Changeset 0c6b92a for imaps-frontend/src/components/Modals/EntranceModal
- Timestamp:
- 12/12/24 17:06:06 (3 months ago)
- Branches:
- main
- Children:
- 79a0317
- Parents:
- d565449
- Location:
- imaps-frontend/src/components/Modals/EntranceModal
- Files:
- 1 added
- 1 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
rd565449 r0c6b92a 14 14 } 15 15 16 /* Overlay: Dark background with optional blur */17 16 .overlay { 18 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); /* Darken the background */ 19 backdrop-filter: blur(5px); /* Optional blur effect */ 20 z-index: 999; /* Ensure the overlay appears below the modal */ 17 /*background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);*/ 18 z-index: 999; 21 19 } 22 20 23 /* Modal content: Centered and styled */ 21 .draggableHeader { 22 cursor: move; 23 padding: 10px; 24 background-color: #2c2f33; 25 color: #ffffff; 26 border-bottom: 1px solid #444; 27 } 28 29 30 24 31 .modalContent { 25 32 position: absolute; … … 27 34 left: 50%; 28 35 transform: translate(-50%, -50%); 29 background-color: #2c2f33; /* Darker background for modal content */30 color: #ffffff ; /* White text for contrast */36 background-color: #2c2f33; 37 color: #ffffff !important; 31 38 padding: 20px; 32 39 border-radius: 8px; … … 34 41 width: 100%; 35 42 box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); 36 z-index: 1000; /* Ensure the modal appears above the overlay */43 z-index: 1000; 37 44 } 38 45 39 /* Heading styles */ 40 h2, 41 h3 { 46 47 .title { 42 48 margin-bottom: 15px; 43 color: #ffffff ; /* White text for the headings */49 color: #ffffff ; 44 50 } 45 51 46 /* Button for opening the modal */47 52 .btnModal { 48 53 padding: 10px 20px; … … 61 66 } 62 67 63 /* Close button inside the modal */64 68 .closeModal { 65 69 position: absolute; … … 78 82 } 79 83 80 /* Form styles */81 84 .form { 82 85 display: flex; … … 88 91 } 89 92 90 /* Form labels */91 93 .formGroup label { 92 94 display: block; 93 95 margin-bottom: 5px; 94 color: #ffffff; /* White text for labels */96 color: #ffffff; 95 97 } 96 98 97 /* Input, select, and textarea styles */98 99 .formGroup input, 99 100 .formGroup select, … … 103 104 border-radius: 4px; 104 105 border: 1px solid #ccc; 105 background-color: #23272a; /* Darker input background */106 color: #ffffff; /* White text inside the input fields */106 background-color: #23272a; 107 color: #ffffff; 107 108 } 108 109 109 110 .formGroup input::placeholder, 110 111 .formGroup textarea::placeholder { 111 color: #888888; /* Slightly lighter color for placeholder text */112 color: #888888; 112 113 } 113 114 114 115 /* Checkbox alignment fix */ 115 116 .formGroupCheckbox { 117 116 118 display: flex; 117 align-items: center; /* Vertical alignment */ 118 color: #ffffff; 119 flex-direction: row; 120 vertical-align: middle; 121 align-items: flex-end; 122 /*justify-content: start;!* Vertical alignment *!*/ 123 /*color: #ffffff;*/ 124 } 125 126 .formGroupCheckbox input{ 127 width: 10%; 128 margin-bottom: 0.88em; 119 129 } 120 130 121 131 /* Add button */ 122 132 .addButton { 123 background-color: #28a745 ;133 background-color: #28a745 !important; 124 134 color: white; 125 135 padding: 8px 15px; … … 131 141 132 142 .addButton:hover { 133 background-color: #218838 ;143 background-color: #218838 !important; 134 144 } 135 145 136 146 /* Save button styling */ 137 147 .submitButton { 138 background-color: #28a745 ;148 background-color: #28a745 !important; 139 149 color: white; 140 150 padding: 10px 20px; … … 150 160 } 151 161 152 /* Pin list */153 162 .pinList { 154 163 list-style-type: none; … … 157 166 } 158 167 159 /* Individual pin item */160 168 .pinItem { 161 169 background-color: #444; … … 169 177 } 170 178 171 /* Remove button */172 179 .removeButton { 173 180 background-color: #dc3545;
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