1 | import {
2 | AST_Array,
3 | AST_Chain,
4 | AST_Constant,
5 | AST_Dot,
6 | AST_ImportMeta,
7 | AST_Node,
8 | AST_Object,
9 | AST_ObjectKeyVal,
10 | AST_PropAccess,
11 | AST_SymbolDeclaration,
12 | AST_SymbolRef,
13 | AST_Toplevel,
14 | TreeTransformer,
15 | } from "../ast.js";
16 | import { make_node, noop, HOP } from "../utils/index.js";
17 | import { make_node_from_constant } from "./common.js";
18 | import { is_lhs } from "./inference.js";
19 |
20 | (function(def_find_defs) {
21 | function to_node(value, orig) {
22 | if (value instanceof AST_Node) {
23 | if (!(value instanceof AST_Constant)) {
24 | // Value may be a function, an array including functions and even a complex assign / block expression,
25 | // so it should never be shared in different places.
26 | // Otherwise wrong information may be used in the compression phase
27 | value = value.clone(true);
28 | }
29 | return make_node(value.CTOR, orig, value);
30 | }
31 | if (Array.isArray(value)) return make_node(AST_Array, orig, {
32 | elements: value.map(function(value) {
33 | return to_node(value, orig);
34 | })
35 | });
36 | if (value && typeof value == "object") {
37 | var props = [];
38 | for (var key in value) if (HOP(value, key)) {
39 | props.push(make_node(AST_ObjectKeyVal, orig, {
40 | key: key,
41 | value: to_node(value[key], orig)
42 | }));
43 | }
44 | return make_node(AST_Object, orig, {
45 | properties: props
46 | });
47 | }
48 | return make_node_from_constant(value, orig);
49 | }
50 |
51 | AST_Toplevel.DEFMETHOD("resolve_defines", function(compressor) {
52 | if (!compressor.option("global_defs")) return this;
53 | this.figure_out_scope({ ie8: compressor.option("ie8") });
54 | return this.transform(new TreeTransformer(function(node) {
55 | var def = node._find_defs(compressor, "");
56 | if (!def) return;
57 | var level = 0, child = node, parent;
58 | while (parent = this.parent(level++)) {
59 | if (!(parent instanceof AST_PropAccess)) break;
60 | if (parent.expression !== child) break;
61 | child = parent;
62 | }
63 | if (is_lhs(child, parent)) {
64 | return;
65 | }
66 | return def;
67 | }));
68 | });
69 | def_find_defs(AST_Node, noop);
70 | def_find_defs(AST_Chain, function(compressor, suffix) {
71 | return this.expression._find_defs(compressor, suffix);
72 | });
73 | def_find_defs(AST_Dot, function(compressor, suffix) {
74 | return this.expression._find_defs(compressor, "." + this.property + suffix);
75 | });
76 | def_find_defs(AST_SymbolDeclaration, function() {
77 | if (!this.global()) return;
78 | });
79 | def_find_defs(AST_SymbolRef, function(compressor, suffix) {
80 | if (!this.global()) return;
81 | var defines = compressor.option("global_defs");
82 | var name = this.name + suffix;
83 | if (HOP(defines, name)) return to_node(defines[name], this);
84 | });
85 | def_find_defs(AST_ImportMeta, function(compressor, suffix) {
86 | var defines = compressor.option("global_defs");
87 | var name = "import.meta" + suffix;
88 | if (HOP(defines, name)) return to_node(defines[name], this);
89 | });
90 | })(function(node, func) {
91 | node.DEFMETHOD("_find_defs", func);
92 | });