1 | import type { Stats, Dirent } from 'fs';
2 | import { Readable } from 'stream';
3 | export type Path = string;
4 | export interface EntryInfo {
5 | path: string;
6 | fullPath: string;
7 | stats?: Stats;
8 | dirent?: Dirent;
9 | basename: string;
10 | }
11 | export type PathOrDirent = Dirent | Path;
12 | export type Tester = (path: EntryInfo) => boolean;
13 | export type Predicate = string[] | string | Tester;
14 | declare function defaultOptions(): {
15 | root: string;
16 | fileFilter: (_path: EntryInfo) => boolean;
17 | directoryFilter: (_path: EntryInfo) => boolean;
18 | type: string;
19 | lstat: boolean;
20 | depth: number;
21 | alwaysStat: boolean;
22 | highWaterMark: number;
23 | };
24 | export type ReaddirpOptions = ReturnType<typeof defaultOptions>;
25 | export interface DirEntry {
26 | files: PathOrDirent[];
27 | depth: number;
28 | path: Path;
29 | }
30 | export declare class ReaddirpStream extends Readable {
31 | parents: any[];
32 | reading: boolean;
33 | parent?: DirEntry;
34 | _stat: Function;
35 | _maxDepth: number;
36 | _wantsDir: boolean;
37 | _wantsFile: boolean;
38 | _wantsEverything: boolean;
39 | _root: Path;
40 | _isDirent: boolean;
41 | _statsProp: 'dirent' | 'stats';
42 | _rdOptions: {
43 | encoding: 'utf8';
44 | withFileTypes: boolean;
45 | };
46 | _fileFilter: Tester;
47 | _directoryFilter: Tester;
48 | constructor(options?: Partial<ReaddirpOptions>);
49 | _read(batch: number): Promise<void>;
50 | _exploreDir(path: Path, depth: number): Promise<{
51 | files: string[] | undefined;
52 | depth: number;
53 | path: string;
54 | }>;
55 | _formatEntry(dirent: PathOrDirent, path: Path): Promise<EntryInfo | undefined>;
56 | _onError(err: Error): void;
57 | _getEntryType(entry: EntryInfo): Promise<void | "" | "file" | "directory">;
58 | _includeAsFile(entry: EntryInfo): boolean | undefined;
59 | }
60 | /**
61 | * Main function which ends up calling readdirRec and reads all files and directories in given root recursively.
62 | * @param root Root directory
63 | * @param options Options to specify root (start directory), filters and recursion depth
64 | */
65 | export declare const readdirp: (root: Path, options?: Partial<ReaddirpOptions>) => ReaddirpStream;
66 | export declare const readdirpPromise: (root: Path, options?: Partial<ReaddirpOptions>) => Promise<string[]>;
67 | export default readdirp;