[79a0317] | 1 | /*
| 2 | MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
| 3 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
| 4 | */
| 5 |
| 6 | "use strict";
| 7 |
| 8 | /** @typedef {import("http").IncomingMessage} IncomingMessage */
| 9 | /** @typedef {import("http").RequestListener} RequestListener */
| 10 | /** @typedef {import("http").ServerOptions} HttpServerOptions */
| 11 | /** @typedef {import("http").ServerResponse} ServerResponse */
| 12 | /** @typedef {import("https").ServerOptions} HttpsServerOptions */
| 13 | /** @typedef {import("net").AddressInfo} AddressInfo */
| 14 | /** @typedef {import("net").Server} Server */
| 15 | /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").LazyCompilationDefaultBackendOptions} LazyCompilationDefaultBackendOptions */
| 16 | /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */
| 17 | /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */
| 18 | /** @typedef {import("./LazyCompilationPlugin").BackendApi} BackendApi */
| 19 | /** @typedef {import("./LazyCompilationPlugin").BackendHandler} BackendHandler */
| 20 |
| 21 | /**
| 22 | * @param {Omit<LazyCompilationDefaultBackendOptions, "client"> & { client: NonNullable<LazyCompilationDefaultBackendOptions["client"]>}} options additional options for the backend
| 23 | * @returns {BackendHandler} backend
| 24 | */
| 25 | module.exports = options => (compiler, callback) => {
| 26 | const logger = compiler.getInfrastructureLogger("LazyCompilationBackend");
| 27 | const activeModules = new Map();
| 28 | const prefix = "/lazy-compilation-using-";
| 29 |
| 30 | const isHttps =
| 31 | options.protocol === "https" ||
| 32 | (typeof options.server === "object" &&
| 33 | ("key" in options.server || "pfx" in options.server));
| 34 |
| 35 | const createServer =
| 36 | typeof options.server === "function"
| 37 | ? options.server
| 38 | : (() => {
| 39 | const http = isHttps ? require("https") : require("http");
| 40 | return http.createServer.bind(
| 41 | http,
| 42 | /** @type {HttpServerOptions | HttpsServerOptions} */
| 43 | (options.server)
| 44 | );
| 45 | })();
| 46 | /** @type {function(Server): void} */
| 47 | const listen =
| 48 | typeof options.listen === "function"
| 49 | ? options.listen
| 50 | : server => {
| 51 | let listen = options.listen;
| 52 | if (typeof listen === "object" && !("port" in listen))
| 53 | listen = { ...listen, port: undefined };
| 54 | server.listen(listen);
| 55 | };
| 56 |
| 57 | const protocol = options.protocol || (isHttps ? "https" : "http");
| 58 |
| 59 | /** @type {RequestListener} */
| 60 | const requestListener = (req, res) => {
| 61 | if (req.url === undefined) return;
| 62 | const keys = req.url.slice(prefix.length).split("@");
| 63 | req.socket.on("close", () => {
| 64 | setTimeout(() => {
| 65 | for (const key of keys) {
| 66 | const oldValue = activeModules.get(key) || 0;
| 67 | activeModules.set(key, oldValue - 1);
| 68 | if (oldValue === 1) {
| 69 | logger.log(
| 70 | `${key} is no longer in use. Next compilation will skip this module.`
| 71 | );
| 72 | }
| 73 | }
| 74 | }, 120000);
| 75 | });
| 76 | req.socket.setNoDelay(true);
| 77 | res.writeHead(200, {
| 78 | "content-type": "text/event-stream",
| 79 | "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
| 80 | "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "*",
| 81 | "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*"
| 82 | });
| 83 | res.write("\n");
| 84 | let moduleActivated = false;
| 85 | for (const key of keys) {
| 86 | const oldValue = activeModules.get(key) || 0;
| 87 | activeModules.set(key, oldValue + 1);
| 88 | if (oldValue === 0) {
| 89 | logger.log(`${key} is now in use and will be compiled.`);
| 90 | moduleActivated = true;
| 91 | }
| 92 | }
| 93 | if (moduleActivated && compiler.watching) compiler.watching.invalidate();
| 94 | };
| 95 |
| 96 | const server = /** @type {Server} */ (createServer());
| 97 | server.on("request", requestListener);
| 98 |
| 99 | let isClosing = false;
| 100 | /** @type {Set<import("net").Socket>} */
| 101 | const sockets = new Set();
| 102 | server.on("connection", socket => {
| 103 | sockets.add(socket);
| 104 | socket.on("close", () => {
| 105 | sockets.delete(socket);
| 106 | });
| 107 | if (isClosing) socket.destroy();
| 108 | });
| 109 | server.on("clientError", e => {
| 110 | if (e.message !== "Server is disposing") logger.warn(e);
| 111 | });
| 112 |
| 113 | server.on(
| 114 | "listening",
| 115 | /**
| 116 | * @param {Error} err error
| 117 | * @returns {void}
| 118 | */
| 119 | err => {
| 120 | if (err) return callback(err);
| 121 | const _addr = server.address();
| 122 | if (typeof _addr === "string")
| 123 | throw new Error("addr must not be a string");
| 124 | const addr = /** @type {AddressInfo} */ (_addr);
| 125 | const urlBase =
| 126 | addr.address === "::" || addr.address === ""
| 127 | ? `${protocol}://localhost:${addr.port}`
| 128 | : addr.family === "IPv6"
| 129 | ? `${protocol}://[${addr.address}]:${addr.port}`
| 130 | : `${protocol}://${addr.address}:${addr.port}`;
| 131 | logger.log(
| 132 | `Server-Sent-Events server for lazy compilation open at ${urlBase}.`
| 133 | );
| 134 | callback(null, {
| 135 | dispose(callback) {
| 136 | isClosing = true;
| 137 | // Removing the listener is a workaround for a memory leak in node.js
| 138 | server.off("request", requestListener);
| 139 | server.close(err => {
| 140 | callback(err);
| 141 | });
| 142 | for (const socket of sockets) {
| 143 | socket.destroy(new Error("Server is disposing"));
| 144 | }
| 145 | },
| 146 | module(originalModule) {
| 147 | const key = `${encodeURIComponent(
| 148 | originalModule.identifier().replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(/@/g, "_")
| 149 | ).replace(/%(2F|3A|24|26|2B|2C|3B|3D)/g, decodeURIComponent)}`;
| 150 | const active = activeModules.get(key) > 0;
| 151 | return {
| 152 | client: `${options.client}?${encodeURIComponent(urlBase + prefix)}`,
| 153 | data: key,
| 154 | active
| 155 | };
| 156 | }
| 157 | });
| 158 | }
| 159 | );
| 160 | listen(server);
| 161 | };