[79a0317] | 1 | /*
| 2 | MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
| 3 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
| 4 | */
| 5 |
| 6 | "use strict";
| 7 |
| 8 | const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals");
| 9 | const RuntimeModule = require("../RuntimeModule");
| 10 | const Template = require("../Template");
| 11 |
| 12 | /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */
| 13 | /** @typedef {import("../Chunk").ChunkId} ChunkId */
| 14 | /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */
| 15 | /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph").ModuleId} ModuleId */
| 16 | /** @typedef {import("../Compilation")} Compilation */
| 17 | /** @typedef {import("./RemoteModule")} RemoteModule */
| 18 |
| 19 | class RemoteRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule {
| 20 | constructor() {
| 21 | super("remotes loading");
| 22 | }
| 23 |
| 24 | /**
| 25 | * @returns {string | null} runtime code
| 26 | */
| 27 | generate() {
| 28 | const compilation = /** @type {Compilation} */ (this.compilation);
| 29 | const chunkGraph = /** @type {ChunkGraph} */ (this.chunkGraph);
| 30 | const { runtimeTemplate, moduleGraph } = compilation;
| 31 | /** @type {Record<ChunkId, (string | number)[]>} */
| 32 | const chunkToRemotesMapping = {};
| 33 | /** @type {Record<ModuleId, [string, string, string | number | null]>} */
| 34 | const idToExternalAndNameMapping = {};
| 35 | for (const chunk of /** @type {Chunk} */ (
| 36 | this.chunk
| 37 | ).getAllReferencedChunks()) {
| 38 | const modules = chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(
| 39 | chunk,
| 40 | "remote"
| 41 | );
| 42 | if (!modules) continue;
| 43 | /** @type {ModuleId[]} */
| 44 | const remotes = (chunkToRemotesMapping[
| 45 | /** @type {ChunkId} */
| 46 | (chunk.id)
| 47 | ] = []);
| 48 | for (const m of modules) {
| 49 | const module = /** @type {RemoteModule} */ (m);
| 50 | const name = module.internalRequest;
| 51 | const id = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module));
| 52 | const shareScope = module.shareScope;
| 53 | const dep = module.dependencies[0];
| 54 | const externalModule = moduleGraph.getModule(dep);
| 55 | const externalModuleId =
| 56 | /** @type {ModuleId} */
| 57 | (externalModule && chunkGraph.getModuleId(externalModule));
| 58 | remotes.push(id);
| 59 | idToExternalAndNameMapping[id] = [shareScope, name, externalModuleId];
| 60 | }
| 61 | }
| 62 | return Template.asString([
| 63 | `var chunkMapping = ${JSON.stringify(
| 64 | chunkToRemotesMapping,
| 65 | null,
| 66 | "\t"
| 67 | )};`,
| 68 | `var idToExternalAndNameMapping = ${JSON.stringify(
| 69 | idToExternalAndNameMapping,
| 70 | null,
| 71 | "\t"
| 72 | )};`,
| 73 | `${
| 74 | RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers
| 75 | }.remotes = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId, promises", [
| 76 | `if(${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(chunkMapping, chunkId)) {`,
| 77 | Template.indent([
| 78 | `chunkMapping[chunkId].forEach(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("id", [
| 79 | `var getScope = ${RuntimeGlobals.currentRemoteGetScope};`,
| 80 | "if(!getScope) getScope = [];",
| 81 | "var data = idToExternalAndNameMapping[id];",
| 82 | "if(getScope.indexOf(data) >= 0) return;",
| 83 | "getScope.push(data);",
| 84 | "if(data.p) return promises.push(data.p);",
| 85 | `var onError = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("error", [
| 86 | 'if(!error) error = new Error("Container missing");',
| 87 | 'if(typeof error.message === "string")',
| 88 | Template.indent(
| 89 | "error.message += '\\nwhile loading \"' + data[1] + '\" from ' + data[2];"
| 90 | ),
| 91 | `${
| 92 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories
| 93 | }[id] = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("", ["throw error;"])}`,
| 94 | "data.p = 0;"
| 95 | ])};`,
| 96 | `var handleFunction = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
| 97 | "fn, arg1, arg2, d, next, first",
| 98 | [
| 99 | "try {",
| 100 | Template.indent([
| 101 | "var promise = fn(arg1, arg2);",
| 102 | "if(promise && promise.then) {",
| 103 | Template.indent([
| 104 | `var p = promise.then(${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction(
| 105 | "next(result, d)",
| 106 | "result"
| 107 | )}, onError);`,
| 108 | "if(first) promises.push(data.p = p); else return p;"
| 109 | ]),
| 110 | "} else {",
| 111 | Template.indent(["return next(promise, d, first);"]),
| 112 | "}"
| 113 | ]),
| 114 | "} catch(error) {",
| 115 | Template.indent(["onError(error);"]),
| 116 | "}"
| 117 | ]
| 118 | )}`,
| 119 | `var onExternal = ${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction(
| 120 | `external ? handleFunction(${RuntimeGlobals.initializeSharing}, data[0], 0, external, onInitialized, first) : onError()`,
| 121 | "external, _, first"
| 122 | )};`,
| 123 | `var onInitialized = ${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction(
| 124 | "handleFunction(external.get, data[1], getScope, 0, onFactory, first)",
| 125 | "_, external, first"
| 126 | )};`,
| 127 | `var onFactory = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("factory", [
| 128 | "data.p = 1;",
| 129 | `${
| 130 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories
| 131 | }[id] = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("module", [
| 132 | "module.exports = factory();"
| 133 | ])}`
| 134 | ])};`,
| 135 | `handleFunction(${RuntimeGlobals.require}, data[2], 0, 0, onExternal, 1);`
| 136 | ])});`
| 137 | ]),
| 138 | "}"
| 139 | ])}`
| 140 | ]);
| 141 | }
| 142 | }
| 143 |
| 144 | module.exports = RemoteRuntimeModule;