1 | A tile manager for React that supports
2 |
3 | - dynamic grid: if the viewport resizes, you can shrink the grid size or shrink the number of columns and rows
4 | - tiles in multiple sizes: each tile can span an arbitrary number of columns and rows of the grid
5 | - drag and drop, both for reorder and for dropping one tile in another
6 |
7 | # Install
8 |
9 | ```
10 | npm i -s react-tiles-dnd
11 | ```
12 |
13 | # Example
14 |
15 | [Show in CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-tiles-dnd-responsive-bd0ly?file=/src/App.tsx)
16 |
17 | ![https://codesandbox.io/s/react-tiles-dnd-responsive-bd0ly?file=/src/App.tsx](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marcoromag/react-tiles-dnd/main/docs/demo.gif)
18 |
19 | # Use
20 |
21 | ## The grid
22 |
23 | To understand the use of the TilesContainer, we need first of all to understand the grid concept behind the component.
24 |
25 | **Remember: Every tile spans a number of grid columns and row**
26 |
27 | When a TilesContainer mounts, it will take all the width of the parent, its height will vary depending on the number of rows to display.
28 |
29 | The number of columns of the grid can be:
30 |
31 | - **fixed**: in this case if the container resize, each column will change its width. If you want to have a TilesContainer with a fixed number of columns, you must set the `columns` property in `<TilesContainer>`. TilesContainer will calculate the width of the column automatically.
32 | - **variable**: the number of columns is calculated dividing the container available space by the column pre-set width. If you want a variable number of columns and a fixed column size, you must set the `forceTileWidth` property in `<TilesContainer>` to the number of pixels you desire. TilesContainer will calculate the number of columns automatically
33 |
34 | As for columns, also row height can be
35 |
36 | - **fixed**: the row height is pre-set by you. If you want to have a fixed row height, you shall set the `forceTileHeight` property in `<TilesContainer>`
37 | - **variable**: the row height depends on the column width multiplied by a `ratio`. It is irrelevant if columns are fixed or variable. In this case, you can set the `ratio` property in `<TilesContainer>` and the component will calculate the row height accordingly. Example: `<TilesContainer fixedColumnWidth={200} ratio={1.5} .../>` will always produce a row height of 300px (200 _ 1.5). `<div style={{width:500}}><TilesContainer columns={5} ratio={1.5} .../></div>` will produce a row height of 150px ((parent container / number of columns) _ ratio)
38 |
39 | ## Tiles
40 |
41 | A tile is the component that is placed on the grid. Every tile has a colspan and a rowspan.
42 | When the user starts to drag a tile, the TilesContainer will observe the movement to understand what the user is doing. If the drag operation hovers a **hot area** (top, bottom, left, right, center) of a cell, the TilesContainer will try to rearrange the grid.
43 |
44 | - If the dragging cell comes from the top, only bottom, left, right are hot areas triggering a reflow.
45 | - If the dragging cell comes from the bottom, only top, left, right are hot areas triggering a reflow.
46 | - If the dragging cell comes from the left, only top, bottom, right are hot areas triggering a reflow.
47 | - If the dragging cell comes from the right, only top, bottom, left are hot areas triggering a reflow.
48 |
49 | The size of the **hot areas** (top, bottom, left, right) can be set by passing the `activeBorderSize` prop to <TilesContainer>`. If not passed, it is defaulted to 24.
50 |
51 | The center hot area is only taken into account if the target cell can accept the source cell.
52 |
53 | TilesContainer is a data-driven component. It accepts an array of data, and each element of the data represent a tile. Data is passed throught the property
54 |
55 | ```
56 | data: T[];
57 | ```
58 |
59 | Together with data, TilesContainer needs a couple of helper functions to understand what shall be rendered for each element of the data array:
60 |
61 | ```
62 | tileSize?: (data: T) => { rowSpan: number; colSpan: number };
63 | ```
64 |
65 | Given a data element, returns the number of rows and cols the tile spans. If not set, the TileContainer will assume each function is a tile of 1x1
66 |
67 | ```
68 | onReorderTiles?: (reorderedData: T[]) => void;
69 | ```
70 |
71 | Every time a drag-n-drop is completed, the TileContainer will call this function with the new array order.
72 |
73 | ```
74 | acceptsDrop?: (source: T, target: T) => boolean;
75 | ```
76 |
77 | This function is called during the drag and drop operations, when a source tile hovers another tile. If the response it true, TilesContainer assumes that the target tile can accept the source tile (similar to a folder).
78 |
79 | ```
80 | onTileDrop?: (source: T, target: T) => boolean;
81 | ```
82 |
83 | This function is called when a target tile is a valid target (acceptDrop returned true) and the user dropped the source tile in the center of the target tile.
84 |
85 | ```
86 | renderTile: RenderTileFunction<T>;
87 | ```
88 |
89 | The rendering function, called every time a re-render is needed.
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91 | ## Tile rendering
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93 | TilesContainer invokes the rendering function whenever there are relevant tile changes during the drag-n-drop operation.
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95 | - whenever a tile starts to drag
96 | - whenever a tile is identified as a drop target
97 | - whenever a tile drag is over
98 |
99 | The properties contain the data of the tile, its current position, size, and the flags `isDragging`, `isDropTarget`, `isDroppable`
100 |
101 | ```
102 | export interface RenderTileProps<T> {
103 | data: T;
104 | id: string;
105 | row: number;
106 | col: number;
107 | rowSpan: number;
108 | colSpan: number;
109 | tileWidth: number;
110 | tileHeight: number;
111 | isDragging: boolean;
112 | isDropTarget: boolean;
113 | isDroppable: boolean;
114 | }
115 |
116 | export type RenderTileFunction<T> = (
117 | props: RenderTileProps<T>
118 | ) => React.ReactElement | null;
119 | ```