1 | "use strict";
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | const fs = require("fs");
4 | const { Readable } = require("stream");
5 | const path = require("path");
6 | const { pathToFileURL } = require("url");
7 | const util = require("util");
8 | const { program, Option } = require("commander");
11 | ? process.env.WEBPACK_PACKAGE
12 | : "webpack";
16 | : "webpack-dev-server";
17 | const EXIT_SIGNALS = ["SIGINT", "SIGTERM"];
18 | class WebpackCLI {
19 | constructor() {
20 | this.colors = this.createColors();
21 | this.logger = this.getLogger();
22 | // Initialize program
23 | this.program = program;
24 | this.program.name("webpack");
25 | this.program.configureOutput({
26 | writeErr: this.logger.error,
27 | outputError: (str, write) => write(`Error: ${this.capitalizeFirstLetter(str.replace(/^error:/, "").trim())}`),
28 | });
29 | }
30 | isMultipleCompiler(compiler) {
31 | return compiler.compilers;
32 | }
33 | isPromise(value) {
34 | return typeof value.then === "function";
35 | }
36 | isFunction(value) {
37 | return typeof value === "function";
38 | }
39 | capitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
40 | if (typeof str !== "string") {
41 | return "";
42 | }
43 | return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
44 | }
45 | toKebabCase(str) {
46 | return str.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
47 | }
48 | createColors(useColor) {
49 | const { createColors, isColorSupported } = require("colorette");
50 | let shouldUseColor;
51 | if (useColor) {
52 | shouldUseColor = useColor;
53 | }
54 | else {
55 | shouldUseColor = isColorSupported;
56 | }
57 | return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, createColors({ useColor: shouldUseColor })), { isColorSupported: shouldUseColor });
58 | }
59 | getLogger() {
60 | return {
61 | error: (val) => console.error(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.red(util.format(val))}`),
62 | warn: (val) => console.warn(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.yellow(val)}`),
63 | info: (val) => console.info(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.cyan(val)}`),
64 | success: (val) => console.log(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.green(val)}`),
65 | log: (val) => console.log(`[webpack-cli] ${val}`),
66 | raw: (val) => console.log(val),
67 | };
68 | }
69 | checkPackageExists(packageName) {
70 | if (process.versions.pnp) {
71 | return true;
72 | }
73 | let dir = __dirname;
74 | do {
75 | try {
76 | if (fs.statSync(path.join(dir, "node_modules", packageName)).isDirectory()) {
77 | return true;
78 | }
79 | }
80 | catch (_error) {
81 | // Nothing
82 | }
83 | } while (dir !== (dir = path.dirname(dir)));
84 | // https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v18.9.1/lib/internal/modules/cjs/loader.js#L1274
85 | for (const internalPath of require("module").globalPaths) {
86 | try {
87 | if (fs.statSync(path.join(internalPath, packageName)).isDirectory()) {
88 | return true;
89 | }
90 | }
91 | catch (_error) {
92 | // Nothing
93 | }
94 | }
95 | return false;
96 | }
97 | getAvailablePackageManagers() {
98 | const { sync } = require("cross-spawn");
99 | const installers = ["npm", "yarn", "pnpm"];
100 | const hasPackageManagerInstalled = (packageManager) => {
101 | try {
102 | sync(packageManager, ["--version"]);
103 | return packageManager;
104 | }
105 | catch (_err) {
106 | return false;
107 | }
108 | };
109 | const availableInstallers = installers.filter((installer) => hasPackageManagerInstalled(installer));
110 | if (!availableInstallers.length) {
111 | this.logger.error("No package manager found.");
112 | process.exit(2);
113 | }
114 | return availableInstallers;
115 | }
116 | getDefaultPackageManager() {
117 | const { sync } = require("cross-spawn");
118 | const hasLocalNpm = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "package-lock.json"));
119 | if (hasLocalNpm) {
120 | return "npm";
121 | }
122 | const hasLocalYarn = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "yarn.lock"));
123 | if (hasLocalYarn) {
124 | return "yarn";
125 | }
126 | const hasLocalPnpm = fs.existsSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "pnpm-lock.yaml"));
127 | if (hasLocalPnpm) {
128 | return "pnpm";
129 | }
130 | try {
131 | // the sync function below will fail if npm is not installed,
132 | // an error will be thrown
133 | if (sync("npm", ["--version"])) {
134 | return "npm";
135 | }
136 | }
137 | catch (_err) {
138 | // Nothing
139 | }
140 | try {
141 | // the sync function below will fail if yarn is not installed,
142 | // an error will be thrown
143 | if (sync("yarn", ["--version"])) {
144 | return "yarn";
145 | }
146 | }
147 | catch (_err) {
148 | // Nothing
149 | }
150 | try {
151 | // the sync function below will fail if pnpm is not installed,
152 | // an error will be thrown
153 | if (sync("pnpm", ["--version"])) {
154 | return "pnpm";
155 | }
156 | }
157 | catch (_err) {
158 | this.logger.error("No package manager found.");
159 | process.exit(2);
160 | }
161 | }
162 | async doInstall(packageName, options = {}) {
163 | const packageManager = this.getDefaultPackageManager();
164 | if (!packageManager) {
165 | this.logger.error("Can't find package manager");
166 | process.exit(2);
167 | }
168 | if (options.preMessage) {
169 | options.preMessage();
170 | }
171 | const prompt = ({ message, defaultResponse, stream }) => {
172 | const readline = require("readline");
173 | const rl = readline.createInterface({
174 | input: process.stdin,
175 | output: stream,
176 | });
177 | return new Promise((resolve) => {
178 | rl.question(`${message} `, (answer) => {
179 | // Close the stream
180 | rl.close();
181 | const response = (answer || defaultResponse).toLowerCase();
182 | // Resolve with the input response
183 | if (response === "y" || response === "yes") {
184 | resolve(true);
185 | }
186 | else {
187 | resolve(false);
188 | }
189 | });
190 | });
191 | };
192 | // yarn uses 'add' command, rest npm and pnpm both use 'install'
193 | const commandArguments = [packageManager === "yarn" ? "add" : "install", "-D", packageName];
194 | const commandToBeRun = `${packageManager} ${commandArguments.join(" ")}`;
195 | let needInstall;
196 | try {
197 | needInstall = await prompt({
198 | message: `[webpack-cli] Would you like to install '${this.colors.green(packageName)}' package? (That will run '${this.colors.green(commandToBeRun)}') (${this.colors.yellow("Y/n")})`,
199 | defaultResponse: "Y",
200 | stream: process.stderr,
201 | });
202 | }
203 | catch (error) {
204 | this.logger.error(error);
205 | process.exit(error);
206 | }
207 | if (needInstall) {
208 | const { sync } = require("cross-spawn");
209 | try {
210 | sync(packageManager, commandArguments, { stdio: "inherit" });
211 | }
212 | catch (error) {
213 | this.logger.error(error);
214 | process.exit(2);
215 | }
216 | return packageName;
217 | }
218 | process.exit(2);
219 | }
220 | async tryRequireThenImport(module, handleError = true, moduleType = "unknown") {
221 | let result;
222 | switch (moduleType) {
223 | case "unknown": {
224 | try {
225 | result = require(module);
226 | }
227 | catch (error) {
228 | const dynamicImportLoader = require("./utils/dynamic-import-loader")();
229 | if ((error.code === "ERR_REQUIRE_ESM" ||
230 | error.code === "ERR_REQUIRE_ASYNC_MODULE" ||
232 | pathToFileURL &&
233 | dynamicImportLoader) {
234 | const urlForConfig = pathToFileURL(module);
235 | result = await dynamicImportLoader(urlForConfig);
236 | result = result.default;
237 | return result;
238 | }
239 | if (handleError) {
240 | this.logger.error(error);
241 | process.exit(2);
242 | }
243 | else {
244 | throw error;
245 | }
246 | }
247 | break;
248 | }
249 | case "commonjs": {
250 | try {
251 | result = require(module);
252 | }
253 | catch (error) {
254 | if (handleError) {
255 | this.logger.error(error);
256 | process.exit(2);
257 | }
258 | else {
259 | throw error;
260 | }
261 | }
262 | break;
263 | }
264 | case "esm": {
265 | try {
266 | const dynamicImportLoader = require("./utils/dynamic-import-loader")();
267 | if (pathToFileURL && dynamicImportLoader) {
268 | const urlForConfig = pathToFileURL(module);
269 | result = await dynamicImportLoader(urlForConfig);
270 | result = result.default;
271 | return result;
272 | }
273 | }
274 | catch (error) {
275 | if (handleError) {
276 | this.logger.error(error);
277 | process.exit(2);
278 | }
279 | else {
280 | throw error;
281 | }
282 | }
283 | break;
284 | }
285 | }
286 | // For babel and other, only commonjs
287 | if (result && typeof result === "object" && "default" in result) {
288 | result = result.default || {};
289 | }
290 | return result || {};
291 | }
292 | loadJSONFile(pathToFile, handleError = true) {
293 | let result;
294 | try {
295 | result = require(pathToFile);
296 | }
297 | catch (error) {
298 | if (handleError) {
299 | this.logger.error(error);
300 | process.exit(2);
301 | }
302 | else {
303 | throw error;
304 | }
305 | }
306 | return result;
307 | }
308 | getInfoOptions() {
309 | return [
310 | {
311 | name: "output",
312 | alias: "o",
313 | configs: [
314 | {
315 | type: "string",
316 | },
317 | ],
318 | description: "To get the output in a specified format ( accept json or markdown )",
319 | helpLevel: "minimum",
320 | },
321 | {
322 | name: "additional-package",
323 | alias: "a",
324 | configs: [{ type: "string" }],
325 | multiple: true,
326 | description: "Adds additional packages to the output",
327 | helpLevel: "minimum",
328 | },
329 | ];
330 | }
331 | async getInfoOutput(options) {
332 | let { output } = options;
333 | const envinfoConfig = {};
334 | if (output) {
335 | // Remove quotes if exist
336 | output = output.replace(/['"]+/g, "");
337 | switch (output) {
338 | case "markdown":
339 | envinfoConfig["markdown"] = true;
340 | break;
341 | case "json":
342 | envinfoConfig["json"] = true;
343 | break;
344 | default:
345 | this.logger.error(`'${output}' is not a valid value for output`);
346 | process.exit(2);
347 | }
348 | }
349 | const defaultInformation = {
350 | Binaries: ["Node", "Yarn", "npm", "pnpm"],
351 | Browsers: [
352 | "Brave Browser",
353 | "Chrome",
354 | "Chrome Canary",
355 | "Edge",
356 | "Firefox",
357 | "Firefox Developer Edition",
358 | "Firefox Nightly",
359 | "Internet Explorer",
360 | "Safari",
361 | "Safari Technology Preview",
362 | ],
363 | Monorepos: ["Yarn Workspaces", "Lerna"],
364 | System: ["OS", "CPU", "Memory"],
365 | npmGlobalPackages: ["webpack", "webpack-cli", "webpack-dev-server"],
366 | };
367 | let defaultPackages = ["webpack", "loader", "@webpack-cli/"];
368 | if (typeof options.additionalPackage !== "undefined") {
369 | defaultPackages = [...defaultPackages, ...options.additionalPackage];
370 | }
371 | defaultInformation.npmPackages = `{${defaultPackages.map((item) => `*${item}*`).join(",")}}`;
372 | const envinfo = await this.tryRequireThenImport("envinfo", false);
373 | let info = await envinfo.run(defaultInformation, envinfoConfig);
374 | info = info.replace(/npmPackages/g, "Packages");
375 | info = info.replace(/npmGlobalPackages/g, "Global Packages");
376 | return info;
377 | }
378 | async makeCommand(commandOptions, options, action) {
379 | const alreadyLoaded = this.program.commands.find((command) => command.name() === commandOptions.name.split(" ")[0] ||
380 | command.aliases().includes(commandOptions.alias));
381 | if (alreadyLoaded) {
382 | return;
383 | }
384 | const command = this.program.command(commandOptions.name, {
385 | hidden: commandOptions.hidden,
386 | isDefault: commandOptions.isDefault,
387 | });
388 | if (commandOptions.description) {
389 | command.description(commandOptions.description, commandOptions.argsDescription);
390 | }
391 | if (commandOptions.usage) {
392 | command.usage(commandOptions.usage);
393 | }
394 | if (Array.isArray(commandOptions.alias)) {
395 | command.aliases(commandOptions.alias);
396 | }
397 | else {
398 | command.alias(commandOptions.alias);
399 | }
400 | if (commandOptions.pkg) {
401 | command.pkg = commandOptions.pkg;
402 | }
403 | else {
404 | command.pkg = "webpack-cli";
405 | }
406 | const { forHelp } = this.program;
407 | let allDependenciesInstalled = true;
408 | if (commandOptions.dependencies && commandOptions.dependencies.length > 0) {
409 | for (const dependency of commandOptions.dependencies) {
410 | const isPkgExist = this.checkPackageExists(dependency);
411 | if (isPkgExist) {
412 | continue;
413 | }
414 | else if (!isPkgExist && forHelp) {
415 | allDependenciesInstalled = false;
416 | continue;
417 | }
418 | let skipInstallation = false;
419 | // Allow to use `./path/to/webpack.js` outside `node_modules`
420 | if (dependency === WEBPACK_PACKAGE && WEBPACK_PACKAGE_IS_CUSTOM) {
421 | skipInstallation = true;
422 | }
423 | // Allow to use `./path/to/webpack-dev-server.js` outside `node_modules`
425 | skipInstallation = true;
426 | }
427 | if (skipInstallation) {
428 | continue;
429 | }
430 | await this.doInstall(dependency, {
431 | preMessage: () => {
432 | this.logger.error(`For using '${this.colors.green(commandOptions.name.split(" ")[0])}' command you need to install: '${this.colors.green(dependency)}' package.`);
433 | },
434 | });
435 | }
436 | }
437 | if (options) {
438 | if (typeof options === "function") {
439 | if (forHelp && !allDependenciesInstalled && commandOptions.dependencies) {
440 | command.description(`${commandOptions.description} To see all available options you need to install ${commandOptions.dependencies
441 | .map((dependency) => `'${dependency}'`)
442 | .join(", ")}.`);
443 | options = [];
444 | }
445 | else {
446 | options = await options();
447 | }
448 | }
449 | for (const option of options) {
450 | this.makeOption(command, option);
451 | }
452 | }
453 | command.action(action);
454 | return command;
455 | }
456 | makeOption(command, option) {
457 | let mainOption;
458 | let negativeOption;
459 | const flagsWithAlias = ["devtool", "output-path", "target", "watch", "extends"];
460 | if (flagsWithAlias.includes(option.name)) {
461 | option.alias = option.name[0];
462 | }
463 | if (option.configs) {
464 | let needNegativeOption = false;
465 | let negatedDescription;
466 | const mainOptionType = new Set();
467 | for (const config of option.configs) {
468 | switch (config.type) {
469 | case "reset":
470 | mainOptionType.add(Boolean);
471 | break;
472 | case "boolean":
473 | if (!needNegativeOption) {
474 | needNegativeOption = true;
475 | negatedDescription = config.negatedDescription;
476 | }
477 | mainOptionType.add(Boolean);
478 | break;
479 | case "number":
480 | mainOptionType.add(Number);
481 | break;
482 | case "string":
483 | case "path":
484 | case "RegExp":
485 | mainOptionType.add(String);
486 | break;
487 | case "enum": {
488 | let hasFalseEnum = false;
489 | for (const value of config.values || []) {
490 | switch (typeof value) {
491 | case "string":
492 | mainOptionType.add(String);
493 | break;
494 | case "number":
495 | mainOptionType.add(Number);
496 | break;
497 | case "boolean":
498 | if (!hasFalseEnum && value === false) {
499 | hasFalseEnum = true;
500 | break;
501 | }
502 | mainOptionType.add(Boolean);
503 | break;
504 | }
505 | }
506 | if (!needNegativeOption) {
507 | needNegativeOption = hasFalseEnum;
508 | negatedDescription = config.negatedDescription;
509 | }
510 | }
511 | }
512 | }
513 | mainOption = {
514 | flags: option.alias ? `-${option.alias}, --${option.name}` : `--${option.name}`,
515 | valueName: option.valueName || "value",
516 | description: option.description || "",
517 | type: mainOptionType,
518 | multiple: option.multiple,
519 | defaultValue: option.defaultValue,
520 | };
521 | if (needNegativeOption) {
522 | negativeOption = {
523 | flags: `--no-${option.name}`,
524 | description: negatedDescription || option.negatedDescription || `Negative '${option.name}' option.`,
525 | };
526 | }
527 | }
528 | else {
529 | mainOption = {
530 | flags: option.alias ? `-${option.alias}, --${option.name}` : `--${option.name}`,
531 | valueName: option.valueName || "value",
532 | description: option.description || "",
533 | type: option.type
534 | ? new Set(Array.isArray(option.type) ? option.type : [option.type])
535 | : new Set([Boolean]),
536 | multiple: option.multiple,
537 | defaultValue: option.defaultValue,
538 | };
539 | if (option.negative) {
540 | negativeOption = {
541 | flags: `--no-${option.name}`,
542 | description: option.negatedDescription
543 | ? option.negatedDescription
544 | : `Negative '${option.name}' option.`,
545 | };
546 | }
547 | }
548 | if (mainOption.type.size > 1 && mainOption.type.has(Boolean)) {
549 | mainOption.flags = `${mainOption.flags} [${mainOption.valueName || "value"}${mainOption.multiple ? "..." : ""}]`;
550 | }
551 | else if (mainOption.type.size > 0 && !mainOption.type.has(Boolean)) {
552 | mainOption.flags = `${mainOption.flags} <${mainOption.valueName || "value"}${mainOption.multiple ? "..." : ""}>`;
553 | }
554 | if (mainOption.type.size === 1) {
555 | if (mainOption.type.has(Number)) {
556 | let skipDefault = true;
557 | const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description)
558 | .argParser((value, prev = []) => {
559 | if (mainOption.defaultValue && mainOption.multiple && skipDefault) {
560 | prev = [];
561 | skipDefault = false;
562 | }
563 | return mainOption.multiple
564 | ? [].concat(prev).concat(Number(value))
565 | : Number(value);
566 | })
567 | .default(mainOption.defaultValue);
568 | optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
569 | command.addOption(optionForCommand);
570 | }
571 | else if (mainOption.type.has(String)) {
572 | let skipDefault = true;
573 | const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description)
574 | .argParser((value, prev = []) => {
575 | if (mainOption.defaultValue && mainOption.multiple && skipDefault) {
576 | prev = [];
577 | skipDefault = false;
578 | }
579 | return mainOption.multiple ? [].concat(prev).concat(value) : value;
580 | })
581 | .default(mainOption.defaultValue);
582 | optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
583 | command.addOption(optionForCommand);
584 | }
585 | else if (mainOption.type.has(Boolean)) {
586 | const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description).default(mainOption.defaultValue);
587 | optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
588 | command.addOption(optionForCommand);
589 | }
590 | else {
591 | const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description)
592 | .argParser(Array.from(mainOption.type)[0])
593 | .default(mainOption.defaultValue);
594 | optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
595 | command.addOption(optionForCommand);
596 | }
597 | }
598 | else if (mainOption.type.size > 1) {
599 | let skipDefault = true;
600 | const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description, mainOption.defaultValue)
601 | .argParser((value, prev = []) => {
602 | if (mainOption.defaultValue && mainOption.multiple && skipDefault) {
603 | prev = [];
604 | skipDefault = false;
605 | }
606 | if (mainOption.type.has(Number)) {
607 | const numberValue = Number(value);
608 | if (!isNaN(numberValue)) {
609 | return mainOption.multiple
610 | ? [].concat(prev).concat(numberValue)
611 | : numberValue;
612 | }
613 | }
614 | if (mainOption.type.has(String)) {
615 | return mainOption.multiple ? [].concat(prev).concat(value) : value;
616 | }
617 | return value;
618 | })
619 | .default(mainOption.defaultValue);
620 | optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
621 | command.addOption(optionForCommand);
622 | }
623 | else if (mainOption.type.size === 0 && negativeOption) {
624 | const optionForCommand = new Option(mainOption.flags, mainOption.description);
625 | // Hide stub option
626 | optionForCommand.hideHelp();
627 | optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
628 | command.addOption(optionForCommand);
629 | }
630 | if (negativeOption) {
631 | const optionForCommand = new Option(negativeOption.flags, negativeOption.description);
632 | optionForCommand.helpLevel = option.helpLevel;
633 | command.addOption(optionForCommand);
634 | }
635 | }
636 | getBuiltInOptions() {
637 | if (this.builtInOptionsCache) {
638 | return this.builtInOptionsCache;
639 | }
640 | const builtInFlags = [
641 | // For configs
642 | {
643 | name: "config",
644 | alias: "c",
645 | configs: [
646 | {
647 | type: "string",
648 | },
649 | ],
650 | multiple: true,
651 | valueName: "pathToConfigFile",
652 | description: 'Provide path to one or more webpack configuration files to process, e.g. "./webpack.config.js".',
653 | helpLevel: "minimum",
654 | },
655 | {
656 | name: "config-name",
657 | configs: [
658 | {
659 | type: "string",
660 | },
661 | ],
662 | multiple: true,
663 | valueName: "name",
664 | description: "Name(s) of particular configuration(s) to use if configuration file exports an array of multiple configurations.",
665 | helpLevel: "minimum",
666 | },
667 | {
668 | name: "merge",
669 | alias: "m",
670 | configs: [
671 | {
672 | type: "enum",
673 | values: [true],
674 | },
675 | ],
676 | description: "Merge two or more configurations using 'webpack-merge'.",
677 | helpLevel: "minimum",
678 | },
679 | {
680 | name: "disable-interpret",
681 | configs: [
682 | {
683 | type: "enum",
684 | values: [true],
685 | },
686 | ],
687 | description: "Disable interpret for loading the config file.",
688 | helpLevel: "minimum",
689 | },
690 | // Complex configs
691 | {
692 | name: "env",
693 | type: (value, previous = {}) => {
694 | // This ensures we're only splitting by the first `=`
695 | const [allKeys, val] = value.split(/=(.+)/, 2);
696 | const splitKeys = allKeys.split(/\.(?!$)/);
697 | let prevRef = previous;
698 | splitKeys.forEach((someKey, index) => {
699 | // https://github.com/webpack/webpack-cli/issues/3284
700 | if (someKey.endsWith("=")) {
701 | // remove '=' from key
702 | someKey = someKey.slice(0, -1);
703 | // @ts-expect-error we explicitly want to set it to undefined
704 | prevRef[someKey] = undefined;
705 | return;
706 | }
707 | if (!prevRef[someKey]) {
708 | prevRef[someKey] = {};
709 | }
710 | if (typeof prevRef[someKey] === "string") {
711 | prevRef[someKey] = {};
712 | }
713 | if (index === splitKeys.length - 1) {
714 | if (typeof val === "string") {
715 | prevRef[someKey] = val;
716 | }
717 | else {
718 | prevRef[someKey] = true;
719 | }
720 | }
721 | prevRef = prevRef[someKey];
722 | });
723 | return previous;
724 | },
725 | multiple: true,
726 | description: 'Environment variables passed to the configuration when it is a function, e.g. "myvar" or "myvar=myval".',
727 | helpLevel: "minimum",
728 | },
729 | {
730 | name: "node-env",
731 | configs: [
732 | {
733 | type: "string",
734 | },
735 | ],
736 | multiple: false,
737 | description: "Sets process.env.NODE_ENV to the specified value for access within the configuration.(Deprecated: Use '--config-node-env' instead)",
738 | helpLevel: "minimum",
739 | },
740 | {
741 | name: "config-node-env",
742 | configs: [
743 | {
744 | type: "string",
745 | },
746 | ],
747 | multiple: false,
748 | description: "Sets process.env.NODE_ENV to the specified value for access within the configuration.",
749 | helpLevel: "minimum",
750 | },
751 | // Adding more plugins
752 | {
753 | name: "analyze",
754 | configs: [
755 | {
756 | type: "enum",
757 | values: [true],
758 | },
759 | ],
760 | multiple: false,
761 | description: "It invokes webpack-bundle-analyzer plugin to get bundle information.",
762 | helpLevel: "minimum",
763 | },
764 | {
765 | name: "progress",
766 | configs: [
767 | {
768 | type: "string",
769 | },
770 | {
771 | type: "enum",
772 | values: [true],
773 | },
774 | ],
775 | description: "Print compilation progress during build.",
776 | helpLevel: "minimum",
777 | },
778 | // Output options
779 | {
780 | name: "json",
781 | configs: [
782 | {
783 | type: "string",
784 | },
785 | {
786 | type: "enum",
787 | values: [true],
788 | },
789 | ],
790 | alias: "j",
791 | valueName: "pathToJsonFile",
792 | description: "Prints result as JSON or store it in a file.",
793 | helpLevel: "minimum",
794 | },
795 | {
796 | name: "fail-on-warnings",
797 | configs: [
798 | {
799 | type: "enum",
800 | values: [true],
801 | },
802 | ],
803 | description: "Stop webpack-cli process with non-zero exit code on warnings from webpack.",
804 | helpLevel: "minimum",
805 | },
806 | ];
807 | // Options from webpack core to be included in the minimum help output
808 | const minimumHelpFlags = [
809 | "mode",
810 | "watch",
811 | "watch-options-stdin",
812 | "stats",
813 | "devtool",
814 | "entry",
815 | "target",
816 | "name",
817 | "output-path",
818 | "extends",
819 | ];
820 | // Extract all the flags being exported from core.
821 | // A list of cli flags generated by core can be found here https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/main/test/__snapshots__/Cli.basictest.js.snap
822 | const options = builtInFlags.concat(Object.entries(this.webpack.cli.getArguments()).map(([name, meta]) => {
823 | return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, meta), { name, description: meta.description, group: "core", helpLevel: minimumHelpFlags.includes(name) ? "minimum" : "verbose" });
824 | }));
825 | this.builtInOptionsCache = options;
826 | return options;
827 | }
828 | async loadWebpack(handleError = true) {
829 | return this.tryRequireThenImport(WEBPACK_PACKAGE, handleError);
830 | }
831 | async run(args, parseOptions) {
832 | // Built-in internal commands
833 | const buildCommandOptions = {
834 | name: "build [entries...]",
835 | alias: ["bundle", "b"],
836 | description: "Run webpack (default command, can be omitted).",
837 | usage: "[entries...] [options]",
838 | dependencies: [WEBPACK_PACKAGE],
839 | };
840 | const watchCommandOptions = {
841 | name: "watch [entries...]",
842 | alias: "w",
843 | description: "Run webpack and watch for files changes.",
844 | usage: "[entries...] [options]",
845 | dependencies: [WEBPACK_PACKAGE],
846 | };
847 | const versionCommandOptions = {
848 | name: "version",
849 | alias: "v",
850 | usage: "[options]",
851 | description: "Output the version number of 'webpack', 'webpack-cli' and 'webpack-dev-server' and commands.",
852 | };
853 | const helpCommandOptions = {
854 | name: "help [command] [option]",
855 | alias: "h",
856 | description: "Display help for commands and options.",
857 | };
858 | // Built-in external commands
859 | const externalBuiltInCommandsInfo = [
860 | {
861 | name: "serve [entries...]",
862 | alias: ["server", "s"],
863 | pkg: "@webpack-cli/serve",
864 | },
865 | {
866 | name: "info",
867 | alias: "i",
868 | pkg: "@webpack-cli/info",
869 | },
870 | {
871 | name: "configtest [config-path]",
872 | alias: "t",
873 | pkg: "@webpack-cli/configtest",
874 | },
875 | ];
876 | const knownCommands = [
877 | buildCommandOptions,
878 | watchCommandOptions,
879 | versionCommandOptions,
880 | helpCommandOptions,
881 | ...externalBuiltInCommandsInfo,
882 | ];
883 | const getCommandName = (name) => name.split(" ")[0];
884 | const isKnownCommand = (name) => knownCommands.find((command) => getCommandName(command.name) === name ||
885 | (Array.isArray(command.alias) ? command.alias.includes(name) : command.alias === name));
886 | const isCommand = (input, commandOptions) => {
887 | const longName = getCommandName(commandOptions.name);
888 | if (input === longName) {
889 | return true;
890 | }
891 | if (commandOptions.alias) {
892 | if (Array.isArray(commandOptions.alias)) {
893 | return commandOptions.alias.includes(input);
894 | }
895 | else {
896 | return commandOptions.alias === input;
897 | }
898 | }
899 | return false;
900 | };
901 | const findCommandByName = (name) => this.program.commands.find((command) => name === command.name() || command.aliases().includes(name));
902 | const isOption = (value) => value.startsWith("-");
903 | const isGlobalOption = (value) => value === "--color" ||
904 | value === "--no-color" ||
905 | value === "-v" ||
906 | value === "--version" ||
907 | value === "-h" ||
908 | value === "--help";
909 | const loadCommandByName = async (commandName, allowToInstall = false) => {
910 | const isBuildCommandUsed = isCommand(commandName, buildCommandOptions);
911 | const isWatchCommandUsed = isCommand(commandName, watchCommandOptions);
912 | if (isBuildCommandUsed || isWatchCommandUsed) {
913 | await this.makeCommand(isBuildCommandUsed ? buildCommandOptions : watchCommandOptions, async () => {
914 | this.webpack = await this.loadWebpack();
915 | return this.getBuiltInOptions();
916 | }, async (entries, options) => {
917 | if (entries.length > 0) {
918 | options.entry = [...entries, ...(options.entry || [])];
919 | }
920 | await this.runWebpack(options, isWatchCommandUsed);
921 | });
922 | }
923 | else if (isCommand(commandName, helpCommandOptions)) {
924 | // Stub for the `help` command
925 | this.makeCommand(helpCommandOptions, [], () => { });
926 | }
927 | else if (isCommand(commandName, versionCommandOptions)) {
928 | // Stub for the `version` command
929 | this.makeCommand(versionCommandOptions, this.getInfoOptions(), async (options) => {
930 | const info = await cli.getInfoOutput(options);
931 | cli.logger.raw(info);
932 | });
933 | }
934 | else {
935 | const builtInExternalCommandInfo = externalBuiltInCommandsInfo.find((externalBuiltInCommandInfo) => getCommandName(externalBuiltInCommandInfo.name) === commandName ||
936 | (Array.isArray(externalBuiltInCommandInfo.alias)
937 | ? externalBuiltInCommandInfo.alias.includes(commandName)
938 | : externalBuiltInCommandInfo.alias === commandName));
939 | let pkg;
940 | if (builtInExternalCommandInfo) {
941 | ({ pkg } = builtInExternalCommandInfo);
942 | }
943 | else {
944 | pkg = commandName;
945 | }
946 | if (pkg !== "webpack-cli" && !this.checkPackageExists(pkg)) {
947 | if (!allowToInstall) {
948 | return;
949 | }
950 | pkg = await this.doInstall(pkg, {
951 | preMessage: () => {
952 | this.logger.error(`For using this command you need to install: '${this.colors.green(pkg)}' package.`);
953 | },
954 | });
955 | }
956 | let loadedCommand;
957 | try {
958 | loadedCommand = await this.tryRequireThenImport(pkg, false);
959 | }
960 | catch (_err) {
961 | // Ignore, command is not installed
962 | return;
963 | }
964 | let command;
965 | try {
966 | command = new loadedCommand();
967 | await command.apply(this);
968 | }
969 | catch (error) {
970 | this.logger.error(`Unable to load '${pkg}' command`);
971 | this.logger.error(error);
972 | process.exit(2);
973 | }
974 | }
975 | };
976 | // Register own exit
977 | this.program.exitOverride(async (error) => {
978 | var _a;
979 | if (error.exitCode === 0) {
980 | process.exit(0);
981 | }
982 | if (error.code === "executeSubCommandAsync") {
983 | process.exit(2);
984 | }
985 | if (error.code === "commander.help") {
986 | process.exit(0);
987 | }
988 | if (error.code === "commander.unknownOption") {
989 | let name = error.message.match(/'(.+)'/);
990 | if (name) {
991 | name = name[1].slice(2);
992 | if (name.includes("=")) {
993 | name = name.split("=")[0];
994 | }
995 | const { operands } = this.program.parseOptions(this.program.args);
996 | const operand = typeof operands[0] !== "undefined"
997 | ? operands[0]
998 | : getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name);
999 | if (operand) {
1000 | const command = findCommandByName(operand);
1001 | if (!command) {
1002 | this.logger.error(`Can't find and load command '${operand}'`);
1003 | this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
1004 | process.exit(2);
1005 | }
1006 | const levenshtein = require("fastest-levenshtein");
1007 | for (const option of command.options) {
1008 | if (!option.hidden && levenshtein.distance(name, (_a = option.long) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.slice(2)) < 3) {
1009 | this.logger.error(`Did you mean '--${option.name()}'?`);
1010 | }
1011 | }
1012 | }
1013 | }
1014 | }
1015 | // Codes:
1016 | // - commander.unknownCommand
1017 | // - commander.missingArgument
1018 | // - commander.missingMandatoryOptionValue
1019 | // - commander.optionMissingArgument
1020 | this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
1021 | process.exit(2);
1022 | });
1023 | // Default `--color` and `--no-color` options
1024 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
1025 | const cli = this;
1026 | this.program.option("--color", "Enable colors on console.");
1027 | this.program.on("option:color", function () {
1028 | // @ts-expect-error shadowing 'this' is intended
1029 | const { color } = this.opts();
1030 | cli.isColorSupportChanged = color;
1031 | cli.colors = cli.createColors(color);
1032 | });
1033 | this.program.option("--no-color", "Disable colors on console.");
1034 | this.program.on("option:no-color", function () {
1035 | // @ts-expect-error shadowing 'this' is intended
1036 | const { color } = this.opts();
1037 | cli.isColorSupportChanged = color;
1038 | cli.colors = cli.createColors(color);
1039 | });
1040 | this.program.option("-v, --version", "Output the version number of 'webpack', 'webpack-cli' and 'webpack-dev-server' and commands.");
1041 | // webpack-cli has it's own logic for showing suggestions
1042 | this.program.showSuggestionAfterError(false);
1043 | const outputHelp = async (options, isVerbose, isHelpCommandSyntax, program) => {
1044 | const { bold } = this.colors;
1045 | const outputIncorrectUsageOfHelp = () => {
1046 | this.logger.error("Incorrect use of help");
1047 | this.logger.error("Please use: 'webpack help [command] [option]' | 'webpack [command] --help'");
1048 | this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
1049 | process.exit(2);
1050 | };
1051 | const isGlobalHelp = options.length === 0;
1052 | const isCommandHelp = options.length === 1 && !isOption(options[0]);
1053 | if (isGlobalHelp || isCommandHelp) {
1054 | program.configureHelp({
1055 | sortSubcommands: true,
1056 | // Support multiple aliases
1057 | commandUsage: (command) => {
1058 | let parentCmdNames = "";
1059 | for (let parentCmd = command.parent; parentCmd; parentCmd = parentCmd.parent) {
1060 | parentCmdNames = `${parentCmd.name()} ${parentCmdNames}`;
1061 | }
1062 | if (isGlobalHelp) {
1063 | return `${parentCmdNames}${command.usage()}\n${bold("Alternative usage to run commands:")} ${parentCmdNames}[command] [options]`;
1064 | }
1065 | return `${parentCmdNames}${command.name()}|${command
1066 | .aliases()
1067 | .join("|")} ${command.usage()}`;
1068 | },
1069 | // Support multiple aliases
1070 | subcommandTerm: (command) => {
1071 | const humanReadableArgumentName = (argument) => {
1072 | const nameOutput = argument.name() + (argument.variadic ? "..." : "");
1073 | return argument.required ? "<" + nameOutput + ">" : "[" + nameOutput + "]";
1074 | };
1075 | const args = command._args
1076 | .map((arg) => humanReadableArgumentName(arg))
1077 | .join(" ");
1078 | return `${command.name()}|${command.aliases().join("|")}${args ? ` ${args}` : ""}${command.options.length > 0 ? " [options]" : ""}`;
1079 | },
1080 | visibleOptions: function visibleOptions(command) {
1081 | return command.options.filter((option) => {
1082 | if (option.hidden) {
1083 | return false;
1084 | }
1085 | // Hide `--watch` option when developer use `webpack watch --help`
1086 | if ((options[0] === "w" || options[0] === "watch") &&
1087 | (option.name() === "watch" || option.name() === "no-watch")) {
1088 | return false;
1089 | }
1090 | switch (option.helpLevel) {
1091 | case "verbose":
1092 | return isVerbose;
1093 | case "minimum":
1094 | default:
1095 | return true;
1096 | }
1097 | });
1098 | },
1099 | padWidth(command, helper) {
1100 | return Math.max(helper.longestArgumentTermLength(command, helper), helper.longestOptionTermLength(command, helper),
1101 | // For global options
1102 | helper.longestOptionTermLength(program, helper), helper.longestSubcommandTermLength(isGlobalHelp ? program : command, helper));
1103 | },
1104 | formatHelp: (command, helper) => {
1105 | const termWidth = helper.padWidth(command, helper);
1106 | const helpWidth = helper.helpWidth || process.env.WEBPACK_CLI_HELP_WIDTH || 80;
1107 | const itemIndentWidth = 2;
1108 | const itemSeparatorWidth = 2; // between term and description
1109 | const formatItem = (term, description) => {
1110 | if (description) {
1111 | const fullText = `${term.padEnd(termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth)}${description}`;
1112 | return helper.wrap(fullText, helpWidth - itemIndentWidth, termWidth + itemSeparatorWidth);
1113 | }
1114 | return term;
1115 | };
1116 | const formatList = (textArray) => textArray.join("\n").replace(/^/gm, " ".repeat(itemIndentWidth));
1117 | // Usage
1118 | let output = [`${bold("Usage:")} ${helper.commandUsage(command)}`, ""];
1119 | // Description
1120 | const commandDescription = isGlobalHelp
1121 | ? "The build tool for modern web applications."
1122 | : helper.commandDescription(command);
1123 | if (commandDescription.length > 0) {
1124 | output = output.concat([commandDescription, ""]);
1125 | }
1126 | // Arguments
1127 | const argumentList = helper
1128 | .visibleArguments(command)
1129 | .map((argument) => formatItem(argument.name(), argument.description));
1130 | if (argumentList.length > 0) {
1131 | output = output.concat([bold("Arguments:"), formatList(argumentList), ""]);
1132 | }
1133 | // Options
1134 | const optionList = helper
1135 | .visibleOptions(command)
1136 | .map((option) => formatItem(helper.optionTerm(option), helper.optionDescription(option)));
1137 | if (optionList.length > 0) {
1138 | output = output.concat([bold("Options:"), formatList(optionList), ""]);
1139 | }
1140 | // Global options
1141 | const globalOptionList = program.options.map((option) => formatItem(helper.optionTerm(option), helper.optionDescription(option)));
1142 | if (globalOptionList.length > 0) {
1143 | output = output.concat([bold("Global options:"), formatList(globalOptionList), ""]);
1144 | }
1145 | // Commands
1146 | const commandList = helper
1147 | .visibleCommands(isGlobalHelp ? program : command)
1148 | .map((command) => formatItem(helper.subcommandTerm(command), helper.subcommandDescription(command)));
1149 | if (commandList.length > 0) {
1150 | output = output.concat([bold("Commands:"), formatList(commandList), ""]);
1151 | }
1152 | return output.join("\n");
1153 | },
1154 | });
1155 | if (isGlobalHelp) {
1156 | await Promise.all(knownCommands.map((knownCommand) => {
1157 | return loadCommandByName(getCommandName(knownCommand.name));
1158 | }));
1159 | const buildCommand = findCommandByName(getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name));
1160 | if (buildCommand) {
1161 | this.logger.raw(buildCommand.helpInformation());
1162 | }
1163 | }
1164 | else {
1165 | const name = options[0];
1166 | await loadCommandByName(name);
1167 | const command = findCommandByName(name);
1168 | if (!command) {
1169 | const builtInCommandUsed = externalBuiltInCommandsInfo.find((command) => command.name.includes(name) || name === command.alias);
1170 | if (typeof builtInCommandUsed !== "undefined") {
1171 | this.logger.error(`For using '${name}' command you need to install '${builtInCommandUsed.pkg}' package.`);
1172 | }
1173 | else {
1174 | this.logger.error(`Can't find and load command '${name}'`);
1175 | this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options.");
1176 | }
1177 | process.exit(2);
1178 | }
1179 | this.logger.raw(command.helpInformation());
1180 | }
1181 | }
1182 | else if (isHelpCommandSyntax) {
1183 | let isCommandSpecified = false;
1184 | let commandName = getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name);
1185 | let optionName = "";
1186 | if (options.length === 1) {
1187 | optionName = options[0];
1188 | }
1189 | else if (options.length === 2) {
1190 | isCommandSpecified = true;
1191 | commandName = options[0];
1192 | optionName = options[1];
1193 | if (isOption(commandName)) {
1194 | outputIncorrectUsageOfHelp();
1195 | }
1196 | }
1197 | else {
1198 | outputIncorrectUsageOfHelp();
1199 | }
1200 | await loadCommandByName(commandName);
1201 | const command = isGlobalOption(optionName) ? program : findCommandByName(commandName);
1202 | if (!command) {
1203 | this.logger.error(`Can't find and load command '${commandName}'`);
1204 | this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
1205 | process.exit(2);
1206 | }
1207 | const option = command.options.find((option) => option.short === optionName || option.long === optionName);
1208 | if (!option) {
1209 | this.logger.error(`Unknown option '${optionName}'`);
1210 | this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
1211 | process.exit(2);
1212 | }
1213 | const nameOutput = option.flags.replace(/^.+[[<]/, "").replace(/(\.\.\.)?[\]>].*$/, "") +
1214 | (option.variadic === true ? "..." : "");
1215 | const value = option.required
1216 | ? "<" + nameOutput + ">"
1217 | : option.optional
1218 | ? "[" + nameOutput + "]"
1219 | : "";
1220 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("Usage")}: webpack${isCommandSpecified ? ` ${commandName}` : ""} ${option.long}${value ? ` ${value}` : ""}`);
1221 | if (option.short) {
1222 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("Short:")} webpack${isCommandSpecified ? ` ${commandName}` : ""} ${option.short}${value ? ` ${value}` : ""}`);
1223 | }
1224 | if (option.description) {
1225 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("Description:")} ${option.description}`);
1226 | }
1227 | if (!option.negate && option.defaultValue) {
1228 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("Default value:")} ${JSON.stringify(option.defaultValue)}`);
1229 | }
1230 | const flag = this.getBuiltInOptions().find((flag) => option.long === `--${flag.name}`);
1231 | if (flag && flag.configs) {
1232 | const possibleValues = flag.configs.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
1233 | if (currentValue.values) {
1234 | return accumulator.concat(currentValue.values);
1235 | }
1236 | else {
1237 | return accumulator;
1238 | }
1239 | }, []);
1240 | if (possibleValues.length > 0) {
1241 | // Convert the possible values to a union type string
1242 | // ['mode', 'development', 'production'] => "'mode' | 'development' | 'production'"
1243 | // [false, 'eval'] => "false | 'eval'"
1244 | const possibleValuesUnionTypeString = possibleValues
1245 | .map((value) => (typeof value === "string" ? `'${value}'` : value))
1246 | .join(" | ");
1247 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("Possible values:")} ${possibleValuesUnionTypeString}`);
1248 | }
1249 | }
1250 | this.logger.raw("");
1251 | // TODO implement this after refactor cli arguments
1252 | // logger.raw('Documentation: https://webpack.js.org/option/name/');
1253 | }
1254 | else {
1255 | outputIncorrectUsageOfHelp();
1256 | }
1257 | this.logger.raw("To see list of all supported commands and options run 'webpack --help=verbose'.\n");
1258 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("Webpack documentation:")} https://webpack.js.org/.`);
1259 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("CLI documentation:")} https://webpack.js.org/api/cli/.`);
1260 | this.logger.raw(`${bold("Made with ♥ by the webpack team")}.`);
1261 | process.exit(0);
1262 | };
1263 | this.program.helpOption(false);
1264 | // Suppress the default help command
1265 | this.program.helpCommand(false);
1266 | this.program.option("-h, --help [verbose]", "Display help for commands and options.");
1267 | let isInternalActionCalled = false;
1268 | // Default action
1269 | this.program.usage("[options]");
1270 | this.program.allowUnknownOption(true);
1271 | // Basic command for lazy loading other commands
1272 | this.program.action(async (options, program) => {
1273 | if (!isInternalActionCalled) {
1274 | isInternalActionCalled = true;
1275 | }
1276 | else {
1277 | this.logger.error("No commands found to run");
1278 | process.exit(2);
1279 | }
1280 | // Command and options
1281 | const { operands, unknown } = this.program.parseOptions(program.args);
1282 | const defaultCommandToRun = getCommandName(buildCommandOptions.name);
1283 | const hasOperand = typeof operands[0] !== "undefined";
1284 | const operand = hasOperand ? operands[0] : defaultCommandToRun;
1285 | const isHelpOption = typeof options.help !== "undefined";
1286 | const isHelpCommandSyntax = isCommand(operand, helpCommandOptions);
1287 | if (isHelpOption || isHelpCommandSyntax) {
1288 | let isVerbose = false;
1289 | if (isHelpOption) {
1290 | if (typeof options.help === "string") {
1291 | if (options.help !== "verbose") {
1292 | this.logger.error("Unknown value for '--help' option, please use '--help=verbose'");
1293 | process.exit(2);
1294 | }
1295 | isVerbose = true;
1296 | }
1297 | }
1298 | this.program.forHelp = true;
1299 | const optionsForHelp = []
1300 | .concat(isHelpOption && hasOperand ? [operand] : [])
1301 | // Syntax `webpack help [command]`
1302 | .concat(operands.slice(1))
1303 | // Syntax `webpack help [option]`
1304 | .concat(unknown)
1305 | .concat(isHelpCommandSyntax && typeof options.color !== "undefined"
1306 | ? [options.color ? "--color" : "--no-color"]
1307 | : [])
1308 | .concat(isHelpCommandSyntax && typeof options.version !== "undefined" ? ["--version"] : []);
1309 | await outputHelp(optionsForHelp, isVerbose, isHelpCommandSyntax, program);
1310 | }
1311 | const isVersionOption = typeof options.version !== "undefined";
1312 | if (isVersionOption) {
1313 | const info = await this.getInfoOutput({ output: "", additionalPackage: [] });
1314 | this.logger.raw(info);
1315 | process.exit(0);
1316 | }
1317 | let commandToRun = operand;
1318 | let commandOperands = operands.slice(1);
1319 | if (isKnownCommand(commandToRun)) {
1320 | await loadCommandByName(commandToRun, true);
1321 | }
1322 | else {
1323 | const isEntrySyntax = fs.existsSync(operand);
1324 | if (isEntrySyntax) {
1325 | commandToRun = defaultCommandToRun;
1326 | commandOperands = operands;
1327 | await loadCommandByName(commandToRun);
1328 | }
1329 | else {
1330 | this.logger.error(`Unknown command or entry '${operand}'`);
1331 | const levenshtein = require("fastest-levenshtein");
1332 | const found = knownCommands.find((commandOptions) => levenshtein.distance(operand, getCommandName(commandOptions.name)) < 3);
1333 | if (found) {
1334 | this.logger.error(`Did you mean '${getCommandName(found.name)}' (alias '${Array.isArray(found.alias) ? found.alias.join(", ") : found.alias}')?`);
1335 | }
1336 | this.logger.error("Run 'webpack --help' to see available commands and options");
1337 | process.exit(2);
1338 | }
1339 | }
1340 | await this.program.parseAsync([commandToRun, ...commandOperands, ...unknown], {
1341 | from: "user",
1342 | });
1343 | });
1344 | await this.program.parseAsync(args, parseOptions);
1345 | }
1346 | async loadConfig(options) {
1347 | const disableInterpret = typeof options.disableInterpret !== "undefined" && options.disableInterpret;
1348 | const interpret = require("interpret");
1349 | const loadConfigByPath = async (configPath, argv = {}) => {
1350 | const ext = path.extname(configPath).toLowerCase();
1351 | let interpreted = Object.keys(interpret.jsVariants).find((variant) => variant === ext);
1352 | // Fallback `.cts` to `.ts`
1353 | // TODO implement good `.mts` support after https://github.com/gulpjs/rechoir/issues/43
1354 | // For ESM and `.mts` you need to use: 'NODE_OPTIONS="--loader ts-node/esm" webpack-cli --config ./webpack.config.mts'
1355 | if (!interpreted && /\.cts$/.test(ext)) {
1356 | interpreted = interpret.jsVariants[".ts"];
1357 | }
1358 | if (interpreted && !disableInterpret) {
1359 | const rechoir = require("rechoir");
1360 | try {
1361 | rechoir.prepare(interpret.extensions, configPath);
1362 | }
1363 | catch (error) {
1364 | if (error === null || error === void 0 ? void 0 : error.failures) {
1365 | this.logger.error(`Unable load '${configPath}'`);
1366 | this.logger.error(error.message);
1367 | for (const failure of error.failures) {
1368 | this.logger.error(failure.error.message);
1369 | }
1370 | this.logger.error("Please install one of them");
1371 | process.exit(2);
1372 | }
1373 | this.logger.error(error);
1374 | process.exit(2);
1375 | }
1376 | }
1377 | let options;
1378 | let moduleType = "unknown";
1379 | switch (ext) {
1380 | case ".cjs":
1381 | case ".cts":
1382 | moduleType = "commonjs";
1383 | break;
1384 | case ".mjs":
1385 | case ".mts":
1386 | moduleType = "esm";
1387 | break;
1388 | }
1389 | try {
1390 | options = await this.tryRequireThenImport(configPath, false, moduleType);
1391 | // @ts-expect-error error type assertion
1392 | }
1393 | catch (error) {
1394 | this.logger.error(`Failed to load '${configPath}' config`);
1395 | if (this.isValidationError(error)) {
1396 | this.logger.error(error.message);
1397 | }
1398 | else {
1399 | this.logger.error(error);
1400 | }
1401 | process.exit(2);
1402 | }
1403 | if (!options) {
1404 | this.logger.error(`Failed to load '${configPath}' config. Unable to find default export.`);
1405 | process.exit(2);
1406 | }
1407 | if (Array.isArray(options)) {
1408 | // reassign the value to assert type
1409 | const optionsArray = options;
1410 | await Promise.all(optionsArray.map(async (_, i) => {
1411 | if (this.isPromise(optionsArray[i])) {
1412 | optionsArray[i] = await optionsArray[i];
1413 | }
1414 | // `Promise` may return `Function`
1415 | if (this.isFunction(optionsArray[i])) {
1416 | // when config is a function, pass the env from args to the config function
1417 | optionsArray[i] = await optionsArray[i](argv.env, argv);
1418 | }
1419 | }));
1420 | options = optionsArray;
1421 | }
1422 | else {
1423 | if (this.isPromise(options)) {
1424 | options = await options;
1425 | }
1426 | // `Promise` may return `Function`
1427 | if (this.isFunction(options)) {
1428 | // when config is a function, pass the env from args to the config function
1429 | options = await options(argv.env, argv);
1430 | }
1431 | }
1432 | const isObject = (value) => typeof value === "object" && value !== null;
1433 | if (!isObject(options) && !Array.isArray(options)) {
1434 | this.logger.error(`Invalid configuration in '${configPath}'`);
1435 | process.exit(2);
1436 | }
1437 | return {
1438 | options: options,
1439 | path: configPath,
1440 | };
1441 | };
1442 | const config = {
1443 | options: {},
1444 | path: new WeakMap(),
1445 | };
1446 | if (options.config && options.config.length > 0) {
1447 | const loadedConfigs = await Promise.all(options.config.map((configPath) => loadConfigByPath(path.resolve(configPath), options.argv)));
1448 | if (loadedConfigs.length === 1) {
1449 | config.options = loadedConfigs[0].options;
1450 | config.path.set(loadedConfigs[0].options, [loadedConfigs[0].path]);
1451 | }
1452 | else {
1453 | config.options = [];
1454 | loadedConfigs.forEach((loadedConfig) => {
1455 | if (Array.isArray(loadedConfig.options)) {
1456 | for (const item of loadedConfig.options) {
1457 | config.options.push(item);
1458 | config.path.set(options, [loadedConfig.path]);
1459 | }
1460 | }
1461 | else {
1462 | config.options.push(loadedConfig.options);
1463 | config.path.set(loadedConfig.options, [loadedConfig.path]);
1464 | }
1465 | });
1466 | }
1467 | }
1468 | else {
1469 | // Prioritize popular extensions first to avoid unnecessary fs calls
1470 | const extensions = new Set([
1471 | ".js",
1472 | ".mjs",
1473 | ".cjs",
1474 | ".ts",
1475 | ".cts",
1476 | ".mts",
1477 | ...Object.keys(interpret.extensions),
1478 | ]);
1479 | // Order defines the priority, in decreasing order
1480 | const defaultConfigFiles = new Set(["webpack.config", ".webpack/webpack.config", ".webpack/webpackfile"].flatMap((filename) => [...extensions].map((ext) => path.resolve(filename + ext))));
1481 | let foundDefaultConfigFile;
1482 | for (const defaultConfigFile of defaultConfigFiles) {
1483 | if (!fs.existsSync(defaultConfigFile)) {
1484 | continue;
1485 | }
1486 | foundDefaultConfigFile = defaultConfigFile;
1487 | break;
1488 | }
1489 | if (foundDefaultConfigFile) {
1490 | const loadedConfig = await loadConfigByPath(foundDefaultConfigFile, options.argv);
1491 | config.options = loadedConfig.options;
1492 | if (Array.isArray(config.options)) {
1493 | for (const item of config.options) {
1494 | config.path.set(item, [loadedConfig.path]);
1495 | }
1496 | }
1497 | else {
1498 | config.path.set(loadedConfig.options, [loadedConfig.path]);
1499 | }
1500 | }
1501 | }
1502 | if (options.configName) {
1503 | const notFoundConfigNames = [];
1504 | config.options = options.configName.map((configName) => {
1505 | let found;
1506 | if (Array.isArray(config.options)) {
1507 | found = config.options.find((options) => options.name === configName);
1508 | }
1509 | else {
1510 | found = config.options.name === configName ? config.options : undefined;
1511 | }
1512 | if (!found) {
1513 | notFoundConfigNames.push(configName);
1514 | }
1515 | return found;
1516 | });
1517 | if (notFoundConfigNames.length > 0) {
1518 | this.logger.error(notFoundConfigNames
1519 | .map((configName) => `Configuration with the name "${configName}" was not found.`)
1520 | .join(" "));
1521 | process.exit(2);
1522 | }
1523 | }
1524 | const resolveExtends = async (config, configPaths, extendsPaths) => {
1525 | delete config.extends;
1526 | const loadedConfigs = await Promise.all(extendsPaths.map((extendsPath) => loadConfigByPath(path.resolve(extendsPath), options.argv)));
1527 | const merge = await this.tryRequireThenImport("webpack-merge");
1528 | const loadedOptions = loadedConfigs.flatMap((config) => config.options);
1529 | if (loadedOptions.length > 0) {
1530 | const prevPaths = configPaths.get(config);
1531 | const loadedPaths = loadedConfigs.flatMap((config) => config.path);
1532 | if (prevPaths) {
1533 | const intersection = loadedPaths.filter((element) => prevPaths.includes(element));
1534 | if (intersection.length > 0) {
1535 | this.logger.error(`Recursive configuration detected, exiting.`);
1536 | process.exit(2);
1537 | }
1538 | }
1539 | config = merge(...loadedOptions, config);
1540 | if (prevPaths) {
1541 | configPaths.set(config, [...prevPaths, ...loadedPaths]);
1542 | }
1543 | }
1544 | if (config.extends) {
1545 | const extendsPaths = typeof config.extends === "string" ? [config.extends] : config.extends;
1546 | config = await resolveExtends(config, configPaths, extendsPaths);
1547 | }
1548 | return config;
1549 | };
1550 | // The `extends` param in CLI gets priority over extends in config file
1551 | if (options.extends && options.extends.length > 0) {
1552 | const extendsPaths = options.extends;
1553 | if (Array.isArray(config.options)) {
1554 | config.options = await Promise.all(config.options.map((options) => resolveExtends(options, config.path, extendsPaths)));
1555 | }
1556 | else {
1557 | // load the config from the extends option
1558 | config.options = await resolveExtends(config.options, config.path, extendsPaths);
1559 | }
1560 | }
1561 | // if no extends option is passed, check if the config file has extends
1562 | else if (Array.isArray(config.options) && config.options.some((options) => options.extends)) {
1563 | config.options = await Promise.all(config.options.map((options) => {
1564 | if (options.extends) {
1565 | return resolveExtends(options, config.path, typeof options.extends === "string" ? [options.extends] : options.extends);
1566 | }
1567 | else {
1568 | return options;
1569 | }
1570 | }));
1571 | }
1572 | else if (!Array.isArray(config.options) && config.options.extends) {
1573 | config.options = await resolveExtends(config.options, config.path, typeof config.options.extends === "string"
1574 | ? [config.options.extends]
1575 | : config.options.extends);
1576 | }
1577 | if (options.merge) {
1578 | const merge = await this.tryRequireThenImport("webpack-merge");
1579 | // we can only merge when there are multiple configurations
1580 | // either by passing multiple configs by flags or passing a
1581 | // single config exporting an array
1582 | if (!Array.isArray(config.options) || config.options.length <= 1) {
1583 | this.logger.error("At least two configurations are required for merge.");
1584 | process.exit(2);
1585 | }
1586 | const mergedConfigPaths = [];
1587 | config.options = config.options.reduce((accumulator, options) => {
1588 | const configPath = config.path.get(options);
1589 | const mergedOptions = merge(accumulator, options);
1590 | if (configPath) {
1591 | mergedConfigPaths.push(...configPath);
1592 | }
1593 | return mergedOptions;
1594 | }, {});
1595 | config.path.set(config.options, mergedConfigPaths);
1596 | }
1597 | return config;
1598 | }
1599 | async buildConfig(config, options) {
1600 | if (options.analyze) {
1601 | if (!this.checkPackageExists("webpack-bundle-analyzer")) {
1602 | await this.doInstall("webpack-bundle-analyzer", {
1603 | preMessage: () => {
1604 | this.logger.error(`It looks like ${this.colors.yellow("webpack-bundle-analyzer")} is not installed.`);
1605 | },
1606 | });
1607 | this.logger.success(`${this.colors.yellow("webpack-bundle-analyzer")} was installed successfully.`);
1608 | }
1609 | }
1610 | if (typeof options.progress === "string" && options.progress !== "profile") {
1611 | this.logger.error(`'${options.progress}' is an invalid value for the --progress option. Only 'profile' is allowed.`);
1612 | process.exit(2);
1613 | }
1614 | const CLIPlugin = await this.tryRequireThenImport("./plugins/cli-plugin");
1615 | const internalBuildConfig = (item) => {
1616 | const originalWatchValue = item.watch;
1617 | // Apply options
1618 | const args = this.getBuiltInOptions().reduce((accumulator, flag) => {
1619 | if (flag.group === "core") {
1620 | accumulator[flag.name] = flag;
1621 | }
1622 | return accumulator;
1623 | }, {});
1624 | const values = Object.keys(options).reduce((accumulator, name) => {
1625 | if (name === "argv") {
1626 | return accumulator;
1627 | }
1628 | const kebabName = this.toKebabCase(name);
1629 | if (args[kebabName]) {
1630 | accumulator[kebabName] = options[name];
1631 | }
1632 | return accumulator;
1633 | }, {});
1634 | if (Object.keys(values).length > 0) {
1635 | const problems = this.webpack.cli.processArguments(args, item, values);
1636 | if (problems) {
1637 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
1638 | const groupBy = (xs, key) => {
1639 | return xs.reduce((rv, x) => {
1640 | (rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x);
1641 | return rv;
1642 | }, {});
1643 | };
1644 | const problemsByPath = groupBy(problems, "path");
1645 | for (const path in problemsByPath) {
1646 | const problems = problemsByPath[path];
1647 | for (const problem of problems) {
1648 | this.logger.error(`${this.capitalizeFirstLetter(problem.type.replace(/-/g, " "))}${problem.value ? ` '${problem.value}'` : ""} for the '--${problem.argument}' option${problem.index ? ` by index '${problem.index}'` : ""}`);
1649 | if (problem.expected) {
1650 | this.logger.error(`Expected: '${problem.expected}'`);
1651 | }
1652 | }
1653 | }
1654 | process.exit(2);
1655 | }
1656 | }
1657 | // Output warnings
1658 | if (options.isWatchingLikeCommand &&
1659 | options.argv &&
1660 | options.argv.env &&
1661 | (typeof originalWatchValue !== "undefined" || typeof options.argv.watch !== "undefined")) {
1662 | this.logger.warn(`No need to use the '${options.argv.env["WEBPACK_WATCH"] ? "watch" : "serve"}' command together with '{ watch: true | false }' or '--watch'/'--no-watch' configuration, it does not make sense.`);
1663 | if (options.argv.env["WEBPACK_SERVE"]) {
1664 | item.watch = false;
1665 | }
1666 | }
1667 | const isFileSystemCacheOptions = (config) => {
1668 | return (Boolean(config.cache) && config.cache.type === "filesystem");
1669 | };
1670 | // Setup default cache options
1671 | if (isFileSystemCacheOptions(item)) {
1672 | const configPath = config.path.get(item);
1673 | if (configPath) {
1674 | if (!item.cache.buildDependencies) {
1675 | item.cache.buildDependencies = {};
1676 | }
1677 | if (!item.cache.buildDependencies.defaultConfig) {
1678 | item.cache.buildDependencies.defaultConfig = [];
1679 | }
1680 | if (Array.isArray(configPath)) {
1681 | for (const oneOfConfigPath of configPath) {
1682 | item.cache.buildDependencies.defaultConfig.push(oneOfConfigPath);
1683 | }
1684 | }
1685 | else {
1686 | item.cache.buildDependencies.defaultConfig.push(configPath);
1687 | }
1688 | }
1689 | }
1690 | // Respect `process.env.NODE_ENV`
1691 | if (!item.mode &&
1692 | process.env &&
1693 | process.env.NODE_ENV &&
1694 | (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ||
1695 | process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ||
1696 | process.env.NODE_ENV === "none")) {
1697 | item.mode = process.env.NODE_ENV;
1698 | }
1699 | // Setup stats
1700 | if (typeof item.stats === "undefined") {
1701 | item.stats = { preset: "normal" };
1702 | }
1703 | else if (typeof item.stats === "boolean") {
1704 | item.stats = item.stats ? { preset: "normal" } : { preset: "none" };
1705 | }
1706 | else if (typeof item.stats === "string") {
1707 | item.stats = { preset: item.stats };
1708 | }
1709 | let colors;
1710 | // From arguments
1711 | if (typeof this.isColorSupportChanged !== "undefined") {
1712 | colors = Boolean(this.isColorSupportChanged);
1713 | }
1714 | // From stats
1715 | else if (typeof item.stats.colors !== "undefined") {
1716 | colors = item.stats.colors;
1717 | }
1718 | // Default
1719 | else {
1720 | colors = Boolean(this.colors.isColorSupported);
1721 | }
1722 | item.stats.colors = colors;
1723 | // Apply CLI plugin
1724 | if (!item.plugins) {
1725 | item.plugins = [];
1726 | }
1727 | item.plugins.unshift(new CLIPlugin({
1728 | configPath: config.path.get(item),
1729 | helpfulOutput: !options.json,
1730 | progress: options.progress,
1731 | analyze: options.analyze,
1732 | isMultiCompiler: Array.isArray(config.options),
1733 | }));
1734 | };
1735 | if (Array.isArray(config.options)) {
1736 | for (const item of config.options) {
1737 | internalBuildConfig(item);
1738 | }
1739 | }
1740 | else {
1741 | internalBuildConfig(config.options);
1742 | }
1743 | return config;
1744 | }
1745 | isValidationError(error) {
1746 | return error instanceof this.webpack.ValidationError || error.name === "ValidationError";
1747 | }
1748 | async createCompiler(options, callback) {
1749 | if (typeof options.configNodeEnv === "string") {
1750 | process.env.NODE_ENV = options.configNodeEnv;
1751 | }
1752 | else if (typeof options.nodeEnv === "string") {
1753 | process.env.NODE_ENV = options.nodeEnv;
1754 | }
1755 | let config = await this.loadConfig(options);
1756 | config = await this.buildConfig(config, options);
1757 | let compiler;
1758 | try {
1759 | compiler = this.webpack(config.options, callback
1760 | ? (error, stats) => {
1761 | if (error && this.isValidationError(error)) {
1762 | this.logger.error(error.message);
1763 | process.exit(2);
1764 | }
1765 | callback(error, stats);
1766 | }
1767 | : callback);
1768 | // @ts-expect-error error type assertion
1769 | }
1770 | catch (error) {
1771 | if (this.isValidationError(error)) {
1772 | this.logger.error(error.message);
1773 | }
1774 | else {
1775 | this.logger.error(error);
1776 | }
1777 | process.exit(2);
1778 | }
1779 | return compiler;
1780 | }
1781 | needWatchStdin(compiler) {
1782 | if (this.isMultipleCompiler(compiler)) {
1783 | return Boolean(compiler.compilers.some((compiler) => compiler.options.watchOptions && compiler.options.watchOptions.stdin));
1784 | }
1785 | return Boolean(compiler.options.watchOptions && compiler.options.watchOptions.stdin);
1786 | }
1787 | async runWebpack(options, isWatchCommand) {
1788 | // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
1789 | let compiler;
1790 | let createStringifyChunked;
1791 | if (options.json) {
1792 | const jsonExt = await this.tryRequireThenImport("@discoveryjs/json-ext");
1793 | createStringifyChunked = jsonExt.stringifyChunked;
1794 | }
1795 | const callback = (error, stats) => {
1796 | if (error) {
1797 | this.logger.error(error);
1798 | process.exit(2);
1799 | }
1800 | if (stats && (stats.hasErrors() || (options.failOnWarnings && stats.hasWarnings()))) {
1801 | process.exitCode = 1;
1802 | }
1803 | if (!compiler || !stats) {
1804 | return;
1805 | }
1806 | const statsOptions = this.isMultipleCompiler(compiler)
1807 | ? {
1808 | children: compiler.compilers.map((compiler) => compiler.options ? compiler.options.stats : undefined),
1809 | }
1810 | : compiler.options
1811 | ? compiler.options.stats
1812 | : undefined;
1813 | if (options.json && createStringifyChunked) {
1814 | const handleWriteError = (error) => {
1815 | this.logger.error(error);
1816 | process.exit(2);
1817 | };
1818 | if (options.json === true) {
1819 | Readable.from(createStringifyChunked(stats.toJson(statsOptions)))
1820 | .on("error", handleWriteError)
1821 | .pipe(process.stdout)
1822 | .on("error", handleWriteError)
1823 | .on("close", () => process.stdout.write("\n"));
1824 | }
1825 | else {
1826 | Readable.from(createStringifyChunked(stats.toJson(statsOptions)))
1827 | .on("error", handleWriteError)
1828 | .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(options.json))
1829 | .on("error", handleWriteError)
1830 | // Use stderr to logging
1831 | .on("close", () => {
1832 | process.stderr.write(`[webpack-cli] ${this.colors.green(`stats are successfully stored as json to ${options.json}`)}\n`);
1833 | });
1834 | }
1835 | }
1836 | else {
1837 | const printedStats = stats.toString(statsOptions);
1838 | // Avoid extra empty line when `stats: 'none'`
1839 | if (printedStats) {
1840 | this.logger.raw(printedStats);
1841 | }
1842 | }
1843 | };
1844 | const env = isWatchCommand || options.watch
1845 | ? Object.assign({ WEBPACK_WATCH: true }, options.env) : Object.assign({ WEBPACK_BUNDLE: true, WEBPACK_BUILD: true }, options.env);
1846 | options.argv = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { env });
1847 | if (isWatchCommand) {
1848 | options.watch = true;
1849 | options.isWatchingLikeCommand = true;
1850 | }
1851 | compiler = await this.createCompiler(options, callback);
1852 | if (!compiler) {
1853 | return;
1854 | }
1855 | const isWatch = (compiler) => Boolean(this.isMultipleCompiler(compiler)
1856 | ? compiler.compilers.some((compiler) => compiler.options.watch)
1857 | : compiler.options.watch);
1858 | if (isWatch(compiler)) {
1859 | let needForceShutdown = false;
1860 | EXIT_SIGNALS.forEach((signal) => {
1861 | const listener = () => {
1862 | if (needForceShutdown) {
1863 | process.exit(0);
1864 | }
1865 | this.logger.info("Gracefully shutting down. To force exit, press ^C again. Please wait...");
1866 | needForceShutdown = true;
1867 | compiler.close(() => {
1868 | process.exit(0);
1869 | });
1870 | };
1871 | process.on(signal, listener);
1872 | });
1873 | if (this.needWatchStdin(compiler)) {
1874 | process.stdin.on("end", () => {
1875 | process.exit(0);
1876 | });
1877 | process.stdin.resume();
1878 | }
1879 | }
1880 | }
1881 | }
1882 | module.exports = WebpackCLI;