source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/undici-types/dispatcher.d.ts

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1import { URL } from 'url'
2import { Duplex, Readable, Writable } from 'stream'
3import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
4import { Blob } from 'buffer'
5import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from './header'
6import BodyReadable from './readable'
7import { FormData } from './formdata'
8import Errors from './errors'
10type AbortSignal = unknown;
12export default Dispatcher
14/** Dispatcher is the core API used to dispatch requests. */
15declare class Dispatcher extends EventEmitter {
16 /** Dispatches a request. This API is expected to evolve through semver-major versions and is less stable than the preceding higher level APIs. It is primarily intended for library developers who implement higher level APIs on top of this. */
17 dispatch(options: Dispatcher.DispatchOptions, handler: Dispatcher.DispatchHandlers): boolean;
18 /** Starts two-way communications with the requested resource. */
19 connect(options: Dispatcher.ConnectOptions): Promise<Dispatcher.ConnectData>;
20 connect(options: Dispatcher.ConnectOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, data: Dispatcher.ConnectData) => void): void;
21 /** Compose a chain of dispatchers */
22 compose(dispatchers: Dispatcher.DispatcherComposeInterceptor[]): Dispatcher.ComposedDispatcher;
23 compose(...dispatchers: Dispatcher.DispatcherComposeInterceptor[]): Dispatcher.ComposedDispatcher;
24 /** Performs an HTTP request. */
25 request(options: Dispatcher.RequestOptions): Promise<Dispatcher.ResponseData>;
26 request(options: Dispatcher.RequestOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, data: Dispatcher.ResponseData) => void): void;
27 /** For easy use with `stream.pipeline`. */
28 pipeline(options: Dispatcher.PipelineOptions, handler: Dispatcher.PipelineHandler): Duplex;
29 /** A faster version of `Dispatcher.request`. */
30 stream(options: Dispatcher.RequestOptions, factory: Dispatcher.StreamFactory): Promise<Dispatcher.StreamData>;
31 stream(options: Dispatcher.RequestOptions, factory: Dispatcher.StreamFactory, callback: (err: Error | null, data: Dispatcher.StreamData) => void): void;
32 /** Upgrade to a different protocol. */
33 upgrade(options: Dispatcher.UpgradeOptions): Promise<Dispatcher.UpgradeData>;
34 upgrade(options: Dispatcher.UpgradeOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, data: Dispatcher.UpgradeData) => void): void;
35 /** Closes the client and gracefully waits for enqueued requests to complete before invoking the callback (or returning a promise if no callback is provided). */
36 close(): Promise<void>;
37 close(callback: () => void): void;
38 /** Destroy the client abruptly with the given err. All the pending and running requests will be asynchronously aborted and error. Waits until socket is closed before invoking the callback (or returning a promise if no callback is provided). Since this operation is asynchronously dispatched there might still be some progress on dispatched requests. */
39 destroy(): Promise<void>;
40 destroy(err: Error | null): Promise<void>;
41 destroy(callback: () => void): void;
42 destroy(err: Error | null, callback: () => void): void;
44 on(eventName: 'connect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void): this;
45 on(eventName: 'disconnect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
46 on(eventName: 'connectionError', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
47 on(eventName: 'drain', callback: (origin: URL) => void): this;
50 once(eventName: 'connect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void): this;
51 once(eventName: 'disconnect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
52 once(eventName: 'connectionError', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
53 once(eventName: 'drain', callback: (origin: URL) => void): this;
56 off(eventName: 'connect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void): this;
57 off(eventName: 'disconnect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
58 off(eventName: 'connectionError', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
59 off(eventName: 'drain', callback: (origin: URL) => void): this;
62 addListener(eventName: 'connect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void): this;
63 addListener(eventName: 'disconnect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
64 addListener(eventName: 'connectionError', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
65 addListener(eventName: 'drain', callback: (origin: URL) => void): this;
67 removeListener(eventName: 'connect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void): this;
68 removeListener(eventName: 'disconnect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
69 removeListener(eventName: 'connectionError', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
70 removeListener(eventName: 'drain', callback: (origin: URL) => void): this;
72 prependListener(eventName: 'connect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void): this;
73 prependListener(eventName: 'disconnect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
74 prependListener(eventName: 'connectionError', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
75 prependListener(eventName: 'drain', callback: (origin: URL) => void): this;
77 prependOnceListener(eventName: 'connect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void): this;
78 prependOnceListener(eventName: 'disconnect', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
79 prependOnceListener(eventName: 'connectionError', callback: (origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void): this;
80 prependOnceListener(eventName: 'drain', callback: (origin: URL) => void): this;
82 listeners(eventName: 'connect'): ((origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void)[]
83 listeners(eventName: 'disconnect'): ((origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void)[];
84 listeners(eventName: 'connectionError'): ((origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void)[];
85 listeners(eventName: 'drain'): ((origin: URL) => void)[];
87 rawListeners(eventName: 'connect'): ((origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]) => void)[]
88 rawListeners(eventName: 'disconnect'): ((origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void)[];
89 rawListeners(eventName: 'connectionError'): ((origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError) => void)[];
90 rawListeners(eventName: 'drain'): ((origin: URL) => void)[];
92 emit(eventName: 'connect', origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[]): boolean;
93 emit(eventName: 'disconnect', origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError): boolean;
94 emit(eventName: 'connectionError', origin: URL, targets: readonly Dispatcher[], error: Errors.UndiciError): boolean;
95 emit(eventName: 'drain', origin: URL): boolean;
98declare namespace Dispatcher {
99 export interface ComposedDispatcher extends Dispatcher {}
100 export type DispatcherComposeInterceptor = (dispatch: Dispatcher['dispatch']) => Dispatcher['dispatch'];
101 export interface DispatchOptions {
102 origin?: string | URL;
103 path: string;
104 method: HttpMethod;
105 /** Default: `null` */
106 body?: string | Buffer | Uint8Array | Readable | null | FormData;
107 /** Default: `null` */
108 headers?: IncomingHttpHeaders | string[] | Iterable<[string, string | string[] | undefined]> | null;
109 /** Query string params to be embedded in the request URL. Default: `null` */
110 query?: Record<string, any>;
111 /** Whether the requests can be safely retried or not. If `false` the request won't be sent until all preceding requests in the pipeline have completed. Default: `true` if `method` is `HEAD` or `GET`. */
112 idempotent?: boolean;
113 /** Whether the response is expected to take a long time and would end up blocking the pipeline. When this is set to `true` further pipelining will be avoided on the same connection until headers have been received. */
114 blocking?: boolean;
115 /** Upgrade the request. Should be used to specify the kind of upgrade i.e. `'Websocket'`. Default: `method === 'CONNECT' || null`. */
116 upgrade?: boolean | string | null;
117 /** The amount of time, in milliseconds, the parser will wait to receive the complete HTTP headers. Defaults to 300 seconds. */
118 headersTimeout?: number | null;
119 /** The timeout after which a request will time out, in milliseconds. Monitors time between receiving body data. Use 0 to disable it entirely. Defaults to 300 seconds. */
120 bodyTimeout?: number | null;
121 /** Whether the request should stablish a keep-alive or not. Default `false` */
122 reset?: boolean;
123 /** Whether Undici should throw an error upon receiving a 4xx or 5xx response from the server. Defaults to false */
124 throwOnError?: boolean;
125 /** For H2, it appends the expect: 100-continue header, and halts the request body until a 100-continue is received from the remote server*/
126 expectContinue?: boolean;
127 }
128 export interface ConnectOptions {
129 origin: string | URL;
130 path: string;
131 /** Default: `null` */
132 headers?: IncomingHttpHeaders | string[] | null;
133 /** Default: `null` */
134 signal?: AbortSignal | EventEmitter | null;
135 /** This argument parameter is passed through to `ConnectData` */
136 opaque?: unknown;
137 /** Default: 0 */
138 maxRedirections?: number;
139 /** Default: false */
140 redirectionLimitReached?: boolean;
141 /** Default: `null` */
142 responseHeader?: 'raw' | null;
143 }
144 export interface RequestOptions extends DispatchOptions {
145 /** Default: `null` */
146 opaque?: unknown;
147 /** Default: `null` */
148 signal?: AbortSignal | EventEmitter | null;
149 /** Default: 0 */
150 maxRedirections?: number;
151 /** Default: false */
152 redirectionLimitReached?: boolean;
153 /** Default: `null` */
154 onInfo?: (info: { statusCode: number, headers: Record<string, string | string[]> }) => void;
155 /** Default: `null` */
156 responseHeader?: 'raw' | null;
157 /** Default: `64 KiB` */
158 highWaterMark?: number;
159 }
160 export interface PipelineOptions extends RequestOptions {
161 /** `true` if the `handler` will return an object stream. Default: `false` */
162 objectMode?: boolean;
163 }
164 export interface UpgradeOptions {
165 path: string;
166 /** Default: `'GET'` */
167 method?: string;
168 /** Default: `null` */
169 headers?: IncomingHttpHeaders | string[] | null;
170 /** A string of comma separated protocols, in descending preference order. Default: `'Websocket'` */
171 protocol?: string;
172 /** Default: `null` */
173 signal?: AbortSignal | EventEmitter | null;
174 /** Default: 0 */
175 maxRedirections?: number;
176 /** Default: false */
177 redirectionLimitReached?: boolean;
178 /** Default: `null` */
179 responseHeader?: 'raw' | null;
180 }
181 export interface ConnectData {
182 statusCode: number;
183 headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
184 socket: Duplex;
185 opaque: unknown;
186 }
187 export interface ResponseData {
188 statusCode: number;
189 headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
190 body: BodyReadable & BodyMixin;
191 trailers: Record<string, string>;
192 opaque: unknown;
193 context: object;
194 }
195 export interface PipelineHandlerData {
196 statusCode: number;
197 headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
198 opaque: unknown;
199 body: BodyReadable;
200 context: object;
201 }
202 export interface StreamData {
203 opaque: unknown;
204 trailers: Record<string, string>;
205 }
206 export interface UpgradeData {
207 headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
208 socket: Duplex;
209 opaque: unknown;
210 }
211 export interface StreamFactoryData {
212 statusCode: number;
213 headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
214 opaque: unknown;
215 context: object;
216 }
217 export type StreamFactory = (data: StreamFactoryData) => Writable;
218 export interface DispatchHandlers {
219 /** Invoked before request is dispatched on socket. May be invoked multiple times when a request is retried when the request at the head of the pipeline fails. */
220 onConnect?(abort: (err?: Error) => void): void;
221 /** Invoked when an error has occurred. */
222 onError?(err: Error): void;
223 /** Invoked when request is upgraded either due to a `Upgrade` header or `CONNECT` method. */
224 onUpgrade?(statusCode: number, headers: Buffer[] | string[] | null, socket: Duplex): void;
225 /** Invoked when response is received, before headers have been read. **/
226 onResponseStarted?(): void;
227 /** Invoked when statusCode and headers have been received. May be invoked multiple times due to 1xx informational headers. */
228 onHeaders?(statusCode: number, headers: Buffer[], resume: () => void, statusText: string): boolean;
229 /** Invoked when response payload data is received. */
230 onData?(chunk: Buffer): boolean;
231 /** Invoked when response payload and trailers have been received and the request has completed. */
232 onComplete?(trailers: string[] | null): void;
233 /** Invoked when a body chunk is sent to the server. May be invoked multiple times for chunked requests */
234 onBodySent?(chunkSize: number, totalBytesSent: number): void;
235 }
236 export type PipelineHandler = (data: PipelineHandlerData) => Readable;
237 export type HttpMethod = 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'CONNECT' | 'OPTIONS' | 'TRACE' | 'PATCH';
239 /**
240 * @link
241 */
242 interface BodyMixin {
243 readonly body?: never;
244 readonly bodyUsed: boolean;
245 arrayBuffer(): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
246 blob(): Promise<Blob>;
247 formData(): Promise<never>;
248 json(): Promise<unknown>;
249 text(): Promise<string>;
250 }
252 export interface DispatchInterceptor {
253 (dispatch: Dispatcher['dispatch']): Dispatcher['dispatch']
254 }
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