1 | import React, {useEffect, useState} from "react";
2 | import styles from "./AdminPage.module.css";
3 | import {TilesContainer} from "react-tiles-dnd";
4 | import HttpService from "../../scripts/net/HttpService.js";
5 | import config from "../../scripts/net/netconfig.js";
6 | import card from "../../assets/card-map.png";
7 | import MapInfoModal from "../../components/MapInfoModal/MapInfoModal.jsx";
8 | import {useAppContext} from "../../components/AppContext/AppContext.jsx";
9 | import PublishForm from "../../components/PublishForm/PublishForm.jsx";
10 | import Logo from "../../components/Logo/Logo.jsx";
11 | import Profile from "../../components/Profile/Profile.jsx";
12 | import Toast from "../../components/Toast/Toast.jsx";
13 | import ListReports from "../../components/ListReports/ListReports.jsx";
14 |
15 | const renderTile = ({data, isDragging}, handleApprove, handleDeny, openMapInfoModal, openPublishForm) => (
16 | <div className={`${styles.tile} ${isDragging ? styles.dragging : ""}`} onClick={() => openMapInfoModal(data)}>
17 | <img src={card} className={styles.imgStyle} alt="Map Thumbnail"/>
18 | <div className={styles.mapTitle}>{data.mapName}</div>
19 | <button className={styles.viewPublishFormButton} onClick={(e) => {
20 | e.stopPropagation();
21 | openPublishForm(data);
22 | }}>
23 | View Form
24 | </button>
25 | <div className={styles.buttonContainer}>
26 | {/*<input*/}
27 | {/* type="text"*/}
28 | {/* placeholder="Reason"*/}
29 | {/* className={styles.reasonInput}*/}
30 | {/* onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}*/}
31 | {/*/>*/}
32 | {/*<div className={styles.buttonsGroup}>*/}
33 | {/* <button className={styles.approveButton} onClick={(e) => {*/}
34 | {/* e.stopPropagation();*/}
35 | {/* handleApprove(data.mapName);*/}
36 | {/* }}>*/}
37 | {/* Approve*/}
38 | {/* </button>*/}
39 | {/* <button className={styles.denyButton} onClick={(e) => {*/}
40 | {/* e.stopPropagation();*/}
41 | {/* const reason = e.target.closest('div').previousSibling.value;*/}
42 | {/* handleDeny(data.mapName, reason);*/}
43 | {/* }}>*/}
44 | {/* Deny*/}
45 | {/* </button>*/}
46 |
47 | {/*</div>*/}
48 | </div>
49 | </div>
50 | );
51 |
52 | const tileSize = (tile) => ({
53 | colSpan: tile.cols,
54 | rowSpan: tile.rows,
55 | });
56 |
57 | export default function AdminPage() {
58 | const [pendingMaps, setPendingMaps] = useState([]);
59 | const [selectedMap, setSelectedMap] = useState(null);
60 | const [isMapInfoModalOpen, setIsMapInfoModalOpen] = useState(false);
61 | const [publishFormMap, setPublishFormMap] = useState(null);
62 | const [publishRequests, setPublishRequests] = useState([]);
63 | const [currentForm, setCurrentForm] = useState({});
64 | const {username} = useAppContext();
65 |
66 | const [toastMessage, setToastMessage] = useState(null);
67 | const [toastType, setToastType] = useState(1);
68 |
69 | useEffect(() => {
70 | const loadPendingMaps = async () => {
71 | const httpService = new HttpService();
72 | httpService.setAuthenticated();
73 |
74 | const respMaps = await httpService.get(`${config.admin.display}`);
75 |
76 | const mapTiles = respMaps.map((elem) => ({
77 | mapName: elem.mapName,
78 | cols: 1,
79 | rows: 1,
80 | status: elem.mapStatus,
81 | created_at: elem.createdAt,
82 | modified_at: elem.modifiedAt,
83 | gmaps_url: elem.gmaps_url,
84 | image_url: card,
85 | })).filter((tile) => tile.status === "PENDING");
86 |
87 | setPendingMaps(mapTiles);
88 | };
89 |
90 | loadPendingMaps();
91 | }, [username]);
92 |
93 | useEffect(() => {
94 | const loadPublishRequests = async () => {
95 | const httpService = new HttpService(true);
96 | const respPr = await httpService.get(`${config.admin.load_pr}`)
97 |
98 | setPublishRequests(respPr);
99 | }
100 |
101 | loadPublishRequests();
102 | }, []);
103 |
104 | const handleApprove = async (id,mapName) => {
105 | const httpService = new HttpService();
106 | httpService.setAuthenticated();
107 | const url = `${config.admin.approve_pr}?id=${id}`;
108 | closePublishForm()
109 | try {
110 | await httpService.post(url);
111 | setPendingMaps((prev) => prev.filter((map) => map.mapName !== mapName));
112 | showToast(`Publish Request "${id}" approved.`, 1)
113 | } catch (error) {
114 | console.error("Error approving pr:", error);
115 | // alert("Failed to approve pr.");
116 | showToast("Failed to approve pr.", 0)
117 | }
118 | };
119 |
120 | const showToast = (message, type = 1) => {
121 | setToastMessage(message);
122 | setToastType(type);
123 | setTimeout(() => setToastMessage(null), 3000); // Automatically hide the toast after 3 seconds
124 | };
125 |
126 | const handleDeny = async (id, mapName,reason) => {
127 | const httpService = new HttpService();
128 | httpService.setAuthenticated();
129 | const url = `${config.admin.deny_pr}?id=${id}&reason=${encodeURIComponent(reason)}`;
130 | closePublishForm()
131 | try {
132 | await httpService.post(url);
133 | setPendingMaps((prev) => prev.filter((map) => map.mapName !== mapName));
134 | showToast(`Publish request ${id} denied.`, 1)
135 | } catch (error) {
136 | console.error("Error denying pr:", error);
137 | alert("Failed to deny pr.");
138 | showToast("Failed to deny pr.", 0)
139 | }
140 | };
141 |
142 | const handlePublishFormSubmit = async (formData) => {
143 | const httpService = new HttpService();
144 | httpService.setAuthenticated();
145 | const url = `${config.admin.approve_pr}?mapName=${formData.mapName}`;
146 |
147 | try {
148 | await httpService.post(url, formData);
149 | setPendingMaps((prev) => prev.filter((map) => map.mapName !== formData.mapName));
150 | alert(`Map "${formData.mapName}" published successfully.`);
151 | closePublishForm();
152 | } catch (error) {
153 | console.error("Error publishing map:", error);
154 | alert("Failed to publish map. Please try again.");
155 | }
156 | };
157 |
158 |
159 | const openMapInfoModal = (map) => {
160 | setSelectedMap(map);
161 | setIsMapInfoModalOpen(true);
162 | };
163 |
164 | const closeMapInfoModal = () => {
165 | setIsMapInfoModalOpen(false);
166 | setSelectedMap(null);
167 | };
168 |
169 | const openPublishForm = (data) => {
170 | console.log("DATA MAP NAME", data.mapName)
171 | publishRequests.forEach(pr => {
172 | console.log("PR: " + JSON.stringify(pr))
173 | })
174 |
175 | const pr = publishRequests.find(p => p.mapName === data.mapName);
176 | console.log("FOUND PR: " + pr)
177 | setCurrentForm(pr)
178 | setPublishFormMap(data);
179 | };
180 |
181 | const closePublishForm = () => {
182 | setPublishFormMap(null);
183 | };
184 |
185 | return (
186 | <div className={styles.container}>
187 | <Logo></Logo>
188 | <Profile></Profile>
189 | <h1>Pending Maps for Approval</h1>
190 | <hr/>
191 |
192 | {publishFormMap && (
193 | <PublishForm
194 | isAdmin={true}
195 | formData={currentForm}
196 | onSubmit={handlePublishFormSubmit}
197 | onCancel={closePublishForm}
198 | onApprove={handleApprove}
199 | onDeny={handleDeny}
200 |
201 | />
202 | )}
203 |
204 |
205 | <div className={styles.mapsContainer}>
206 | <TilesContainer
207 | data={pendingMaps}
208 | renderTile={(tileProps) => renderTile(tileProps, handleApprove, handleDeny, openMapInfoModal, openPublishForm)}
209 | tileSize={tileSize}
210 | forceTileWidth={200}
211 | forceTileHeight={250}
212 | />
213 | </div>
214 | <hr/>
215 | {isMapInfoModalOpen && (
216 | <MapInfoModal
217 | isOpen={isMapInfoModalOpen}
218 | onClose={closeMapInfoModal}
219 | map={selectedMap}
220 | onUpdate={() => {
221 | }}
222 | onDelete={() => {
223 | }}
224 | published={true}
225 | />
226 | )}
227 | {toastMessage && <Toast message={toastMessage} type={toastType} onClose={() => setToastMessage(null)}/>}
228 | <hr/>
229 | <ListReports></ListReports>
230 | </div>
231 | );
232 | }