source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/konva/lib/Shape.js@ 79a0317

Last change on this file since 79a0317 was 0c6b92a, checked in by stefan toskovski <stefantoska84@…>, 8 weeks ago

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File size: 22.8 KB
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.Shape = exports.shapes = void 0;
4const Global_1 = require("./Global");
5const Util_1 = require("./Util");
6const Factory_1 = require("./Factory");
7const Node_1 = require("./Node");
8const Validators_1 = require("./Validators");
9const Global_2 = require("./Global");
10const PointerEvents = require("./PointerEvents");
11const HAS_SHADOW = 'hasShadow';
12const SHADOW_RGBA = 'shadowRGBA';
13const patternImage = 'patternImage';
14const linearGradient = 'linearGradient';
15const radialGradient = 'radialGradient';
16let dummyContext;
17function getDummyContext() {
18 if (dummyContext) {
19 return dummyContext;
20 }
21 dummyContext = Util_1.Util.createCanvasElement().getContext('2d');
22 return dummyContext;
24exports.shapes = {};
25function _fillFunc(context) {
26 const fillRule = this.attrs.fillRule;
27 if (fillRule) {
28 context.fill(fillRule);
29 }
30 else {
31 context.fill();
32 }
34function _strokeFunc(context) {
35 context.stroke();
37function _fillFuncHit(context) {
38 const fillRule = this.attrs.fillRule;
39 if (fillRule) {
40 context.fill(fillRule);
41 }
42 else {
43 context.fill();
44 }
46function _strokeFuncHit(context) {
47 context.stroke();
49function _clearHasShadowCache() {
50 this._clearCache(HAS_SHADOW);
52function _clearGetShadowRGBACache() {
53 this._clearCache(SHADOW_RGBA);
55function _clearFillPatternCache() {
56 this._clearCache(patternImage);
58function _clearLinearGradientCache() {
59 this._clearCache(linearGradient);
61function _clearRadialGradientCache() {
62 this._clearCache(radialGradient);
64class Shape extends Node_1.Node {
65 constructor(config) {
66 super(config);
67 let key;
68 while (true) {
69 key = Util_1.Util.getRandomColor();
70 if (key && !(key in exports.shapes)) {
71 break;
72 }
73 }
74 this.colorKey = key;
75 exports.shapes[key] = this;
76 }
77 getContext() {
78 Util_1.Util.warn('shape.getContext() method is deprecated. Please do not use it.');
79 return this.getLayer().getContext();
80 }
81 getCanvas() {
82 Util_1.Util.warn('shape.getCanvas() method is deprecated. Please do not use it.');
83 return this.getLayer().getCanvas();
84 }
85 getSceneFunc() {
86 return this.attrs.sceneFunc || this['_sceneFunc'];
87 }
88 getHitFunc() {
89 return this.attrs.hitFunc || this['_hitFunc'];
90 }
91 hasShadow() {
92 return this._getCache(HAS_SHADOW, this._hasShadow);
93 }
94 _hasShadow() {
95 return (this.shadowEnabled() &&
96 this.shadowOpacity() !== 0 &&
97 !!(this.shadowColor() ||
98 this.shadowBlur() ||
99 this.shadowOffsetX() ||
100 this.shadowOffsetY()));
101 }
102 _getFillPattern() {
103 return this._getCache(patternImage, this.__getFillPattern);
104 }
105 __getFillPattern() {
106 if (this.fillPatternImage()) {
107 const ctx = getDummyContext();
108 const pattern = ctx.createPattern(this.fillPatternImage(), this.fillPatternRepeat() || 'repeat');
109 if (pattern && pattern.setTransform) {
110 const tr = new Util_1.Transform();
111 tr.translate(this.fillPatternX(), this.fillPatternY());
112 tr.rotate(Global_1.Konva.getAngle(this.fillPatternRotation()));
113 tr.scale(this.fillPatternScaleX(), this.fillPatternScaleY());
114 tr.translate(-1 * this.fillPatternOffsetX(), -1 * this.fillPatternOffsetY());
115 const m = tr.getMatrix();
116 const matrix = typeof DOMMatrix === 'undefined'
117 ? {
118 a: m[0],
119 b: m[1],
120 c: m[2],
121 d: m[3],
122 e: m[4],
123 f: m[5],
124 }
125 : new DOMMatrix(m);
126 pattern.setTransform(matrix);
127 }
128 return pattern;
129 }
130 }
131 _getLinearGradient() {
132 return this._getCache(linearGradient, this.__getLinearGradient);
133 }
134 __getLinearGradient() {
135 const colorStops = this.fillLinearGradientColorStops();
136 if (colorStops) {
137 const ctx = getDummyContext();
138 const start = this.fillLinearGradientStartPoint();
139 const end = this.fillLinearGradientEndPoint();
140 const grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y);
141 for (let n = 0; n < colorStops.length; n += 2) {
142 grd.addColorStop(colorStops[n], colorStops[n + 1]);
143 }
144 return grd;
145 }
146 }
147 _getRadialGradient() {
148 return this._getCache(radialGradient, this.__getRadialGradient);
149 }
150 __getRadialGradient() {
151 const colorStops = this.fillRadialGradientColorStops();
152 if (colorStops) {
153 const ctx = getDummyContext();
154 const start = this.fillRadialGradientStartPoint();
155 const end = this.fillRadialGradientEndPoint();
156 const grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(start.x, start.y, this.fillRadialGradientStartRadius(), end.x, end.y, this.fillRadialGradientEndRadius());
157 for (let n = 0; n < colorStops.length; n += 2) {
158 grd.addColorStop(colorStops[n], colorStops[n + 1]);
159 }
160 return grd;
161 }
162 }
163 getShadowRGBA() {
164 return this._getCache(SHADOW_RGBA, this._getShadowRGBA);
165 }
166 _getShadowRGBA() {
167 if (!this.hasShadow()) {
168 return;
169 }
170 const rgba = Util_1.Util.colorToRGBA(this.shadowColor());
171 if (rgba) {
172 return ('rgba(' +
173 rgba.r +
174 ',' +
175 rgba.g +
176 ',' +
177 rgba.b +
178 ',' +
179 rgba.a * (this.shadowOpacity() || 1) +
180 ')');
181 }
182 }
183 hasFill() {
184 return this._calculate('hasFill', [
185 'fillEnabled',
186 'fill',
187 'fillPatternImage',
188 'fillLinearGradientColorStops',
189 'fillRadialGradientColorStops',
190 ], () => {
191 return (this.fillEnabled() &&
192 !!(this.fill() ||
193 this.fillPatternImage() ||
194 this.fillLinearGradientColorStops() ||
195 this.fillRadialGradientColorStops()));
196 });
197 }
198 hasStroke() {
199 return this._calculate('hasStroke', [
200 'strokeEnabled',
201 'strokeWidth',
202 'stroke',
203 'strokeLinearGradientColorStops',
204 ], () => {
205 return (this.strokeEnabled() &&
206 this.strokeWidth() &&
207 !!(this.stroke() || this.strokeLinearGradientColorStops()));
208 });
209 }
210 hasHitStroke() {
211 const width = this.hitStrokeWidth();
212 if (width === 'auto') {
213 return this.hasStroke();
214 }
215 return this.strokeEnabled() && !!width;
216 }
217 intersects(point) {
218 const stage = this.getStage();
219 if (!stage) {
220 return false;
221 }
222 const bufferHitCanvas = stage.bufferHitCanvas;
223 bufferHitCanvas.getContext().clear();
224 this.drawHit(bufferHitCanvas, undefined, true);
225 const p = bufferHitCanvas.context.getImageData(Math.round(point.x), Math.round(point.y), 1, 1).data;
226 return p[3] > 0;
227 }
228 destroy() {
230 delete exports.shapes[this.colorKey];
231 delete this.colorKey;
232 return this;
233 }
234 _useBufferCanvas(forceFill) {
235 var _a;
236 const perfectDrawEnabled = (_a = this.attrs.perfectDrawEnabled) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true;
237 if (!perfectDrawEnabled) {
238 return false;
239 }
240 const hasFill = forceFill || this.hasFill();
241 const hasStroke = this.hasStroke();
242 const isTransparent = this.getAbsoluteOpacity() !== 1;
243 if (hasFill && hasStroke && isTransparent) {
244 return true;
245 }
246 const hasShadow = this.hasShadow();
247 const strokeForShadow = this.shadowForStrokeEnabled();
248 if (hasFill && hasStroke && hasShadow && strokeForShadow) {
249 return true;
250 }
251 return false;
252 }
253 setStrokeHitEnabled(val) {
254 Util_1.Util.warn('strokeHitEnabled property is deprecated. Please use hitStrokeWidth instead.');
255 if (val) {
256 this.hitStrokeWidth('auto');
257 }
258 else {
259 this.hitStrokeWidth(0);
260 }
261 }
262 getStrokeHitEnabled() {
263 if (this.hitStrokeWidth() === 0) {
264 return false;
265 }
266 else {
267 return true;
268 }
269 }
270 getSelfRect() {
271 const size = this.size();
272 return {
273 x: this._centroid ? -size.width / 2 : 0,
274 y: this._centroid ? -size.height / 2 : 0,
275 width: size.width,
276 height: size.height,
277 };
278 }
279 getClientRect(config = {}) {
280 let hasCachedParent = false;
281 let parent = this.getParent();
282 while (parent) {
283 if (parent.isCached()) {
284 hasCachedParent = true;
285 break;
286 }
287 parent = parent.getParent();
288 }
289 const skipTransform = config.skipTransform;
290 const relativeTo = config.relativeTo || (hasCachedParent && this.getStage()) || undefined;
291 const fillRect = this.getSelfRect();
292 const applyStroke = !config.skipStroke && this.hasStroke();
293 const strokeWidth = (applyStroke && this.strokeWidth()) || 0;
294 const fillAndStrokeWidth = fillRect.width + strokeWidth;
295 const fillAndStrokeHeight = fillRect.height + strokeWidth;
296 const applyShadow = !config.skipShadow && this.hasShadow();
297 const shadowOffsetX = applyShadow ? this.shadowOffsetX() : 0;
298 const shadowOffsetY = applyShadow ? this.shadowOffsetY() : 0;
299 const preWidth = fillAndStrokeWidth + Math.abs(shadowOffsetX);
300 const preHeight = fillAndStrokeHeight + Math.abs(shadowOffsetY);
301 const blurRadius = (applyShadow && this.shadowBlur()) || 0;
302 const width = preWidth + blurRadius * 2;
303 const height = preHeight + blurRadius * 2;
304 const rect = {
305 width: width,
306 height: height,
307 x: -(strokeWidth / 2 + blurRadius) +
308 Math.min(shadowOffsetX, 0) +
309 fillRect.x,
310 y: -(strokeWidth / 2 + blurRadius) +
311 Math.min(shadowOffsetY, 0) +
312 fillRect.y,
313 };
314 if (!skipTransform) {
315 return this._transformedRect(rect, relativeTo);
316 }
317 return rect;
318 }
319 drawScene(can, top, bufferCanvas) {
320 const layer = this.getLayer();
321 let canvas = can || layer.getCanvas(), context = canvas.getContext(), cachedCanvas = this._getCanvasCache(), drawFunc = this.getSceneFunc(), hasShadow = this.hasShadow(), stage, bufferContext;
322 const skipBuffer = canvas.isCache;
323 const cachingSelf = top === this;
324 if (!this.isVisible() && !cachingSelf) {
325 return this;
326 }
327 if (cachedCanvas) {
329 const m = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top).getMatrix();
330 context.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
331 this._drawCachedSceneCanvas(context);
332 context.restore();
333 return this;
334 }
335 if (!drawFunc) {
336 return this;
337 }
339 if (this._useBufferCanvas() && !skipBuffer) {
340 stage = this.getStage();
341 const bc = bufferCanvas || stage.bufferCanvas;
342 bufferContext = bc.getContext();
343 bufferContext.clear();
345 bufferContext._applyLineJoin(this);
346 var o = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top).getMatrix();
347 bufferContext.transform(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]);
348, bufferContext, this);
349 bufferContext.restore();
350 const ratio = bc.pixelRatio;
351 if (hasShadow) {
352 context._applyShadow(this);
353 }
354 context._applyOpacity(this);
355 context._applyGlobalCompositeOperation(this);
356 context.drawImage(bc._canvas, 0, 0, bc.width / ratio, bc.height / ratio);
357 }
358 else {
359 context._applyLineJoin(this);
360 if (!cachingSelf) {
361 var o = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top).getMatrix();
362 context.transform(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]);
363 context._applyOpacity(this);
364 context._applyGlobalCompositeOperation(this);
365 }
366 if (hasShadow) {
367 context._applyShadow(this);
368 }
369, context, this);
370 }
371 context.restore();
372 return this;
373 }
374 drawHit(can, top, skipDragCheck = false) {
375 if (!this.shouldDrawHit(top, skipDragCheck)) {
376 return this;
377 }
378 const layer = this.getLayer(), canvas = can || layer.hitCanvas, context = canvas && canvas.getContext(), drawFunc = this.hitFunc() || this.sceneFunc(), cachedCanvas = this._getCanvasCache(), cachedHitCanvas = cachedCanvas && cachedCanvas.hit;
379 if (!this.colorKey) {
380 Util_1.Util.warn('Looks like your canvas has a destroyed shape in it. Do not reuse shape after you destroyed it. If you want to reuse shape you should call remove() instead of destroy()');
381 }
382 if (cachedHitCanvas) {
384 const m = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top).getMatrix();
385 context.transform(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
386 this._drawCachedHitCanvas(context);
387 context.restore();
388 return this;
389 }
390 if (!drawFunc) {
391 return this;
392 }
394 context._applyLineJoin(this);
395 const selfCache = this === top;
396 if (!selfCache) {
397 const o = this.getAbsoluteTransform(top).getMatrix();
398 context.transform(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]);
399 }
400, context, this);
401 context.restore();
402 return this;
403 }
404 drawHitFromCache(alphaThreshold = 0) {
405 let cachedCanvas = this._getCanvasCache(), sceneCanvas = this._getCachedSceneCanvas(), hitCanvas = cachedCanvas.hit, hitContext = hitCanvas.getContext(), hitWidth = hitCanvas.getWidth(), hitHeight = hitCanvas.getHeight(), hitImageData, hitData, len, rgbColorKey, i, alpha;
406 hitContext.clear();
407 hitContext.drawImage(sceneCanvas._canvas, 0, 0, hitWidth, hitHeight);
408 try {
409 hitImageData = hitContext.getImageData(0, 0, hitWidth, hitHeight);
410 hitData =;
411 len = hitData.length;
412 rgbColorKey = Util_1.Util._hexToRgb(this.colorKey);
413 for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
414 alpha = hitData[i + 3];
415 if (alpha > alphaThreshold) {
416 hitData[i] = rgbColorKey.r;
417 hitData[i + 1] = rgbColorKey.g;
418 hitData[i + 2] = rgbColorKey.b;
419 hitData[i + 3] = 255;
420 }
421 else {
422 hitData[i + 3] = 0;
423 }
424 }
425 hitContext.putImageData(hitImageData, 0, 0);
426 }
427 catch (e) {
428 Util_1.Util.error('Unable to draw hit graph from cached scene canvas. ' + e.message);
429 }
430 return this;
431 }
432 hasPointerCapture(pointerId) {
433 return PointerEvents.hasPointerCapture(pointerId, this);
434 }
435 setPointerCapture(pointerId) {
436 PointerEvents.setPointerCapture(pointerId, this);
437 }
438 releaseCapture(pointerId) {
439 PointerEvents.releaseCapture(pointerId, this);
440 }
442exports.Shape = Shape;
443Shape.prototype._fillFunc = _fillFunc;
444Shape.prototype._strokeFunc = _strokeFunc;
445Shape.prototype._fillFuncHit = _fillFuncHit;
446Shape.prototype._strokeFuncHit = _strokeFuncHit;
447Shape.prototype._centroid = false;
448Shape.prototype.nodeType = 'Shape';
449(0, Global_2._registerNode)(Shape);
450Shape.prototype.eventListeners = {};, 'shadowColorChange.konva shadowBlurChange.konva shadowOffsetChange.konva shadowOpacityChange.konva shadowEnabledChange.konva', _clearHasShadowCache);, 'shadowColorChange.konva shadowOpacityChange.konva shadowEnabledChange.konva', _clearGetShadowRGBACache);, 'fillPriorityChange.konva fillPatternImageChange.konva fillPatternRepeatChange.konva fillPatternScaleXChange.konva fillPatternScaleYChange.konva fillPatternOffsetXChange.konva fillPatternOffsetYChange.konva fillPatternXChange.konva fillPatternYChange.konva fillPatternRotationChange.konva', _clearFillPatternCache);, 'fillPriorityChange.konva fillLinearGradientColorStopsChange.konva fillLinearGradientStartPointXChange.konva fillLinearGradientStartPointYChange.konva fillLinearGradientEndPointXChange.konva fillLinearGradientEndPointYChange.konva', _clearLinearGradientCache);, 'fillPriorityChange.konva fillRadialGradientColorStopsChange.konva fillRadialGradientStartPointXChange.konva fillRadialGradientStartPointYChange.konva fillRadialGradientEndPointXChange.konva fillRadialGradientEndPointYChange.konva fillRadialGradientStartRadiusChange.konva fillRadialGradientEndRadiusChange.konva', _clearRadialGradientCache);
456Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'stroke', undefined, (0, Validators_1.getStringOrGradientValidator)());
457Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeWidth', 2, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
458Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillAfterStrokeEnabled', false);
459Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'hitStrokeWidth', 'auto', (0, Validators_1.getNumberOrAutoValidator)());
460Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeHitEnabled', true, (0, Validators_1.getBooleanValidator)());
461Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'perfectDrawEnabled', true, (0, Validators_1.getBooleanValidator)());
462Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowForStrokeEnabled', true, (0, Validators_1.getBooleanValidator)());
463Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'lineJoin');
464Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'lineCap');
465Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'sceneFunc');
466Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'hitFunc');
467Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'dash');
468Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'dashOffset', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
469Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowColor', undefined, (0, Validators_1.getStringValidator)());
470Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowBlur', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
471Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowOpacity', 1, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
472Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowOffset', ['x', 'y']);
473Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowOffsetX', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
474Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowOffsetY', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
475Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternImage');
476Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fill', undefined, (0, Validators_1.getStringOrGradientValidator)());
477Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternX', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
478Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternY', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
479Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillLinearGradientColorStops');
480Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeLinearGradientColorStops');
481Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientStartRadius', 0);
482Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientEndRadius', 0);
483Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientColorStops');
484Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternRepeat', 'repeat');
485Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillEnabled', true);
486Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeEnabled', true);
487Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'shadowEnabled', true);
488Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'dashEnabled', true);
489Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeScaleEnabled', true);
490Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPriority', 'color');
491Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternOffset', ['x', 'y']);
492Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternOffsetX', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
493Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternOffsetY', 0, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
494Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternScale', ['x', 'y']);
495Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternScaleX', 1, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
496Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternScaleY', 1, (0, Validators_1.getNumberValidator)());
497Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillLinearGradientStartPoint', [
498 'x',
499 'y',
501Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeLinearGradientStartPoint', [
502 'x',
503 'y',
505Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillLinearGradientStartPointX', 0);
506Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeLinearGradientStartPointX', 0);
507Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillLinearGradientStartPointY', 0);
508Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeLinearGradientStartPointY', 0);
509Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillLinearGradientEndPoint', [
510 'x',
511 'y',
513Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeLinearGradientEndPoint', [
514 'x',
515 'y',
517Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillLinearGradientEndPointX', 0);
518Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeLinearGradientEndPointX', 0);
519Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillLinearGradientEndPointY', 0);
520Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'strokeLinearGradientEndPointY', 0);
521Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientStartPoint', [
522 'x',
523 'y',
525Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientStartPointX', 0);
526Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientStartPointY', 0);
527Factory_1.Factory.addComponentsGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientEndPoint', [
528 'x',
529 'y',
531Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientEndPointX', 0);
532Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRadialGradientEndPointY', 0);
533Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillPatternRotation', 0);
534Factory_1.Factory.addGetterSetter(Shape, 'fillRule', undefined, (0, Validators_1.getStringValidator)());
535Factory_1.Factory.backCompat(Shape, {
536 dashArray: 'dash',
537 getDashArray: 'getDash',
538 setDashArray: 'getDash',
539 drawFunc: 'sceneFunc',
540 getDrawFunc: 'getSceneFunc',
541 setDrawFunc: 'setSceneFunc',
542 drawHitFunc: 'hitFunc',
543 getDrawHitFunc: 'getHitFunc',
544 setDrawHitFunc: 'setHitFunc',
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