1 | var now = require('performance-now')
2 | , root = typeof window === 'undefined' ? global : window
3 | , vendors = ['moz', 'webkit']
4 | , suffix = 'AnimationFrame'
5 | , raf = root['request' + suffix]
6 | , caf = root['cancel' + suffix] || root['cancelRequest' + suffix]
7 |
8 | for(var i = 0; !raf && i < vendors.length; i++) {
9 | raf = root[vendors[i] + 'Request' + suffix]
10 | caf = root[vendors[i] + 'Cancel' + suffix]
11 | || root[vendors[i] + 'CancelRequest' + suffix]
12 | }
13 |
14 | // Some versions of FF have rAF but not cAF
15 | if(!raf || !caf) {
16 | var last = 0
17 | , id = 0
18 | , queue = []
19 | , frameDuration = 1000 / 60
20 |
21 | raf = function(callback) {
22 | if(queue.length === 0) {
23 | var _now = now()
24 | , next = Math.max(0, frameDuration - (_now - last))
25 | last = next + _now
26 | setTimeout(function() {
27 | var cp = queue.slice(0)
28 | // Clear queue here to prevent
29 | // callbacks from appending listeners
30 | // to the current frame's queue
31 | queue.length = 0
32 | for(var i = 0; i < cp.length; i++) {
33 | if(!cp[i].cancelled) {
34 | try{
35 | cp[i].callback(last)
36 | } catch(e) {
37 | setTimeout(function() { throw e }, 0)
38 | }
39 | }
40 | }
41 | }, Math.round(next))
42 | }
43 | queue.push({
44 | handle: ++id,
45 | callback: callback,
46 | cancelled: false
47 | })
48 | return id
49 | }
50 |
51 | caf = function(handle) {
52 | for(var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
53 | if(queue[i].handle === handle) {
54 | queue[i].cancelled = true
55 | }
56 | }
57 | }
58 | }
59 |
60 | module.exports = function(fn) {
61 | // Wrap in a new function to prevent
62 | // `cancel` potentially being assigned
63 | // to the native rAF function
64 | return raf.call(root, fn)
65 | }
66 | module.exports.cancel = function() {
67 | caf.apply(root, arguments)
68 | }
69 | module.exports.polyfill = function(object) {
70 | if (!object) {
71 | object = root;
72 | }
73 | object.requestAnimationFrame = raf
74 | object.cancelAnimationFrame = caf
75 | }