1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.RGBComponent = RGBComponent;
4 | exports.alphaComponent = alphaComponent;
5 | exports.getNumberValidator = getNumberValidator;
6 | exports.getNumberOrArrayOfNumbersValidator = getNumberOrArrayOfNumbersValidator;
7 | exports.getNumberOrAutoValidator = getNumberOrAutoValidator;
8 | exports.getStringValidator = getStringValidator;
9 | exports.getStringOrGradientValidator = getStringOrGradientValidator;
10 | exports.getFunctionValidator = getFunctionValidator;
11 | exports.getNumberArrayValidator = getNumberArrayValidator;
12 | exports.getBooleanValidator = getBooleanValidator;
13 | exports.getComponentValidator = getComponentValidator;
14 | const Global_1 = require("./Global");
15 | const Util_1 = require("./Util");
16 | function _formatValue(val) {
17 | if (Util_1.Util._isString(val)) {
18 | return '"' + val + '"';
19 | }
20 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Number]') {
21 | return val;
22 | }
23 | if (Util_1.Util._isBoolean(val)) {
24 | return val;
25 | }
26 | return Object.prototype.toString.call(val);
27 | }
28 | function RGBComponent(val) {
29 | if (val > 255) {
30 | return 255;
31 | }
32 | else if (val < 0) {
33 | return 0;
34 | }
35 | return Math.round(val);
36 | }
37 | function alphaComponent(val) {
38 | if (val > 1) {
39 | return 1;
40 | }
41 | else if (val < 0.0001) {
42 | return 0.0001;
43 | }
44 | return val;
45 | }
46 | function getNumberValidator() {
47 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
48 | return function (val, attr) {
49 | if (!Util_1.Util._isNumber(val)) {
50 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
51 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
52 | attr +
53 | '" attribute. The value should be a number.');
54 | }
55 | return val;
56 | };
57 | }
58 | }
59 | function getNumberOrArrayOfNumbersValidator(noOfElements) {
60 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
61 | return function (val, attr) {
62 | const isNumber = Util_1.Util._isNumber(val);
63 | const isValidArray = Util_1.Util._isArray(val) && val.length == noOfElements;
64 | if (!isNumber && !isValidArray) {
65 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
66 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
67 | attr +
68 | '" attribute. The value should be a number or Array<number>(' +
69 | noOfElements +
70 | ')');
71 | }
72 | return val;
73 | };
74 | }
75 | }
76 | function getNumberOrAutoValidator() {
77 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
78 | return function (val, attr) {
79 | const isNumber = Util_1.Util._isNumber(val);
80 | const isAuto = val === 'auto';
81 | if (!(isNumber || isAuto)) {
82 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
83 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
84 | attr +
85 | '" attribute. The value should be a number or "auto".');
86 | }
87 | return val;
88 | };
89 | }
90 | }
91 | function getStringValidator() {
92 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
93 | return function (val, attr) {
94 | if (!Util_1.Util._isString(val)) {
95 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
96 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
97 | attr +
98 | '" attribute. The value should be a string.');
99 | }
100 | return val;
101 | };
102 | }
103 | }
104 | function getStringOrGradientValidator() {
105 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
106 | return function (val, attr) {
107 | const isString = Util_1.Util._isString(val);
108 | const isGradient = Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object CanvasGradient]' ||
109 | (val && val.addColorStop);
110 | if (!(isString || isGradient)) {
111 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
112 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
113 | attr +
114 | '" attribute. The value should be a string or a native gradient.');
115 | }
116 | return val;
117 | };
118 | }
119 | }
120 | function getFunctionValidator() {
121 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
122 | return function (val, attr) {
123 | if (!Util_1.Util._isFunction(val)) {
124 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
125 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
126 | attr +
127 | '" attribute. The value should be a function.');
128 | }
129 | return val;
130 | };
131 | }
132 | }
133 | function getNumberArrayValidator() {
134 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
135 | return function (val, attr) {
136 | const TypedArray = Int8Array ? Object.getPrototypeOf(Int8Array) : null;
137 | if (TypedArray && val instanceof TypedArray) {
138 | return val;
139 | }
140 | if (!Util_1.Util._isArray(val)) {
141 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
142 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
143 | attr +
144 | '" attribute. The value should be a array of numbers.');
145 | }
146 | else {
147 | val.forEach(function (item) {
148 | if (!Util_1.Util._isNumber(item)) {
149 | Util_1.Util.warn('"' +
150 | attr +
151 | '" attribute has non numeric element ' +
152 | item +
153 | '. Make sure that all elements are numbers.');
154 | }
155 | });
156 | }
157 | return val;
158 | };
159 | }
160 | }
161 | function getBooleanValidator() {
162 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
163 | return function (val, attr) {
164 | const isBool = val === true || val === false;
165 | if (!isBool) {
166 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
167 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
168 | attr +
169 | '" attribute. The value should be a boolean.');
170 | }
171 | return val;
172 | };
173 | }
174 | }
175 | function getComponentValidator(components) {
176 | if (Global_1.Konva.isUnminified) {
177 | return function (val, attr) {
178 | if (val === undefined || val === null) {
179 | return val;
180 | }
181 | if (!Util_1.Util.isObject(val)) {
182 | Util_1.Util.warn(_formatValue(val) +
183 | ' is a not valid value for "' +
184 | attr +
185 | '" attribute. The value should be an object with properties ' +
186 | components);
187 | }
188 | return val;
189 | };
190 | }
191 | }