1 | /*
2 | MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
3 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
4 | */
5 |
6 | "use strict";
7 |
8 | const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals");
9 | const RuntimeModule = require("../RuntimeModule");
10 | const Template = require("../Template");
11 | const {
12 | parseVersionRuntimeCode,
13 | versionLtRuntimeCode,
14 | rangeToStringRuntimeCode,
15 | satisfyRuntimeCode
16 | } = require("../util/semver");
17 |
18 | /** @typedef {import("webpack-sources").Source} Source */
19 | /** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */
20 | /** @typedef {import("../Chunk").ChunkId} ChunkId */
21 | /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */
22 | /** @typedef {import("../ChunkGraph").ModuleId} ModuleId */
23 | /** @typedef {import("../Compilation")} Compilation */
24 | /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */
25 | /** @typedef {import("../Module").ReadOnlyRuntimeRequirements} ReadOnlyRuntimeRequirements */
26 | /** @typedef {import("./ConsumeSharedModule")} ConsumeSharedModule */
27 |
28 | class ConsumeSharedRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule {
29 | /**
30 | * @param {ReadOnlyRuntimeRequirements} runtimeRequirements runtime requirements
31 | */
32 | constructor(runtimeRequirements) {
33 | super("consumes", RuntimeModule.STAGE_ATTACH);
34 | this._runtimeRequirements = runtimeRequirements;
35 | }
36 |
37 | /**
38 | * @returns {string | null} runtime code
39 | */
40 | generate() {
41 | const compilation = /** @type {Compilation} */ (this.compilation);
42 | const chunkGraph = /** @type {ChunkGraph} */ (this.chunkGraph);
43 | const { runtimeTemplate, codeGenerationResults } = compilation;
44 | /** @type {Record<ChunkId, (string | number)[]>} */
45 | const chunkToModuleMapping = {};
46 | /** @type {Map<string | number, Source>} */
47 | const moduleIdToSourceMapping = new Map();
48 | /** @type {(string | number)[]} */
49 | const initialConsumes = [];
50 | /**
51 | * @param {Iterable<Module>} modules modules
52 | * @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
53 | * @param {(string | number)[]} list list of ids
54 | */
55 | const addModules = (modules, chunk, list) => {
56 | for (const m of modules) {
57 | const module = m;
58 | const id = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (chunkGraph.getModuleId(module));
59 | list.push(id);
60 | moduleIdToSourceMapping.set(
61 | id,
62 | codeGenerationResults.getSource(
63 | module,
64 | chunk.runtime,
65 | "consume-shared"
66 | )
67 | );
68 | }
69 | };
70 | for (const chunk of /** @type {Chunk} */ (
71 | this.chunk
72 | ).getAllReferencedChunks()) {
73 | const modules = chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(
74 | chunk,
75 | "consume-shared"
76 | );
77 | if (!modules) continue;
78 | addModules(
79 | modules,
80 | chunk,
81 | (chunkToModuleMapping[/** @type {ChunkId} */ (chunk.id)] = [])
82 | );
83 | }
84 | for (const chunk of /** @type {Chunk} */ (
85 | this.chunk
86 | ).getAllInitialChunks()) {
87 | const modules = chunkGraph.getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(
88 | chunk,
89 | "consume-shared"
90 | );
91 | if (!modules) continue;
92 | addModules(modules, chunk, initialConsumes);
93 | }
94 | if (moduleIdToSourceMapping.size === 0) return null;
95 | return Template.asString([
96 | parseVersionRuntimeCode(runtimeTemplate),
97 | versionLtRuntimeCode(runtimeTemplate),
98 | rangeToStringRuntimeCode(runtimeTemplate),
99 | satisfyRuntimeCode(runtimeTemplate),
100 | `var exists = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("scope, key", [
101 | `return scope && ${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(scope, key);`
102 | ])}`,
103 | `var get = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("entry", [
104 | "entry.loaded = 1;",
105 | "return entry.get()"
106 | ])};`,
107 | `var eagerOnly = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("versions", [
108 | `return Object.keys(versions).reduce(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
109 | "filtered, version",
110 | Template.indent([
111 | "if (versions[version].eager) {",
112 | Template.indent(["filtered[version] = versions[version];"]),
113 | "}",
114 | "return filtered;"
115 | ])
116 | )}, {});`
117 | ])};`,
118 | `var findLatestVersion = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
119 | "scope, key, eager",
120 | [
121 | "var versions = eager ? eagerOnly(scope[key]) : scope[key];",
122 | `var key = Object.keys(versions).reduce(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
123 | "a, b",
124 | ["return !a || versionLt(a, b) ? b : a;"]
125 | )}, 0);`,
126 | "return key && versions[key];"
127 | ]
128 | )};`,
129 | `var findSatisfyingVersion = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
130 | "scope, key, requiredVersion, eager",
131 | [
132 | "var versions = eager ? eagerOnly(scope[key]) : scope[key];",
133 | `var key = Object.keys(versions).reduce(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
134 | "a, b",
135 | [
136 | "if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, b)) return a;",
137 | "return !a || versionLt(a, b) ? b : a;"
138 | ]
139 | )}, 0);`,
140 | "return key && versions[key]"
141 | ]
142 | )};`,
143 | `var findSingletonVersionKey = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
144 | "scope, key, eager",
145 | [
146 | "var versions = eager ? eagerOnly(scope[key]) : scope[key];",
147 | `return Object.keys(versions).reduce(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
148 | "a, b",
149 | ["return !a || (!versions[a].loaded && versionLt(a, b)) ? b : a;"]
150 | )}, 0);`
151 | ]
152 | )};`,
153 | `var getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
154 | "scope, key, version, requiredVersion",
155 | [
156 | 'return "Unsatisfied version " + version + " from " + (version && scope[key][version].from) + " of shared singleton module " + key + " (required " + rangeToString(requiredVersion) + ")"'
157 | ]
158 | )};`,
159 | `var getInvalidVersionMessage = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
160 | "scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion, eager",
161 | [
162 | "var versions = scope[key];",
163 | 'return "No satisfying version (" + rangeToString(requiredVersion) + ")" + (eager ? " for eager consumption" : "") + " of shared module " + key + " found in shared scope " + scopeName + ".\\n" +',
164 | `\t"Available versions: " + Object.keys(versions).map(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
165 | "key",
166 | ['return key + " from " + versions[key].from;']
167 | )}).join(", ");`
168 | ]
169 | )};`,
170 | `var fail = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("msg", [
171 | "throw new Error(msg);"
172 | ])}`,
173 | `var failAsNotExist = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("scopeName, key", [
174 | 'return fail("Shared module " + key + " doesn\'t exist in shared scope " + scopeName);'
175 | ])}`,
176 | `var warn = /*#__PURE__*/ ${
177 | compilation.outputOptions.ignoreBrowserWarnings
178 | ? runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("", "")
179 | : runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("msg", [
180 | 'if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) console.warn(msg);'
181 | ])
182 | };`,
183 | `var init = ${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction(
184 | Template.asString([
185 | "function(scopeName, key, eager, c, d) {",
186 | Template.indent([
187 | `var promise = ${RuntimeGlobals.initializeSharing}(scopeName);`,
188 | // if we require eager shared, we expect it to be already loaded before it requested, no need to wait the whole scope loaded.
189 | "if (promise && promise.then && !eager) { ",
190 | Template.indent([
191 | `return promise.then(fn.bind(fn, scopeName, ${RuntimeGlobals.shareScopeMap}[scopeName], key, false, c, d));`
192 | ]),
193 | "}",
194 | `return fn(scopeName, ${RuntimeGlobals.shareScopeMap}[scopeName], key, eager, c, d);`
195 | ]),
196 | "}"
197 | ]),
198 | "fn"
199 | )};`,
200 | "",
201 | `var useFallback = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
202 | "scopeName, key, fallback",
203 | ["return fallback ? fallback() : failAsNotExist(scopeName, key);"]
204 | )}`,
205 | `var load = /*#__PURE__*/ init(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
206 | "scopeName, scope, key, eager, fallback",
207 | [
208 | "if (!exists(scope, key)) return useFallback(scopeName, key, fallback);",
209 | "return get(findLatestVersion(scope, key, eager));"
210 | ]
211 | )});`,
212 | `var loadVersion = /*#__PURE__*/ init(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
213 | "scopeName, scope, key, eager, requiredVersion, fallback",
214 | [
215 | "if (!exists(scope, key)) return useFallback(scopeName, key, fallback);",
216 | "var satisfyingVersion = findSatisfyingVersion(scope, key, requiredVersion, eager);",
217 | "if (satisfyingVersion) return get(satisfyingVersion);",
218 | "warn(getInvalidVersionMessage(scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion, eager))",
219 | "return get(findLatestVersion(scope, key, eager));"
220 | ]
221 | )});`,
222 | `var loadStrictVersion = /*#__PURE__*/ init(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
223 | "scopeName, scope, key, eager, requiredVersion, fallback",
224 | [
225 | "if (!exists(scope, key)) return useFallback(scopeName, key, fallback);",
226 | "var satisfyingVersion = findSatisfyingVersion(scope, key, requiredVersion, eager);",
227 | "if (satisfyingVersion) return get(satisfyingVersion);",
228 | "if (fallback) return fallback();",
229 | "fail(getInvalidVersionMessage(scope, scopeName, key, requiredVersion, eager));"
230 | ]
231 | )});`,
232 | `var loadSingleton = /*#__PURE__*/ init(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
233 | "scopeName, scope, key, eager, fallback",
234 | [
235 | "if (!exists(scope, key)) return useFallback(scopeName, key, fallback);",
236 | "var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key, eager);",
237 | "return get(scope[key][version]);"
238 | ]
239 | )});`,
240 | `var loadSingletonVersion = /*#__PURE__*/ init(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
241 | "scopeName, scope, key, eager, requiredVersion, fallback",
242 | [
243 | "if (!exists(scope, key)) return useFallback(scopeName, key, fallback);",
244 | "var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key, eager);",
245 | "if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, version)) {",
246 | Template.indent([
247 | "warn(getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage(scope, key, version, requiredVersion));"
248 | ]),
249 | "}",
250 | "return get(scope[key][version]);"
251 | ]
252 | )});`,
253 | `var loadStrictSingletonVersion = /*#__PURE__*/ init(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
254 | "scopeName, scope, key, eager, requiredVersion, fallback",
255 | [
256 | "if (!exists(scope, key)) return useFallback(scopeName, key, fallback);",
257 | "var version = findSingletonVersionKey(scope, key, eager);",
258 | "if (!satisfy(requiredVersion, version)) {",
259 | Template.indent([
260 | "fail(getInvalidSingletonVersionMessage(scope, key, version, requiredVersion));"
261 | ]),
262 | "}",
263 | "return get(scope[key][version]);"
264 | ]
265 | )});`,
266 | "var installedModules = {};",
267 | "var moduleToHandlerMapping = {",
268 | Template.indent(
269 | Array.from(
270 | moduleIdToSourceMapping,
271 | ([key, source]) => `${JSON.stringify(key)}: ${source.source()}`
272 | ).join(",\n")
273 | ),
274 | "};",
275 |
276 | initialConsumes.length > 0
277 | ? Template.asString([
278 | `var initialConsumes = ${JSON.stringify(initialConsumes)};`,
279 | `initialConsumes.forEach(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("id", [
280 | `${
281 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories
282 | }[id] = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("module", [
283 | "// Handle case when module is used sync",
284 | "installedModules[id] = 0;",
285 | `delete ${RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache}[id];`,
286 | "var factory = moduleToHandlerMapping[id]();",
287 | 'if(typeof factory !== "function") throw new Error("Shared module is not available for eager consumption: " + id);',
288 | "module.exports = factory();"
289 | ])}`
290 | ])});`
291 | ])
292 | : "// no consumes in initial chunks",
293 | this._runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers)
294 | ? Template.asString([
295 | `var chunkMapping = ${JSON.stringify(
296 | chunkToModuleMapping,
297 | null,
298 | "\t"
299 | )};`,
300 | "var startedInstallModules = {};",
301 | `${
302 | RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers
303 | }.consumes = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunkId, promises", [
304 | `if(${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(chunkMapping, chunkId)) {`,
305 | Template.indent([
306 | `chunkMapping[chunkId].forEach(${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
307 | "id",
308 | [
309 | `if(${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(installedModules, id)) return promises.push(installedModules[id]);`,
310 | "if(!startedInstallModules[id]) {",
311 | `var onFactory = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction(
312 | "factory",
313 | [
314 | "installedModules[id] = 0;",
315 | `${
316 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories
317 | }[id] = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("module", [
318 | `delete ${RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache}[id];`,
319 | "module.exports = factory();"
320 | ])}`
321 | ]
322 | )};`,
323 | "startedInstallModules[id] = true;",
324 | `var onError = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("error", [
325 | "delete installedModules[id];",
326 | `${
327 | RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories
328 | }[id] = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("module", [
329 | `delete ${RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache}[id];`,
330 | "throw error;"
331 | ])}`
332 | ])};`,
333 | "try {",
334 | Template.indent([
335 | "var promise = moduleToHandlerMapping[id]();",
336 | "if(promise.then) {",
337 | Template.indent(
338 | "promises.push(installedModules[id] = promise.then(onFactory)['catch'](onError));"
339 | ),
340 | "} else onFactory(promise);"
341 | ]),
342 | "} catch(e) { onError(e); }",
343 | "}"
344 | ]
345 | )});`
346 | ]),
347 | "}"
348 | ])}`
349 | ])
350 | : "// no chunk loading of consumes"
351 | ]);
352 | }
353 | }
354 |
355 | module.exports = ConsumeSharedRuntimeModule;