1 | /*
2 | MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
3 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
4 | */
5 |
6 | "use strict";
7 |
8 | const AsyncDependenciesBlock = require("../AsyncDependenciesBlock");
9 | const CommentCompilationWarning = require("../CommentCompilationWarning");
10 | const UnsupportedFeatureWarning = require("../UnsupportedFeatureWarning");
11 | const { getImportAttributes } = require("../javascript/JavascriptParser");
12 | const ContextDependencyHelpers = require("./ContextDependencyHelpers");
13 | const ImportContextDependency = require("./ImportContextDependency");
14 | const ImportDependency = require("./ImportDependency");
15 | const ImportEagerDependency = require("./ImportEagerDependency");
16 | const ImportWeakDependency = require("./ImportWeakDependency");
17 |
18 | /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").JavascriptParserOptions} JavascriptParserOptions */
19 | /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGroup").RawChunkGroupOptions} RawChunkGroupOptions */
20 | /** @typedef {import("../ContextModule").ContextMode} ContextMode */
21 | /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").DependencyLocation} DependencyLocation */
22 | /** @typedef {import("../Module").BuildMeta} BuildMeta */
23 | /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser")} JavascriptParser */
24 | /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser").ImportExpression} ImportExpression */
25 | /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser").Range} Range */
26 |
27 | class ImportParserPlugin {
28 | /**
29 | * @param {JavascriptParserOptions} options options
30 | */
31 | constructor(options) {
32 | this.options = options;
33 | }
34 |
35 | /**
36 | * @param {JavascriptParser} parser the parser
37 | * @returns {void}
38 | */
39 | apply(parser) {
40 | /**
41 | * @template T
42 | * @param {Iterable<T>} enumerable enumerable
43 | * @returns {T[][]} array of array
44 | */
45 | const exportsFromEnumerable = enumerable =>
46 | Array.from(enumerable, e => [e]);
47 | parser.hooks.importCall.tap("ImportParserPlugin", expr => {
48 | const param = parser.evaluateExpression(expr.source);
49 |
50 | let chunkName = null;
51 | let mode = /** @type {ContextMode} */ (this.options.dynamicImportMode);
52 | let include = null;
53 | let exclude = null;
54 | /** @type {string[][] | null} */
55 | let exports = null;
56 | /** @type {RawChunkGroupOptions} */
57 | const groupOptions = {};
58 |
59 | const {
60 | dynamicImportPreload,
61 | dynamicImportPrefetch,
62 | dynamicImportFetchPriority
63 | } = this.options;
64 | if (dynamicImportPreload !== undefined && dynamicImportPreload !== false)
65 | groupOptions.preloadOrder =
66 | dynamicImportPreload === true ? 0 : dynamicImportPreload;
67 | if (
68 | dynamicImportPrefetch !== undefined &&
69 | dynamicImportPrefetch !== false
70 | )
71 | groupOptions.prefetchOrder =
72 | dynamicImportPrefetch === true ? 0 : dynamicImportPrefetch;
73 | if (
74 | dynamicImportFetchPriority !== undefined &&
75 | dynamicImportFetchPriority !== false
76 | )
77 | groupOptions.fetchPriority = dynamicImportFetchPriority;
78 |
79 | const { options: importOptions, errors: commentErrors } =
80 | parser.parseCommentOptions(/** @type {Range} */ (expr.range));
81 |
82 | if (commentErrors) {
83 | for (const e of commentErrors) {
84 | const { comment } = e;
85 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
86 | new CommentCompilationWarning(
87 | `Compilation error while processing magic comment(-s): /*${comment.value}*/: ${e.message}`,
88 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (comment.loc)
89 | )
90 | );
91 | }
92 | }
93 |
94 | if (importOptions) {
95 | if (importOptions.webpackIgnore !== undefined) {
96 | if (typeof importOptions.webpackIgnore !== "boolean") {
97 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
98 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
99 | `\`webpackIgnore\` expected a boolean, but received: ${importOptions.webpackIgnore}.`,
100 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
101 | )
102 | );
103 | } else if (importOptions.webpackIgnore) {
104 | // Do not instrument `import()` if `webpackIgnore` is `true`
105 | return false;
106 | }
107 | }
108 | if (importOptions.webpackChunkName !== undefined) {
109 | if (typeof importOptions.webpackChunkName !== "string") {
110 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
111 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
112 | `\`webpackChunkName\` expected a string, but received: ${importOptions.webpackChunkName}.`,
113 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
114 | )
115 | );
116 | } else {
117 | chunkName = importOptions.webpackChunkName;
118 | }
119 | }
120 | if (importOptions.webpackMode !== undefined) {
121 | if (typeof importOptions.webpackMode !== "string") {
122 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
123 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
124 | `\`webpackMode\` expected a string, but received: ${importOptions.webpackMode}.`,
125 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
126 | )
127 | );
128 | } else {
129 | mode = /** @type {ContextMode} */ (importOptions.webpackMode);
130 | }
131 | }
132 | if (importOptions.webpackPrefetch !== undefined) {
133 | if (importOptions.webpackPrefetch === true) {
134 | groupOptions.prefetchOrder = 0;
135 | } else if (typeof importOptions.webpackPrefetch === "number") {
136 | groupOptions.prefetchOrder = importOptions.webpackPrefetch;
137 | } else {
138 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
139 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
140 | `\`webpackPrefetch\` expected true or a number, but received: ${importOptions.webpackPrefetch}.`,
141 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
142 | )
143 | );
144 | }
145 | }
146 | if (importOptions.webpackPreload !== undefined) {
147 | if (importOptions.webpackPreload === true) {
148 | groupOptions.preloadOrder = 0;
149 | } else if (typeof importOptions.webpackPreload === "number") {
150 | groupOptions.preloadOrder = importOptions.webpackPreload;
151 | } else {
152 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
153 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
154 | `\`webpackPreload\` expected true or a number, but received: ${importOptions.webpackPreload}.`,
155 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
156 | )
157 | );
158 | }
159 | }
160 | if (importOptions.webpackFetchPriority !== undefined) {
161 | if (
162 | typeof importOptions.webpackFetchPriority === "string" &&
163 | ["high", "low", "auto"].includes(importOptions.webpackFetchPriority)
164 | ) {
165 | groupOptions.fetchPriority =
166 | /** @type {"low" | "high" | "auto"} */
167 | (importOptions.webpackFetchPriority);
168 | } else {
169 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
170 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
171 | `\`webpackFetchPriority\` expected true or "low", "high" or "auto", but received: ${importOptions.webpackFetchPriority}.`,
172 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
173 | )
174 | );
175 | }
176 | }
177 | if (importOptions.webpackInclude !== undefined) {
178 | if (
179 | !importOptions.webpackInclude ||
180 | !(importOptions.webpackInclude instanceof RegExp)
181 | ) {
182 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
183 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
184 | `\`webpackInclude\` expected a regular expression, but received: ${importOptions.webpackInclude}.`,
185 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
186 | )
187 | );
188 | } else {
189 | include = importOptions.webpackInclude;
190 | }
191 | }
192 | if (importOptions.webpackExclude !== undefined) {
193 | if (
194 | !importOptions.webpackExclude ||
195 | !(importOptions.webpackExclude instanceof RegExp)
196 | ) {
197 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
198 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
199 | `\`webpackExclude\` expected a regular expression, but received: ${importOptions.webpackExclude}.`,
200 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
201 | )
202 | );
203 | } else {
204 | exclude = importOptions.webpackExclude;
205 | }
206 | }
207 | if (importOptions.webpackExports !== undefined) {
208 | if (
209 | !(
210 | typeof importOptions.webpackExports === "string" ||
211 | (Array.isArray(importOptions.webpackExports) &&
212 | /** @type {string[]} */ (importOptions.webpackExports).every(
213 | item => typeof item === "string"
214 | ))
215 | )
216 | ) {
217 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
218 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
219 | `\`webpackExports\` expected a string or an array of strings, but received: ${importOptions.webpackExports}.`,
220 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
221 | )
222 | );
223 | } else if (typeof importOptions.webpackExports === "string") {
224 | exports = [[importOptions.webpackExports]];
225 | } else {
226 | exports = exportsFromEnumerable(importOptions.webpackExports);
227 | }
228 | }
229 | }
230 |
231 | if (
232 | mode !== "lazy" &&
233 | mode !== "lazy-once" &&
234 | mode !== "eager" &&
235 | mode !== "weak"
236 | ) {
237 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
238 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
239 | `\`webpackMode\` expected 'lazy', 'lazy-once', 'eager' or 'weak', but received: ${mode}.`,
240 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
241 | )
242 | );
243 | mode = "lazy";
244 | }
245 |
246 | const referencedPropertiesInDestructuring =
247 | parser.destructuringAssignmentPropertiesFor(expr);
248 | if (referencedPropertiesInDestructuring) {
249 | if (exports) {
250 | parser.state.module.addWarning(
251 | new UnsupportedFeatureWarning(
252 | "`webpackExports` could not be used with destructuring assignment.",
253 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc)
254 | )
255 | );
256 | }
257 | exports = exportsFromEnumerable(
258 | [...referencedPropertiesInDestructuring].map(({ id }) => id)
259 | );
260 | }
261 |
262 | if (param.isString()) {
263 | const attributes = getImportAttributes(expr);
264 |
265 | if (mode === "eager") {
266 | const dep = new ImportEagerDependency(
267 | /** @type {string} */ (param.string),
268 | /** @type {Range} */ (expr.range),
269 | exports,
270 | attributes
271 | );
272 | parser.state.current.addDependency(dep);
273 | } else if (mode === "weak") {
274 | const dep = new ImportWeakDependency(
275 | /** @type {string} */ (param.string),
276 | /** @type {Range} */ (expr.range),
277 | exports,
278 | attributes
279 | );
280 | parser.state.current.addDependency(dep);
281 | } else {
282 | const depBlock = new AsyncDependenciesBlock(
283 | {
284 | ...groupOptions,
285 | name: chunkName
286 | },
287 | /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc),
288 | param.string
289 | );
290 | const dep = new ImportDependency(
291 | /** @type {string} */ (param.string),
292 | /** @type {Range} */ (expr.range),
293 | exports,
294 | attributes
295 | );
296 | dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc);
297 | dep.optional = Boolean(parser.scope.inTry);
298 | depBlock.addDependency(dep);
299 | parser.state.current.addBlock(depBlock);
300 | }
301 | return true;
302 | }
303 | if (mode === "weak") {
304 | mode = "async-weak";
305 | }
306 | const dep = ContextDependencyHelpers.create(
307 | ImportContextDependency,
308 | /** @type {Range} */ (expr.range),
309 | param,
310 | expr,
311 | this.options,
312 | {
313 | chunkName,
314 | groupOptions,
315 | include,
316 | exclude,
317 | mode,
318 | namespaceObject: /** @type {BuildMeta} */ (
319 | parser.state.module.buildMeta
320 | ).strictHarmonyModule
321 | ? "strict"
322 | : true,
323 | typePrefix: "import()",
324 | category: "esm",
325 | referencedExports: exports,
326 | attributes: getImportAttributes(expr)
327 | },
328 | parser
329 | );
330 | if (!dep) return;
331 | dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expr.loc);
332 | dep.optional = Boolean(parser.scope.inTry);
333 | parser.state.current.addDependency(dep);
334 | return true;
335 | });
336 | }
337 | }
338 |
339 | module.exports = ImportParserPlugin;