1 | /*
2 | MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
3 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
4 | */
5 |
6 | "use strict";
7 |
8 | /**
9 | * @typedef {object} GroupOptions
10 | * @property {boolean=} groupChildren
11 | * @property {boolean=} force
12 | * @property {number=} targetGroupCount
13 | */
14 |
15 | /**
16 | * @template T
17 | * @template R
18 | * @typedef {object} GroupConfig
19 | * @property {function(T): string[] | undefined} getKeys
20 | * @property {function(string, (R | T)[], T[]): R} createGroup
21 | * @property {function(string, T[]): GroupOptions=} getOptions
22 | */
23 |
24 | /**
25 | * @template T
26 | * @template R
27 | * @typedef {object} ItemWithGroups
28 | * @property {T} item
29 | * @property {Set<Group<T, R>>} groups
30 | */
31 |
32 | /**
33 | * @template T
34 | * @template R
35 | * @typedef {{ config: GroupConfig<T, R>, name: string, alreadyGrouped: boolean, items: Set<ItemWithGroups<T, R>> | undefined }} Group
36 | */
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * @template T
40 | * @template R
41 | * @param {T[]} items the list of items
42 | * @param {GroupConfig<T, R>[]} groupConfigs configuration
43 | * @returns {(R | T)[]} grouped items
44 | */
45 | const smartGrouping = (items, groupConfigs) => {
46 | /** @type {Set<ItemWithGroups<T, R>>} */
47 | const itemsWithGroups = new Set();
48 | /** @type {Map<string, Group<T, R>>} */
49 | const allGroups = new Map();
50 | for (const item of items) {
51 | /** @type {Set<Group<T, R>>} */
52 | const groups = new Set();
53 | for (let i = 0; i < groupConfigs.length; i++) {
54 | const groupConfig = groupConfigs[i];
55 | const keys = groupConfig.getKeys(item);
56 | if (keys) {
57 | for (const name of keys) {
58 | const key = `${i}:${name}`;
59 | let group = allGroups.get(key);
60 | if (group === undefined) {
61 | allGroups.set(
62 | key,
63 | (group = {
64 | config: groupConfig,
65 | name,
66 | alreadyGrouped: false,
67 | items: undefined
68 | })
69 | );
70 | }
71 | groups.add(group);
72 | }
73 | }
74 | }
75 | itemsWithGroups.add({
76 | item,
77 | groups
78 | });
79 | }
80 | /**
81 | * @param {Set<ItemWithGroups<T, R>>} itemsWithGroups input items with groups
82 | * @returns {(T | R)[]} groups items
83 | */
84 | const runGrouping = itemsWithGroups => {
85 | const totalSize = itemsWithGroups.size;
86 | for (const entry of itemsWithGroups) {
87 | for (const group of entry.groups) {
88 | if (group.alreadyGrouped) continue;
89 | const items = group.items;
90 | if (items === undefined) {
91 | group.items = new Set([entry]);
92 | } else {
93 | items.add(entry);
94 | }
95 | }
96 | }
97 | /** @type {Map<Group<T, R>, { items: Set<ItemWithGroups<T, R>>, options: GroupOptions | false | undefined, used: boolean }>} */
98 | const groupMap = new Map();
99 | for (const group of allGroups.values()) {
100 | if (group.items) {
101 | const items = group.items;
102 | group.items = undefined;
103 | groupMap.set(group, {
104 | items,
105 | options: undefined,
106 | used: false
107 | });
108 | }
109 | }
110 | /** @type {(T | R)[]} */
111 | const results = [];
112 | for (;;) {
113 | /** @type {Group<T, R> | undefined} */
114 | let bestGroup;
115 | let bestGroupSize = -1;
116 | let bestGroupItems;
117 | let bestGroupOptions;
118 | for (const [group, state] of groupMap) {
119 | const { items, used } = state;
120 | let options = state.options;
121 | if (options === undefined) {
122 | const groupConfig = group.config;
123 | state.options = options =
124 | (groupConfig.getOptions &&
125 | groupConfig.getOptions(
126 | group.name,
127 | Array.from(items, ({ item }) => item)
128 | )) ||
129 | false;
130 | }
131 |
132 | const force = options && options.force;
133 | if (!force) {
134 | if (bestGroupOptions && bestGroupOptions.force) continue;
135 | if (used) continue;
136 | if (items.size <= 1 || totalSize - items.size <= 1) {
137 | continue;
138 | }
139 | }
140 | const targetGroupCount = (options && options.targetGroupCount) || 4;
141 | const sizeValue = force
142 | ? items.size
143 | : Math.min(
144 | items.size,
145 | (totalSize * 2) / targetGroupCount +
146 | itemsWithGroups.size -
147 | items.size
148 | );
149 | if (
150 | sizeValue > bestGroupSize ||
151 | (force && (!bestGroupOptions || !bestGroupOptions.force))
152 | ) {
153 | bestGroup = group;
154 | bestGroupSize = sizeValue;
155 | bestGroupItems = items;
156 | bestGroupOptions = options;
157 | }
158 | }
159 | if (bestGroup === undefined) {
160 | break;
161 | }
162 | const items = new Set(bestGroupItems);
163 | const options = bestGroupOptions;
164 |
165 | const groupChildren = !options || options.groupChildren !== false;
166 |
167 | for (const item of items) {
168 | itemsWithGroups.delete(item);
169 | // Remove all groups that items have from the map to not select them again
170 | for (const group of item.groups) {
171 | const state = groupMap.get(group);
172 | if (state !== undefined) {
173 | state.items.delete(item);
174 | if (state.items.size === 0) {
175 | groupMap.delete(group);
176 | } else {
177 | state.options = undefined;
178 | if (groupChildren) {
179 | state.used = true;
180 | }
181 | }
182 | }
183 | }
184 | }
185 | groupMap.delete(bestGroup);
186 |
187 | const key = bestGroup.name;
188 | const groupConfig = bestGroup.config;
189 |
190 | const allItems = Array.from(items, ({ item }) => item);
191 |
192 | bestGroup.alreadyGrouped = true;
193 | const children = groupChildren ? runGrouping(items) : allItems;
194 | bestGroup.alreadyGrouped = false;
195 |
196 | results.push(groupConfig.createGroup(key, children, allItems));
197 | }
198 | for (const { item } of itemsWithGroups) {
199 | results.push(item);
200 | }
201 | return results;
202 | };
203 | return runGrouping(itemsWithGroups);
204 | };
205 |
206 | module.exports = smartGrouping;