1 | # jsx-ast-utils <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup>
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12 | AST utility module for statically analyzing JSX.
13 |
14 | ## Installation
15 | ```sh
16 | $ npm i jsx-ast-utils --save
17 | ```
18 |
19 | ## Usage
20 | This is a utility module to evaluate AST objects for JSX syntax. This can be super useful when writing linting rules for JSX code. It was originally in the code for [eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y](https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y), however I thought it could be useful to be extracted and maintained separately so **you** could write new interesting rules to statically analyze JSX.
21 |
22 | ### ESLint example
23 | ```js
24 | import { hasProp } from 'jsx-ast-utils';
25 | // OR: var hasProp = require('jsx-ast-utils').hasProp;
26 | // OR: const hasProp = require('jsx-ast-utils/hasProp');
27 | // OR: import hasProp from 'jsx-ast-utils/hasProp';
28 |
29 | module.exports = context => ({
30 | JSXOpeningElement: node => {
31 | const onChange = hasProp(node.attributes, 'onChange');
32 |
33 | if (onChange) {
34 | context.report({
35 | node,
36 | message: `No onChange!`
37 | });
38 | }
39 | }
40 | });
41 | ```
42 |
43 | ## API
44 | ### AST Resources
45 | 1. [JSX spec](https://github.com/facebook/jsx/blob/master/AST.md)
46 | 2. [JS spec](https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/master/spec.md)
47 |
48 | ### hasProp
49 | ```js
50 | hasProp(props, prop, options);
51 | ```
52 | Returns boolean indicating whether an prop exists as an attribute on a JSX element node.
53 |
54 | #### Props
55 | Object - The attributes on the visited node. (Usually `node.attributes`).
56 | #### Prop
57 | String - A string representation of the prop you want to check for existence.
58 | #### Options
59 | Object - An object representing options for existence checking
60 | 1. `ignoreCase` - automatically set to `true`.
61 | 2. `spreadStrict` - automatically set to `true`. This means if spread operator exists in
62 | props, it will assume the prop you are looking for is not in the spread.
63 | Example: `<div {...props} />` looking for specific prop here will return false if `spreadStrict` is `true`.
64 |
65 | <hr />
66 |
67 | ### hasAnyProp
68 |
69 | ```js
70 | hasAnyProp(props, prop, options);
71 | ```
72 | Returns a boolean indicating if **any** of props in `prop` argument exist on the node.
73 |
74 | #### Props
75 | Object - The attributes on the visited node. (Usually `node.attributes`).
76 | #### Prop
77 | Array<String> - An array of strings representing the props you want to check for existence.
78 | #### Options
79 | Object - An object representing options for existence checking
80 | 1. `ignoreCase` - automatically set to `true`.
81 | 2. `spreadStrict` - automatically set to `true`. This means if spread operator exists in
82 | props, it will assume the prop you are looking for is not in the spread.
83 | Example: `<div {...props} />` looking for specific prop here will return false if `spreadStrict` is `true`.
84 |
85 | <hr />
86 |
87 | ### hasEveryProp
88 |
89 | ```js
90 | hasEveryProp(props, prop, options);
91 | ```
92 | Returns a boolean indicating if **all** of props in `prop` argument exist on the node.
93 |
94 | #### Props
95 | Object - The attributes on the visited node. (Usually `node.attributes`).
96 | #### Prop
97 | Array<String> - An array of strings representing the props you want to check for existence.
98 | #### Options
99 | Object - An object representing options for existence checking
100 | 1. `ignoreCase` - automatically set to `true`.
101 | 2. `spreadStrict` - automatically set to `true`. This means if spread operator exists in
102 | props, it will assume the prop you are looking for is not in the spread.
103 | Example: `<div {...props} />` looking for specific prop here will return false if `spreadStrict` is `true`.
104 |
105 | <hr />
106 |
107 | ### getProp
108 |
109 | ```js
110 | getProp(props, prop, options);
111 | ```
112 | Returns the JSXAttribute itself or undefined, indicating the prop is not present on the JSXOpeningElement.
113 |
114 | #### Props
115 | Object - The attributes on the visited node. (Usually `node.attributes`).
116 | #### Prop
117 | String - A string representation of the prop you want to check for existence.
118 | #### Options
119 | Object - An object representing options for existence checking
120 | 1. `ignoreCase` - automatically set to `true`.
121 |
122 | <hr />
123 |
124 | ### elementType
125 | ```js
126 | elementType(node)
127 | ```
128 | Returns the tagName associated with a JSXElement.
129 |
130 | #### Node
131 | Object - The visited JSXElement node object.
132 |
133 | <hr />
134 |
135 | ### getPropValue
136 |
137 | ```js
138 | getPropValue(prop);
139 | ```
140 | Returns the value of a given attribute. Different types of attributes have their associated values in different properties on the object.
141 |
142 | This function should return the most *closely* associated value with the intention of the JSX.
143 |
144 | #### Prop
145 | Object - The JSXAttribute collected by AST parser.
146 |
147 | <hr />
148 |
149 | ### getLiteralPropValue
150 |
151 | ```js
152 | getLiteralPropValue(prop);
153 | ```
154 | Returns the value of a given attribute. Different types of attributes have their associated values in different properties on the object.
155 |
156 | This function should return a value only if we can extract a literal value from its attribute (i.e. values that have generic types in JavaScript - strings, numbers, booleans, etc.)
157 |
158 | #### Prop
159 | Object - The JSXAttribute collected by AST parser.
160 |
161 | <hr />
162 |
163 | ### propName
164 |
165 | ```js
166 | propName(prop);
167 | ```
168 | Returns the name associated with a JSXAttribute. For example, given `<div foo="bar" />` and the JSXAttribute for `foo`, this will return the string `"foo"`.
169 |
170 | #### Prop
171 | Object - The JSXAttribute collected by AST parser.
172 |
173 | <hr />
174 |
175 | ### eventHandlers
176 |
177 | ```js
178 | console.log(eventHandlers);
179 | /*
180 | [
181 | 'onCopy',
182 | 'onCut',
183 | 'onPaste',
184 | 'onCompositionEnd',
185 | 'onCompositionStart',
186 | 'onCompositionUpdate',
187 | 'onKeyDown',
188 | 'onKeyPress',
189 | 'onKeyUp',
190 | 'onFocus',
191 | 'onBlur',
192 | 'onChange',
193 | 'onInput',
194 | 'onSubmit',
195 | 'onClick',
196 | 'onContextMenu',
197 | 'onDblClick',
198 | 'onDoubleClick',
199 | 'onDrag',
200 | 'onDragEnd',
201 | 'onDragEnter',
202 | 'onDragExit',
203 | 'onDragLeave',
204 | 'onDragOver',
205 | 'onDragStart',
206 | 'onDrop',
207 | 'onMouseDown',
208 | 'onMouseEnter',
209 | 'onMouseLeave',
210 | 'onMouseMove',
211 | 'onMouseOut',
212 | 'onMouseOver',
213 | 'onMouseUp',
214 | 'onSelect',
215 | 'onTouchCancel',
216 | 'onTouchEnd',
217 | 'onTouchMove',
218 | 'onTouchStart',
219 | 'onScroll',
220 | 'onWheel',
221 | 'onAbort',
222 | 'onCanPlay',
223 | 'onCanPlayThrough',
224 | 'onDurationChange',
225 | 'onEmptied',
226 | 'onEncrypted',
227 | 'onEnded',
228 | 'onError',
229 | 'onLoadedData',
230 | 'onLoadedMetadata',
231 | 'onLoadStart',
232 | 'onPause',
233 | 'onPlay',
234 | 'onPlaying',
235 | 'onProgress',
236 | 'onRateChange',
237 | 'onSeeked',
238 | 'onSeeking',
239 | 'onStalled',
240 | 'onSuspend',
241 | 'onTimeUpdate',
242 | 'onVolumeChange',
243 | 'onWaiting',
244 | 'onLoad',
245 | 'onError',
246 | 'onAnimationStart',
247 | 'onAnimationEnd',
248 | 'onAnimationIteration',
249 | 'onTransitionEnd',
250 | ]
251 | */
252 | ```
253 |
254 | Contains a flat list of common event handler props used in JSX to attach behaviors
255 | to DOM events.
256 |
257 | #### eventHandlersByType
258 |
259 | The same list as `eventHandlers`, grouped into types.
260 |
261 | ```js
262 | console.log(eventHandlersByType);
263 | /*
264 | {
265 | clipboard: [ 'onCopy', 'onCut', 'onPaste' ],
266 | composition: [ 'onCompositionEnd', 'onCompositionStart', 'onCompositionUpdate' ],
267 | keyboard: [ 'onKeyDown', 'onKeyPress', 'onKeyUp' ],
268 | focus: [ 'onFocus', 'onBlur' ],
269 | form: [ 'onChange', 'onInput', 'onSubmit' ],
270 | mouse: [ 'onClick', 'onContextMenu', 'onDblClick', 'onDoubleClick', 'onDrag', 'onDragEnd', 'onDragEnter', 'onDragExit', 'onDragLeave', 'onDragOver', 'onDragStart', 'onDrop', 'onMouseDown', 'onMouseEnter', 'onMouseLeave', 'onMouseMove', 'onMouseOut', 'onMouseOver', 'onMouseUp' ],
271 | selection: [ 'onSelect' ],
272 | touch: [ 'onTouchCancel', 'onTouchEnd', 'onTouchMove', 'onTouchStart' ],
273 | ui: [ 'onScroll' ],
274 | wheel: [ 'onWheel' ],
275 | media: [ 'onAbort', 'onCanPlay', 'onCanPlayThrough', 'onDurationChange', 'onEmptied', 'onEncrypted', 'onEnded', 'onError', 'onLoadedData', 'onLoadedMetadata', 'onLoadStart', 'onPause', 'onPlay', 'onPlaying', 'onProgress', 'onRateChange', 'onSeeked', 'onSeeking', 'onStalled', 'onSuspend', 'onTimeUpdate', 'onVolumeChange', 'onWaiting' ],
276 | image: [ 'onLoad', 'onError' ],
277 | animation: [ 'onAnimationStart', 'onAnimationEnd', 'onAnimationIteration' ],
278 | transition: [ 'onTransitionEnd' ],
279 | }
280 | */
281 | ```
282 |
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