.equal(regex.lastIndex, 3, 'lastIndex is 3');
56 | st.ok(isRegex(regex), 'is regex');
57 | st.equal(regex.lastIndex, 3, 'lastIndex is 3 after isRegex');
58 | st.end();
59 | });
60 |
61 | t.end();
62 | });
63 |
64 | test('does not perform operations observable to Proxies', { skip: typeof Proxy !== 'function' }, function (t) {
65 | /** @constructor */
66 | function Handler() {
67 | /** @type (keyof Reflect)[]} */
68 | this.trapCalls = [];
69 | }
70 |
71 | // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens
72 | forEach(/** @const @type {(keyof Reflect)[]} */ ([
73 | 'defineProperty',
74 | 'deleteProperty',
75 | 'get',
76 | 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor',
77 | 'getPrototypeOf',
78 | 'has',
79 | 'isExtensible',
80 | 'ownKeys',
81 | 'preventExtensions',
82 | 'set',
83 | 'setPrototypeOf'
84 | ]), function (trapName) {
85 | Handler.prototype[trapName] = function () {
86 | this.trapCalls.push(trapName);
87 | // @ts-expect-error TODO: not sure why this is erroring
88 | return Reflect[trapName].apply(Reflect, arguments);
89 | };
90 | });
91 |
92 | t.test('proxy of object', function (st) {
93 | var handler = new Handler();
94 | // @ts-expect-error Proxy handlers can be any object
95 | var proxy = new Proxy({ lastIndex: 0 }, handler);
96 |
97 | st.equal(isRegex(proxy), false, 'proxy of plain object is not regex');
98 | st.deepEqual(
99 | handler.trapCalls,
100 | handler.trapCalls.length > 0 ? ['getOwnPropertyDescriptor'] : [],
101 | 'no unexpected proxy traps were triggered'
102 | );
103 | st.end();
104 | });
105 |
106 | t.test('proxy of RegExp instance', function (st) {
107 | var handler = new Handler();
108 | // @ts-expect-error Proxy handlers can be any object
109 | var proxy = new Proxy(/a/, handler);
110 |
111 | st.equal(isRegex(proxy), false, 'proxy of RegExp instance is not regex');
112 | st.deepEqual(
113 | handler.trapCalls,
114 | handler.trapCalls.length > 0 ? ['getOwnPropertyDescriptor'] : [],
115 | 'no unexpected proxy traps were triggered'
116 | );
117 | st.end();
118 | });
119 |
120 | t.end();
121 | });