1 | /*
2 | MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
3 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
4 | */
5 |
6 | "use strict";
7 |
8 | const RuntimeGlobals = require("./RuntimeGlobals");
9 | const { getChunkFilenameTemplate } = require("./css/CssModulesPlugin");
10 | const RuntimeRequirementsDependency = require("./dependencies/RuntimeRequirementsDependency");
11 | const JavascriptModulesPlugin = require("./javascript/JavascriptModulesPlugin");
12 | const AsyncModuleRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/AsyncModuleRuntimeModule");
13 | const AutoPublicPathRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/AutoPublicPathRuntimeModule");
14 | const BaseUriRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/BaseUriRuntimeModule");
15 | const CompatGetDefaultExportRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/CompatGetDefaultExportRuntimeModule");
16 | const CompatRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/CompatRuntimeModule");
17 | const CreateFakeNamespaceObjectRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/CreateFakeNamespaceObjectRuntimeModule");
18 | const CreateScriptRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/CreateScriptRuntimeModule");
19 | const CreateScriptUrlRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/CreateScriptUrlRuntimeModule");
20 | const DefinePropertyGettersRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/DefinePropertyGettersRuntimeModule");
21 | const EnsureChunkRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/EnsureChunkRuntimeModule");
22 | const GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule");
23 | const GetMainFilenameRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/GetMainFilenameRuntimeModule");
24 | const GetTrustedTypesPolicyRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/GetTrustedTypesPolicyRuntimeModule");
25 | const GlobalRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/GlobalRuntimeModule");
26 | const HasOwnPropertyRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/HasOwnPropertyRuntimeModule");
27 | const LoadScriptRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/LoadScriptRuntimeModule");
28 | const MakeNamespaceObjectRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/MakeNamespaceObjectRuntimeModule");
29 | const NonceRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/NonceRuntimeModule");
30 | const OnChunksLoadedRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/OnChunksLoadedRuntimeModule");
31 | const PublicPathRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/PublicPathRuntimeModule");
32 | const RelativeUrlRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/RelativeUrlRuntimeModule");
33 | const RuntimeIdRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/RuntimeIdRuntimeModule");
34 | const SystemContextRuntimeModule = require("./runtime/SystemContextRuntimeModule");
35 | const ShareRuntimeModule = require("./sharing/ShareRuntimeModule");
36 | const StringXor = require("./util/StringXor");
37 | const memoize = require("./util/memoize");
38 |
39 | /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").LibraryOptions} LibraryOptions */
40 | /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").OutputNormalized} OutputNormalized */
41 | /** @typedef {import("./Chunk")} Chunk */
42 | /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */
43 | /** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */
44 | /** @typedef {import("./TemplatedPathPlugin").TemplatePath} TemplatePath */
45 |
46 | const getJavascriptModulesPlugin = memoize(() =>
47 | require("./javascript/JavascriptModulesPlugin")
48 | );
49 | const getCssModulesPlugin = memoize(() => require("./css/CssModulesPlugin"));
50 |
51 | const GLOBALS_ON_REQUIRE = [
52 | RuntimeGlobals.chunkName,
53 | RuntimeGlobals.runtimeId,
54 | RuntimeGlobals.compatGetDefaultExport,
55 | RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject,
56 | RuntimeGlobals.createScript,
57 | RuntimeGlobals.createScriptUrl,
58 | RuntimeGlobals.getTrustedTypesPolicy,
59 | RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters,
60 | RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunk,
61 | RuntimeGlobals.entryModuleId,
62 | RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash,
63 | RuntimeGlobals.global,
64 | RuntimeGlobals.makeNamespaceObject,
65 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache,
66 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories,
67 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactoriesAddOnly,
68 | RuntimeGlobals.interceptModuleExecution,
69 | RuntimeGlobals.publicPath,
70 | RuntimeGlobals.baseURI,
71 | RuntimeGlobals.relativeUrl,
72 | // TODO webpack 6 - rename to nonce, because we use it for CSS too
73 | RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce,
74 | RuntimeGlobals.uncaughtErrorHandler,
75 | RuntimeGlobals.asyncModule,
76 | RuntimeGlobals.wasmInstances,
77 | RuntimeGlobals.instantiateWasm,
78 | RuntimeGlobals.shareScopeMap,
79 | RuntimeGlobals.initializeSharing,
80 | RuntimeGlobals.loadScript,
81 | RuntimeGlobals.systemContext,
82 | RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded
83 | ];
84 |
86 | [RuntimeGlobals.moduleLoaded]: [RuntimeGlobals.module],
87 | [RuntimeGlobals.moduleId]: [RuntimeGlobals.module]
88 | };
89 |
90 | const TREE_DEPENDENCIES = {
91 | [RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters]: [RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty],
92 | [RuntimeGlobals.compatGetDefaultExport]: [
93 | RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters
94 | ],
95 | [RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject]: [
96 | RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters,
97 | RuntimeGlobals.makeNamespaceObject,
98 | RuntimeGlobals.require
99 | ],
100 | [RuntimeGlobals.initializeSharing]: [RuntimeGlobals.shareScopeMap],
101 | [RuntimeGlobals.shareScopeMap]: [RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty]
102 | };
103 |
104 | class RuntimePlugin {
105 | /**
106 | * @param {Compiler} compiler the Compiler
107 | * @returns {void}
108 | */
109 | apply(compiler) {
110 | compiler.hooks.compilation.tap("RuntimePlugin", compilation => {
111 | const globalChunkLoading = compilation.outputOptions.chunkLoading;
112 | /**
113 | * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk
114 | * @returns {boolean} true, when chunk loading is disabled for the chunk
115 | */
116 | const isChunkLoadingDisabledForChunk = chunk => {
117 | const options = chunk.getEntryOptions();
118 | const chunkLoading =
119 | options && options.chunkLoading !== undefined
120 | ? options.chunkLoading
121 | : globalChunkLoading;
122 | return chunkLoading === false;
123 | };
124 | compilation.dependencyTemplates.set(
125 | RuntimeRequirementsDependency,
126 | new RuntimeRequirementsDependency.Template()
127 | );
128 | for (const req of GLOBALS_ON_REQUIRE) {
129 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInModule
130 | .for(req)
131 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (module, set) => {
132 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.requireScope);
133 | });
134 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
135 | .for(req)
136 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (module, set) => {
137 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.requireScope);
138 | });
139 | }
140 | for (const req of Object.keys(TREE_DEPENDENCIES)) {
141 | const deps =
142 | TREE_DEPENDENCIES[/** @type {keyof TREE_DEPENDENCIES} */ (req)];
143 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
144 | .for(req)
145 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
146 | for (const dep of deps) set.add(dep);
147 | });
148 | }
149 | for (const req of Object.keys(MODULE_DEPENDENCIES)) {
150 | const deps =
151 | MODULE_DEPENDENCIES[/** @type {keyof MODULE_DEPENDENCIES} */ (req)];
152 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInModule
153 | .for(req)
154 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
155 | for (const dep of deps) set.add(dep);
156 | });
157 | }
158 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
159 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.definePropertyGetters)
160 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
161 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
162 | chunk,
163 | new DefinePropertyGettersRuntimeModule()
164 | );
165 | return true;
166 | });
167 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
168 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.makeNamespaceObject)
169 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
170 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
171 | chunk,
172 | new MakeNamespaceObjectRuntimeModule()
173 | );
174 | return true;
175 | });
176 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
177 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.createFakeNamespaceObject)
178 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
179 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
180 | chunk,
181 | new CreateFakeNamespaceObjectRuntimeModule()
182 | );
183 | return true;
184 | });
185 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
186 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty)
187 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
188 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
189 | chunk,
190 | new HasOwnPropertyRuntimeModule()
191 | );
192 | return true;
193 | });
194 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
195 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.compatGetDefaultExport)
196 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
197 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
198 | chunk,
199 | new CompatGetDefaultExportRuntimeModule()
200 | );
201 | return true;
202 | });
203 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
204 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.runtimeId)
205 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
206 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new RuntimeIdRuntimeModule());
207 | return true;
208 | });
209 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
210 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.publicPath)
211 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
212 | const { outputOptions } = compilation;
213 | const { publicPath: globalPublicPath, scriptType } = outputOptions;
214 | const entryOptions = chunk.getEntryOptions();
215 | const publicPath =
216 | entryOptions && entryOptions.publicPath !== undefined
217 | ? entryOptions.publicPath
218 | : globalPublicPath;
219 |
220 | if (publicPath === "auto") {
221 | const module = new AutoPublicPathRuntimeModule();
222 | if (scriptType !== "module") set.add(RuntimeGlobals.global);
223 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, module);
224 | } else {
225 | const module = new PublicPathRuntimeModule(publicPath);
226 |
227 | if (
228 | typeof publicPath !== "string" ||
229 | /\[(full)?hash\]/.test(publicPath)
230 | ) {
231 | module.fullHash = true;
232 | }
233 |
234 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, module);
235 | }
236 | return true;
237 | });
238 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
239 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.global)
240 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
241 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new GlobalRuntimeModule());
242 | return true;
243 | });
244 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
245 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.asyncModule)
246 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
247 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new AsyncModuleRuntimeModule());
248 | return true;
249 | });
250 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
251 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.systemContext)
252 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
253 | const entryOptions = chunk.getEntryOptions();
254 | const libraryType =
255 | entryOptions && entryOptions.library !== undefined
256 | ? entryOptions.library.type
257 | : /** @type {LibraryOptions} */
258 | (compilation.outputOptions.library).type;
259 |
260 | if (libraryType === "system") {
261 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
262 | chunk,
263 | new SystemContextRuntimeModule()
264 | );
265 | }
266 | return true;
267 | });
268 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
269 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.getChunkScriptFilename)
270 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set, { chunkGraph }) => {
271 | if (
272 | typeof compilation.outputOptions.chunkFilename === "string" &&
273 | /\[(full)?hash(:\d+)?\]/.test(
274 | compilation.outputOptions.chunkFilename
275 | )
276 | ) {
277 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash);
278 | }
279 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
280 | chunk,
281 | new GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule(
282 | "javascript",
283 | "javascript",
284 | RuntimeGlobals.getChunkScriptFilename,
285 | chunk =>
286 | getJavascriptModulesPlugin().chunkHasJs(chunk, chunkGraph) &&
287 | /** @type {TemplatePath} */ (
288 | chunk.filenameTemplate ||
289 | (chunk.canBeInitial()
290 | ? compilation.outputOptions.filename
291 | : compilation.outputOptions.chunkFilename)
292 | ),
293 | false
294 | )
295 | );
296 | return true;
297 | });
298 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
299 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.getChunkCssFilename)
300 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set, { chunkGraph }) => {
301 | if (
302 | typeof compilation.outputOptions.cssChunkFilename === "string" &&
303 | /\[(full)?hash(:\d+)?\]/.test(
304 | compilation.outputOptions.cssChunkFilename
305 | )
306 | ) {
307 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash);
308 | }
309 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
310 | chunk,
311 | new GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule(
312 | "css",
313 | "css",
314 | RuntimeGlobals.getChunkCssFilename,
315 | chunk =>
316 | getCssModulesPlugin().chunkHasCss(chunk, chunkGraph) &&
317 | getChunkFilenameTemplate(chunk, compilation.outputOptions),
318 | set.has(RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers)
319 | )
320 | );
321 | return true;
322 | });
323 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
324 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.getChunkUpdateScriptFilename)
325 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
326 | if (
327 | /\[(full)?hash(:\d+)?\]/.test(
328 | /** @type {NonNullable<OutputNormalized["hotUpdateChunkFilename"]>} */
329 | (compilation.outputOptions.hotUpdateChunkFilename)
330 | )
331 | )
332 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash);
333 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
334 | chunk,
335 | new GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule(
336 | "javascript",
337 | "javascript update",
338 | RuntimeGlobals.getChunkUpdateScriptFilename,
339 | c =>
340 | /** @type {NonNullable<OutputNormalized["hotUpdateChunkFilename"]>} */
341 | (compilation.outputOptions.hotUpdateChunkFilename),
342 | true
343 | )
344 | );
345 | return true;
346 | });
347 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
348 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.getUpdateManifestFilename)
349 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
350 | if (
351 | /\[(full)?hash(:\d+)?\]/.test(
352 | /** @type {NonNullable<OutputNormalized["hotUpdateMainFilename"]>} */
353 | (compilation.outputOptions.hotUpdateMainFilename)
354 | )
355 | ) {
356 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.getFullHash);
357 | }
358 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
359 | chunk,
360 | new GetMainFilenameRuntimeModule(
361 | "update manifest",
362 | RuntimeGlobals.getUpdateManifestFilename,
363 | /** @type {NonNullable<OutputNormalized["hotUpdateMainFilename"]>} */
364 | (compilation.outputOptions.hotUpdateMainFilename)
365 | )
366 | );
367 | return true;
368 | });
369 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
370 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunk)
371 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
372 | const hasAsyncChunks = chunk.hasAsyncChunks();
373 | if (hasAsyncChunks) {
374 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers);
375 | }
376 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
377 | chunk,
378 | new EnsureChunkRuntimeModule(set)
379 | );
380 | return true;
381 | });
382 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
383 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkIncludeEntries)
384 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
385 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers);
386 | });
387 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
388 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.shareScopeMap)
389 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
390 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new ShareRuntimeModule());
391 | return true;
392 | });
393 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
394 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.loadScript)
395 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
396 | const withCreateScriptUrl = Boolean(
397 | compilation.outputOptions.trustedTypes
398 | );
399 | if (withCreateScriptUrl) {
400 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.createScriptUrl);
401 | }
402 | const withFetchPriority = set.has(RuntimeGlobals.hasFetchPriority);
403 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
404 | chunk,
405 | new LoadScriptRuntimeModule(withCreateScriptUrl, withFetchPriority)
406 | );
407 | return true;
408 | });
409 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
410 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.createScript)
411 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
412 | if (compilation.outputOptions.trustedTypes) {
413 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.getTrustedTypesPolicy);
414 | }
415 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new CreateScriptRuntimeModule());
416 | return true;
417 | });
418 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
419 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.createScriptUrl)
420 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
421 | if (compilation.outputOptions.trustedTypes) {
422 | set.add(RuntimeGlobals.getTrustedTypesPolicy);
423 | }
424 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
425 | chunk,
426 | new CreateScriptUrlRuntimeModule()
427 | );
428 | return true;
429 | });
430 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
431 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.getTrustedTypesPolicy)
432 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
433 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
434 | chunk,
435 | new GetTrustedTypesPolicyRuntimeModule(set)
436 | );
437 | return true;
438 | });
439 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
440 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.relativeUrl)
441 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
442 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new RelativeUrlRuntimeModule());
443 | return true;
444 | });
445 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
446 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded)
447 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", (chunk, set) => {
448 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(
449 | chunk,
450 | new OnChunksLoadedRuntimeModule()
451 | );
452 | return true;
453 | });
454 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
455 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.baseURI)
456 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
457 | if (isChunkLoadingDisabledForChunk(chunk)) {
458 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new BaseUriRuntimeModule());
459 | return true;
460 | }
461 | });
462 | compilation.hooks.runtimeRequirementInTree
463 | .for(RuntimeGlobals.scriptNonce)
464 | .tap("RuntimePlugin", chunk => {
465 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new NonceRuntimeModule());
466 | return true;
467 | });
468 | // TODO webpack 6: remove CompatRuntimeModule
469 | compilation.hooks.additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements.tap(
470 | "RuntimePlugin",
471 | (chunk, set) => {
472 | const { mainTemplate } = compilation;
473 | if (
474 | mainTemplate.hooks.bootstrap.isUsed() ||
475 | mainTemplate.hooks.localVars.isUsed() ||
476 | mainTemplate.hooks.requireEnsure.isUsed() ||
477 | mainTemplate.hooks.requireExtensions.isUsed()
478 | ) {
479 | compilation.addRuntimeModule(chunk, new CompatRuntimeModule());
480 | }
481 | }
482 | );
483 | JavascriptModulesPlugin.getCompilationHooks(compilation).chunkHash.tap(
484 | "RuntimePlugin",
485 | (chunk, hash, { chunkGraph }) => {
486 | const xor = new StringXor();
487 | for (const m of chunkGraph.getChunkRuntimeModulesIterable(chunk)) {
488 | xor.add(chunkGraph.getModuleHash(m, chunk.runtime));
489 | }
490 | xor.updateHash(hash);
491 | }
492 | );
493 | });
494 | }
495 | }
496 | module.exports = RuntimePlugin;