1 | # mime-db
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3 | [![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url]
4 | [![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url]
5 | [![Node.js Version][node-image]][node-url]
6 | [![Build Status][ci-image]][ci-url]
7 | [![Coverage Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
8 |
9 | This is a large database of mime types and information about them.
10 | It consists of a single, public JSON file and does not include any logic,
11 | allowing it to remain as un-opinionated as possible with an API.
12 | It aggregates data from the following sources:
13 |
14 | - http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml
15 | - http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/conf/mime.types
16 | - http://hg.nginx.org/nginx/raw-file/default/conf/mime.types
17 |
18 | ## Installation
19 |
20 | ```bash
21 | npm install mime-db
22 | ```
23 |
24 | ### Database Download
25 |
26 | If you're crazy enough to use this in the browser, you can just grab the
27 | JSON file using [jsDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/). It is recommended to
28 | replace `master` with [a release tag](https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db/tags)
29 | as the JSON format may change in the future.
30 |
31 | ```
32 | https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jshttp/mime-db@master/db.json
33 | ```
34 |
35 | ## Usage
36 |
37 | ```js
38 | var db = require('mime-db')
39 |
40 | // grab data on .js files
41 | var data = db['application/javascript']
42 | ```
43 |
44 | ## Data Structure
45 |
46 | The JSON file is a map lookup for lowercased mime types.
47 | Each mime type has the following properties:
48 |
49 | - `.source` - where the mime type is defined.
50 | If not set, it's probably a custom media type.
51 | - `apache` - [Apache common media types](http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/conf/mime.types)
52 | - `iana` - [IANA-defined media types](http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml)
53 | - `nginx` - [nginx media types](http://hg.nginx.org/nginx/raw-file/default/conf/mime.types)
54 | - `.extensions[]` - known extensions associated with this mime type.
55 | - `.compressible` - whether a file of this type can be gzipped.
56 | - `.charset` - the default charset associated with this type, if any.
57 |
58 | If unknown, every property could be `undefined`.
59 |
60 | ## Contributing
61 |
62 | To edit the database, only make PRs against `src/custom-types.json` or
63 | `src/custom-suffix.json`.
64 |
65 | The `src/custom-types.json` file is a JSON object with the MIME type as the
66 | keys and the values being an object with the following keys:
67 |
68 | - `compressible` - leave out if you don't know, otherwise `true`/`false` to
69 | indicate whether the data represented by the type is typically compressible.
70 | - `extensions` - include an array of file extensions that are associated with
71 | the type.
72 | - `notes` - human-readable notes about the type, typically what the type is.
73 | - `sources` - include an array of URLs of where the MIME type and the associated
74 | extensions are sourced from. This needs to be a [primary source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_source);
75 | links to type aggregating sites and Wikipedia are _not acceptable_.
76 |
77 | To update the build, run `npm run build`.
78 |
79 | ### Adding Custom Media Types
80 |
81 | The best way to get new media types included in this library is to register
82 | them with the IANA. The community registration procedure is outlined in
83 | [RFC 6838 section 5](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838#section-5). Types
84 | registered with the IANA are automatically pulled into this library.
85 |
86 | If that is not possible / feasible, they can be added directly here as a
87 | "custom" type. To do this, it is required to have a primary source that
88 | definitively lists the media type. If an extension is going to be listed as
89 | associateed with this media type, the source must definitively link the
90 | media type and extension as well.
91 |
92 | [ci-image]: https://badgen.net/github/checks/jshttp/mime-db/master?label=ci
93 | [ci-url]: https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db/actions?query=workflow%3Aci
94 | [coveralls-image]: https://badgen.net/coveralls/c/github/jshttp/mime-db/master
95 | [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/jshttp/mime-db?branch=master
96 | [node-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/node/mime-db
97 | [node-url]: https://nodejs.org/en/download
98 | [npm-downloads-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/dm/mime-db
99 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/mime-db
100 | [npm-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/v/mime-db