[0c6b92a] | 1 | import React, {useEffect, useState} from "react";
| 2 | import styles from "./CreateMaps.module.css";
| 3 | import {TilesContainer} from "react-tiles-dnd";
| 4 | import MapInfoModal from "../../components/MapInfoModal/MapInfoModal.jsx";
| 5 | import CreateMapModal from "../../components/Modals/CreateMapModal/CreateMapModal.jsx";
| 6 | import HttpService from "../../scripts/net/HttpService.js";
| 7 | import card from "../../assets/card-map.png";
| 8 | import Logo from "../../components/Logo/Logo.jsx";
| 9 | import Profile from "../../components/Profile/Profile.jsx";
| 10 | import {useAppContext} from "../../components/AppContext/AppContext.jsx";
| 11 | import config from "../../scripts/net/netconfig.js";
| 12 | import {element} from "prop-types";
| 13 | import Toast from "../../components/Toast/Toast.jsx";
| 14 |
| 15 | const renderTile = ({data, isDragging}, openMapInfo) => (
| 16 | <div style={{padding: "1rem", width: "100%"}}>
| 17 | <div
| 18 | className={`${styles.tile} ${isDragging ? styles.dragging : ""}`}
| 19 | style={{width: "100%", height: "100%"}}
| 20 | onClick={() => openMapInfo(data)}
| 21 | >
| 22 | <img src={card} className={styles.imgStyle} alt="Map Thumbnail"/>
| 23 | <div className={styles.mapTitle}>{data.mapName}</div>
| 24 | </div>
| 25 | </div>
| 26 | );
| 27 |
| 28 | const tileSize = (tile) => ({
| 29 | colSpan: tile.cols,
| 30 | rowSpan: tile.rows,
| 31 | });
| 32 |
| 33 | export default function MyMaps() {
| 34 | const [tiles, setTiles] = useState([]);
| 35 | const [allTiles, setAllTiles] = useState([]);
| 36 | const {username} = useAppContext();
| 37 | const [selectedMap, setSelectedMap] = useState(null);
| 38 | const [isMapInfoModalOpen, setIsMapInfoModalOpen] = useState(false);
| 39 | const [isCreateModalOpen, setIsCreateModalOpen] = useState(false);
| 40 | const [publicMaps, setPublicMaps] = useState([]);
| 41 | const [privateMaps, setPrivateMaps] = useState([]);
| 42 | const [pendingMaps, setPendingMaps] = useState([]);
| 43 | const [toastMessage, setToastMessage] = useState(null);
| 44 | const [toastType, setToastType] = useState(1);
| 45 |
| 46 | const openMapInfoModal = (map) => {
| 47 | setSelectedMap(map);
| 48 | setIsMapInfoModalOpen(true);
| 49 | };
| 50 |
| 51 | const closeMapInfoModal = () => {
| 52 | setIsMapInfoModalOpen(false);
| 53 | setSelectedMap(null);
| 54 | };
| 55 |
| 56 | const openCreateModal = () => {
| 57 | setIsCreateModalOpen(true);
| 58 | };
| 59 |
| 60 | const closeCreateModal = () => {
| 61 | setIsCreateModalOpen(false);
| 62 | };
| 63 |
| 64 | const showToast = (message, type = 1) => {
| 65 | setToastMessage(message);
| 66 | setToastType(type);
| 67 | setTimeout(() => setToastMessage(null), 3000); // Automatically hide the toast after 3 seconds
| 68 | };
| 69 |
| 70 |
| 71 | const handleUpdate = async (updatedMap) => {
| 72 | // Placeholder for map update logic
| 73 | };
| 74 |
| 75 | const deleteMap = (mapName) => {
| 76 | const httpService = new HttpService();
| 77 | httpService.setAuthenticated();
| 78 | const url = `${config.my_maps.delete}?mapName=${mapName}&username=${username}`;
| 79 |
| 80 | httpService
| 81 | .delete(url)
| 82 | .then(() => {
| 83 | setTiles((prevTiles) => prevTiles.filter((tile) => tile.mapName !== mapName));
| 84 | setAllTiles((prevTiles) => prevTiles.filter((tile) => tile.mapName !== mapName));
| 85 | showToast("Map deleted", 1)
| 86 | })
| 87 | .catch((error) => {
| 88 | const errorMessage = error.response?.data?.error || error.message || "Unknown error";
| 89 | // alert(`Error deleting the map: ${errorMessage}`);
| 90 | showToast(`Error deleting the map: ${errorMessage}`, 0)
| 91 | });
| 92 | };
| 93 |
| 94 | const addMap = (mapDetails) => {
| 95 | const httpService = new HttpService();
| 96 | httpService.setAuthenticated();
| 97 |
| 98 | httpService
| 99 | .put(`${config.my_maps.add}?username=${username}`, mapDetails)
| 100 | .then((respMap) => {
| 101 | console.log("RESP NEW MAP: " + respMap)
| 102 | const mapTile = {
| 103 | mapName: respMap.mapName,
| 104 | cols: 1,
| 105 | rows: 1,
| 106 | status: respMap.mapStatus,
| 107 | created_at: respMap.createdAt,
| 108 | modified_at: respMap.modifiedAt,
| 109 | published_at: respMap.published_at,
| 110 | gmaps_url: respMap.gmaps_url,
| 111 | image_url: card,
| 112 | is_published: respMap.is_published,
| 113 | };
| 114 |
| 115 | setAllTiles((prevTiles) => [...prevTiles, mapTile]);
| 116 | setTiles((prevTiles) => [...prevTiles, mapTile]);
| 117 | showToast("Map added successfully!");
| 118 |
| 119 |
| 120 | })
| 121 | .catch((error) => {
| 122 | showToast("Map name already taken", 0)
| 123 | });
| 124 | };
| 125 |
| 126 | useEffect(() => {
| 127 | const loadMaps = async () => {
| 128 | const httpService = new HttpService();
| 129 | httpService.setAuthenticated();
| 130 |
| 131 | const respMaps = await httpService.get(`${config.my_maps.display}?username=${username}`);
| 132 |
| 133 | const mapTiles = respMaps.map((elem) => ({
| 134 | mapName: elem.mapName,
| 135 | cols: 1,
| 136 | rows: 1,
| 137 | status: elem.mapStatus,
| 138 | created_at: elem.createdAt,
| 139 | modified_at: elem.modifiedAt,
| 140 | published_at: elem.published_at,
| 141 | gmaps_url: elem.gMapsUrl,
| 142 | image_url: card,
| 143 | numFavourites: elem.numFavourites,
| 144 | }));
| 145 |
| 146 |
| 147 | setTiles(mapTiles);
| 148 | setAllTiles(mapTiles);
| 149 | };
| 150 | loadMaps();
| 151 | }, [username]);
| 152 |
| 153 | useEffect(() => {
| 154 | setPublicMaps(tiles.filter((tile) => tile.status === "PUBLIC"));
| 155 | setPrivateMaps(tiles.filter((tile) => tile.status === "PRIVATE"));
| 156 | setPendingMaps(tiles.filter((tile) => tile.status === "INVALID"));
| 157 | }, [tiles]);
| 158 |
| 159 | const handleSearch = (e) => {
| 160 | const query = e.target.value.toLowerCase();
| 161 | setTiles(allTiles.filter((tile) => tile.mapName.toLowerCase().includes(query)));
| 162 | };
| 163 |
| 164 | return (
| 165 | <div className={styles.container}>
| 166 | <Logo/>
| 167 | <Profile/>
| 168 | <h1>Your Maps</h1>
| 169 |
| 170 | <div className={styles.actionButtons}>
| 171 | <button className={styles.createMapsButton} onClick={openCreateModal}>
| 172 | Create Map
| 173 | </button>
| 174 | </div>
| 175 |
| 176 | <div className={styles.searchBar}>
| 177 | <input type="text" placeholder="Search for maps..." onChange={handleSearch}/>
| 178 | </div>
| 179 |
| 180 | <div className={styles.mapsContainer}>
| 181 | <div className={styles.mapColumn}>
| 182 | <h3 className={styles.categories}>Public Maps:</h3>
| 183 | <hr/>
| 184 | <TilesContainer
| 185 | data={publicMaps}
| 186 | renderTile={(tileProps) => renderTile(tileProps, openMapInfoModal)}
| 187 | tileSize={tileSize}
| 188 | forceTileWidth={150}
| 189 | forceTileHeight={170}
| 190 | />
| 191 | </div>
| 192 |
| 193 | <div className={styles.mapColumn}>
| 194 | <h3 className={styles.categories}>Private Maps:</h3>
| 195 | <hr/>
| 196 | <TilesContainer
| 197 | data={privateMaps}
| 198 | renderTile={(tileProps) => renderTile(tileProps, openMapInfoModal)}
| 199 | tileSize={tileSize}
| 200 | forceTileWidth={150}
| 201 | forceTileHeight={170}
| 202 | />
| 203 | </div>
| 204 |
| 205 | <div className={styles.mapColumn}>
| 206 | <h3 className={styles.categories}>Pending Approval:</h3>
| 207 | <hr/>
| 208 | <TilesContainer
| 209 | data={pendingMaps}
| 210 | renderTile={(tileProps) => renderTile(tileProps, openMapInfoModal)}
| 211 | tileSize={tileSize}
| 212 | forceTileWidth={150}
| 213 | forceTileHeight={170}
| 214 | />
| 215 | </div>
| 216 | </div>
| 217 |
| 218 | <MapInfoModal
| 219 | isOpen={isMapInfoModalOpen}
| 220 | onClose={closeMapInfoModal}
| 221 | map={selectedMap}
| 222 | onDelete={deleteMap}
| 223 | onUpdate={handleUpdate}
| 224 | onPublish={() => {
| 225 | showToast(`Map ${selectedMap.mapName} published successfully!`);
| 226 | setPrivateMaps((prevMaps) => prevMaps.filter(m => m.mapName !== selectedMap.mapName))
| 227 | setPendingMaps((prevMaps) => [...prevMaps,allTiles.find(m => m.mapName = selectedMap.mapName)])
| 228 | closeMapInfoModal()
| 229 | }}
| 230 | />
| 231 |
| 232 | <CreateMapModal
| 233 | isOpen={isCreateModalOpen}
| 234 | onClose={closeCreateModal}
| 235 | addMap={addMap}
| 236 | />
| 237 |
| 238 | {toastMessage && <Toast message={toastMessage} type={toastType} onClose={() => setToastMessage(null)}/>}
| 239 | </div>
| 240 | );
| 241 | }