source: imaps-frontend/node_modules/webpack-cli/lib/plugins/cli-plugin.js@ 79a0317

Last change on this file since 79a0317 was 79a0317, checked in by stefan toskovski <stefantoska84@…>, 2 weeks ago

F4 Finalna Verzija

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 5.1 KB
1"use strict";
2var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
3 if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
4 if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
5 return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
7var _a, _CLIPlugin_progressStates;
8Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
9exports.CLIPlugin = void 0;
10class CLIPlugin {
11 constructor(options) {
12 this.options = options;
13 }
14 async setupBundleAnalyzerPlugin(compiler) {
15 // eslint-disable-next-line n/no-extraneous-require
16 const { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } = require("webpack-bundle-analyzer");
17 const bundleAnalyzerPlugin = Boolean(compiler.options.plugins.find((plugin) => plugin instanceof BundleAnalyzerPlugin));
18 if (!bundleAnalyzerPlugin) {
19 new BundleAnalyzerPlugin().apply(compiler);
20 }
21 }
22 setupProgressPlugin(compiler) {
23 const { ProgressPlugin } = compiler.webpack || require("webpack");
24 const progressPlugin = Boolean(compiler.options.plugins.find((plugin) => plugin instanceof ProgressPlugin));
25 if (progressPlugin) {
26 return;
27 }
28 const isProfile = this.options.progress === "profile";
29 const options = {
30 profile: isProfile,
31 };
32 if (this.options.isMultiCompiler && ProgressPlugin.createDefaultHandler) {
33 const handler = ProgressPlugin.createDefaultHandler(isProfile, compiler.getInfrastructureLogger("webpack.Progress"));
34 const idx = __classPrivateFieldGet(_a, _a, "f", _CLIPlugin_progressStates).length;
35 __classPrivateFieldGet(_a, _a, "f", _CLIPlugin_progressStates)[idx] = [0];
36 options.handler = (p, msg, ...args) => {
37 __classPrivateFieldGet(_a, _a, "f", _CLIPlugin_progressStates)[idx] = [p, msg, ...args];
38 let sum = 0;
39 for (const [p] of __classPrivateFieldGet(_a, _a, "f", _CLIPlugin_progressStates)) {
40 sum += p;
41 }
42 handler(sum / __classPrivateFieldGet(_a, _a, "f", _CLIPlugin_progressStates).length, `[${ ? : idx}] ${msg}`, ...args);
43 };
44 }
45 new ProgressPlugin(options).apply(compiler);
46 }
47 setupHelpfulOutput(compiler) {
48 const pluginName = "webpack-cli";
49 const getCompilationName = () => ( ? `'${}'` : "");
50 const logCompilation = (message) => {
52 process.stderr.write(message);
53 }
54 else {
55 this.logger.log(message);
56 }
57 };
58 const { configPath } = this.options;
59, () => {
60 const name = getCompilationName();
61 logCompilation(`Compiler${name ? ` ${name}` : ""} starting... `);
62 if (configPath) {
63 this.logger.log(`Compiler${name ? ` ${name}` : ""} is using config: ${configPath
64 .map((path) => `'${path}'`)
65 .join(", ")}`);
66 }
67 });
68 compiler.hooks.watchRun.tap(pluginName, (compiler) => {
69 const { bail, watch } = compiler.options;
70 if (bail && watch) {
71 this.logger.warn('You are using "bail" with "watch". "bail" will still exit webpack when the first error is found.');
72 }
73 const name = getCompilationName();
74 logCompilation(`Compiler${name ? ` ${name}` : ""} starting... `);
75 if (configPath) {
76 this.logger.log(`Compiler${name ? ` ${name}` : ""} is using config: '${configPath}'`);
77 }
78 });
79 compiler.hooks.invalid.tap(pluginName, (filename, changeTime) => {
80 const date = new Date(changeTime);
81 this.logger.log(`File '${filename}' was modified`);
82 this.logger.log(`Changed time is ${date} (timestamp is ${changeTime})`);
83 });
84 (compiler.webpack ? compiler.hooks.afterDone : compiler.hooks.done).tap(pluginName, () => {
85 const name = getCompilationName();
86 logCompilation(`Compiler${name ? ` ${name}` : ""} finished`);
87 process.nextTick(() => {
88 if (compiler.watchMode) {
89 this.logger.log(`Compiler${name ? `${name}` : ""} is watching files for updates...`);
90 }
91 });
92 });
93 }
94 apply(compiler) {
95 this.logger = compiler.getInfrastructureLogger("webpack-cli");
96 if (this.options.progress) {
97 this.setupProgressPlugin(compiler);
98 }
99 if (this.options.analyze) {
100 this.setupBundleAnalyzerPlugin(compiler);
101 }
102 this.setupHelpfulOutput(compiler);
103 }
105exports.CLIPlugin = CLIPlugin;
106_a = CLIPlugin;
107_CLIPlugin_progressStates = { value: [] };
108module.exports = CLIPlugin;
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