1 | <p align="center">
2 | <a href="http://gulpjs.com">
3 | <img height="257" width="114" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gulpjs/artwork/master/gulp-2x.png">
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7 | # rechoir
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9 | [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][ci-image]][ci-url] [![Coveralls Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
10 |
11 | Prepare a node environment to require files with different extensions.
12 |
13 | ## What is it?
14 |
15 | This module, in conjunction with [interpret]-like objects, can register any filetype the npm ecosystem has a module loader for. This library is a dependency of [liftoff].
16 |
17 | **Note:** While `rechoir` will automatically load and register transpilers like `coffee-script`, you must provide a local installation. The transpilers are **not** bundled with this module.
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19 | ## Usage
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21 | ```js
22 | const config = require('interpret').extensions;
23 | const rechoir = require('rechoir');
24 | rechoir.prepare(config, './test/fixtures/test.coffee');
25 | rechoir.prepare(config, './test/fixtures/test.csv');
26 | rechoir.prepare(config, './test/fixtures/test.toml');
27 |
28 | console.log(require('./test/fixtures/test.coffee'));
29 | console.log(require('./test/fixtures/test.csv'));
30 | console.log(require('./test/fixtures/test.toml'));
31 | ```
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33 | ## API
34 |
35 | ### `prepare(config, filepath, [cwd], [noThrow])`
36 |
37 | Look for a module loader associated with the provided file and attempt require it. If necessary, run any setup required to inject it into [require.extensions].
38 |
39 | `config` An [interpret]-like configuration object.
40 |
41 | `filepath` A file whose type you'd like to register a module loader for.
42 |
43 | `cwd` An optional path to start searching for the module required to load the requested file. Defaults to the directory of `filepath`.
44 |
45 | `noThrow` An optional boolean indicating if the method should avoid throwing.
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47 | If calling this method is successful (e.g. it doesn't throw), you can now require files of the type you requested natively.
48 |
49 | An error with a `failures` property will be thrown if the module loader(s) configured for a given extension cannot be registered.
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51 | If a loader is already registered, this will simply return `true`.
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53 | ## License
54 |
55 | MIT
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57 | <!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
58 | [downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/rechoir.svg?style=flat-square
59 | [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/rechoir
60 | [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/rechoir.svg?style=flat-square
61 |
62 | [ci-url]: https://github.com/gulpjs/rechoir/actions?query=workflow:dev
63 | [ci-image]: https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/gulpjs/rechoir/dev?style=flat-square
64 |
65 | [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/gulpjs/rechoir
66 | [coveralls-image]: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/gulpjs/rechoir/master.svg
67 | <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
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69 | <!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
70 | [interpret]: https://github.com/gulpjs/interpret
71 | [require.extensions]: https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_require_extensions
72 | [liftoff]: https://github.com/js-cli/js-liftoff
73 | <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->