Advanced database reports (SQL and stored procedures)
Client Reports by Quarter
This report provides a summary of client marketing activities by quarter, including the total number of requests, the total target goals, and the progress made for each type of marketing request (Profile Marketing Request and Post Marketing Request).
SELECT u.UserID, u.Username, EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM pmr.Date_Created) AS Quarter, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM pmr.Date_Created) AS Year, COUNT(DISTINCT pmr.RequestID) AS Total_Profile_Requests, COUNT(DISTINCT pmr.RequestID) FILTER (WHERE pmr.Status = 'completed') AS Completed_Profile_Requests, COUNT(DISTINCT pmr.RequestID) FILTER (WHERE pmr.Status = 'in progress') AS InProgress_Profile_Requests, COUNT(DISTINCT pmr.RequestID) FILTER (WHERE pmr.Status = 'pending') AS Pending_Profile_Requests, SUM(pmr.Target_Followers) AS Total_Target_Followers, AVG(pmr.Target_Followers) AS Average_Target_Followers, SUM(pmr.Target_Followers) - SUM(smp.followers_count) AS Followers_Gap FROM app_user u LEFT JOIN socialmediaprofile smp ON smp.UserID = u.UserID LEFT JOIN profilemarketingrequest pmr ON pmr.ProfileID = smp.ProfileID LEFT JOIN serviceprovider sp ON sp.ProviderID = pmr.ProviderID WHERE pmr.Date_Created >= DATE_TRUNC('year', CURRENT_DATE) -- Optional: Filter by the current year GROUP BY u.UserID, u.Username, EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM pmr.Date_Created), EXTRACT(YEAR FROM pmr.Date_Created) ORDER BY Year DESC, Quarter DESC;
Track Progress of Profile Marketing Request
This SQL report will track the progress for profile marketing requests and provide a detailed breakdown of the progress made, including the percentage of completion.
SELECT u.Username AS User_Name, smp.Platform AS Social_Media_Platform, pmr.RequestID AS Marketing_Request_ID, pmr.Target_Followers AS Target_Followers, smp.Followers_Count AS Current_Followers, (smp.Followers_Count / pmr.Target_Followers) * 100 AS Progress_Percentage, pmr.Status AS Request_Status, pmr.Timeline AS Goal_Timeline, pmr.Date_Created AS Request_Creation_Date, EXTRACT(DAY FROM CURRENT_DATE - pmr.Date_Created) AS Days_Since_Creation, EXTRACT(DAY FROM pmr.Timeline - CURRENT_DATE) AS Days_Remaining FROM profilemarketingrequest pmr JOIN socialmediaprofile smp ON smp.ProfileID = pmr.ProfileID JOIN app_user u ON u.UserID = smp.UserID WHERE pmr.Status IN ('in progress', 'pending') ORDER BY pmr.Date_Created DESC;
Track Progress of Post Marketing Request
This SQL report will track the progress for post marketing requests and provide a detailed breakdown of the progress made, including the percentage of completion.
SELECT pmr.RequestID, p.Content AS Post_Content, p.Likes_Count AS Current_Likes, p.Comments_Count AS Current_Comments, pmr.Target_Likes, pmr.Target_Comments, -- Calculate percentage of likes and comments achieved ROUND((p.Likes_Count::decimal / pmr.Target_Likes::decimal) * 100, 2) AS Likes_Progress_Percentage, ROUND((p.Comments_Count::decimal / pmr.Target_Comments::decimal) * 100, 2) AS Comments_Progress_Percentage, -- Calculate the remaining time in days (pmr.Timeline - CURRENT_DATE) AS Days_Remaining, -- Determine the progress status based on the progress CASE WHEN pmr.Status = 'completed' THEN 'completed' WHEN (p.Likes_Count >= pmr.Target_Likes AND p.Comments_Count >= pmr.Target_Comments) THEN 'Completed' WHEN (pmr.Timeline < CURRENT_DATE) THEN 'Deadline Passed' ELSE 'In Progress' END AS Request_Status FROM postmarketingrequest pmr JOIN post p ON pmr.PostID = p.PostID WHERE pmr.Status <> 'completed' -- To show only active or pending requests ORDER BY pmr.Date_Created DESC;
Procedure: Track Marketing Request Progress
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TrackMarketingRequestProgress( request_type VARCHAR, -- Type of the request ('profile' or 'post') request_id INT ) RETURNS TABLE ( RequestID INT, TargetFollowers INT, CurrentFollowers INT, ProgressPercentage DECIMAL(5,2), Status VARCHAR, Deadline DATE, DaysRemaining INT ) AS $$ DECLARE target INT; current INT; progress_percentage DECIMAL(5,2); request_status VARCHAR; deadline DATE; current_date DATE := CURRENT_DATE; -- Get today's date BEGIN -- For profile marketing request IF request_type = 'profile' THEN -- Retrieve target followers from profile marketing request SELECT pmr.Target_Followers, smp.Followers_Count, pmr.Status, pmr.Timeline INTO target, current, request_status, deadline FROM profilemarketingrequest pmr JOIN socialmediaprofile smp ON pmr.ProfileID = smp.ProfileID WHERE pmr.RequestID = request_id; -- Calculate the percentage of the target achieved progress_percentage := (current / target) * 100; -- Return the progress report RETURN QUERY SELECT request_id AS RequestID, target AS TargetFollowers, current AS CurrentFollowers, progress_percentage AS ProgressPercentage, request_status AS Status, deadline AS Deadline, (deadline - current_date) AS DaysRemaining; -- For post marketing request ELSIF request_type = 'post' THEN -- Retrieve target likes/comments from post marketing request SELECT pmr.Target_Likes, pmr.Target_Comments, p.Likes_Count, p.Comments_Count, pmr.Status, pmr.Timeline INTO target, current, request_status, deadline FROM postmarketingrequest pmr JOIN post p ON pmr.PostID = p.PostID WHERE pmr.RequestID = request_id; -- Calculate the percentage of the target achieved progress_percentage := (current / target) * 100; -- Return the progress report RETURN QUERY SELECT request_id AS RequestID, target AS TargetLikesComments, current AS CurrentLikesComments, progress_percentage AS ProgressPercentage, request_status AS Status, deadline AS Deadline, (deadline - current_date) AS DaysRemaining; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM TrackMarketingRequestProgress('profile', 101); SELECT * FROM TrackMarketingRequestProgress('post', 202);
Expected output for a Profile Marketing Request:
RequestID | TargetFollowers | CurrentFollowers | ProgressPercentage | Status | Deadline | DaysRemaining |
101 | 5000 | 3000 | 60.00 | In Progress | 2025-02-15 | 16 |
Expected output for a Post Marketing Request:
RequestID | TargetLikesComments | CurrentLikesComments | ProgressPercentage | Status | Deadline | DaysRemaining |
202 | 2000 | 1200 | 60.00 | In Progress | 2025-02-10 | 11 |
Most Popular Marketing Request
This report will provide an analysis of which marketing goal (e.g., increasing followers or increasing likes) is the most popular among users. Since there are two types of marketing requests—Profile Marketing Requests and Post Marketing Requests—we will treat them as separate entities and analyze the frequency of each goal type across both entities.
SELECT CASE WHEN pmr.Target_Followers IS NOT NULL THEN 'Profile-Based' ELSE 'Post-Based' END AS Request_Type, CASE WHEN pmr.Target_Followers IS NOT NULL THEN pmr.Target_Followers ELSE prm.Target_Likes + prm.Target_Comments END AS Target_Value, COUNT(*) AS Total_Requests, AVG( CASE WHEN pmr.Target_Followers IS NOT NULL THEN EXTRACT(DAY FROM pmr.Timeline - pmr.Date_Created) -- Calculating the number of days for profile-based requests ELSE EXTRACT(DAY FROM prm.Timeline - prm.Date_Created) -- Calculating the number of days for post-based requests END ) AS Avg_Timeline_Days FROM profilemarketingrequest pmr LEFT JOIN postmarketingrequest prm ON pmr.RequestID = prm.RequestID GROUP BY Request_Type, CASE WHEN pmr.Target_Followers IS NOT NULL THEN pmr.Target_Followers ELSE prm.Target_Likes + prm.Target_Comments END ORDER BY Total_Requests DESC, Target_Value DESC;
Example output:
Request_Type | Target_Value | Total_Requests | Avg_Timeline |
Profile-Based | 10,000 | 25 | 14 days |
Post-Based | 5,000 | 18 | 10 days |
Post-Based | 3,000 | 15 | 7 days |
Profile-Based | 50,000 | 10 | 30 days |
Get Monthly Marketing Request Statistics
This stored procedure retrieves monthly statistics for marketing requests, separating profile-based and post-based requests.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetMonthlyMarketingRequestStatistics(targetMonth INT, targetYear INT) RETURNS TABLE ( total_requests INT, total_completed_requests INT, avg_timeline DECIMAL, total_target_followers INT, total_target_likes INT, total_target_comments INT ) AS $$ BEGIN -- Calculate total number of marketing requests SELECT COUNT(*) INTO total_requests FROM ( SELECT Date_Created FROM profilemarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear UNION ALL SELECT Date_Created FROM postmarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear ) AS combined_requests; -- Calculate total number of completed requests SELECT COUNT(*) INTO total_completed_requests FROM ( SELECT Date_Created FROM profilemarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear AND Status = 'completed' UNION ALL SELECT Date_Created FROM postmarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear AND Status = 'completed' ) AS completed_requests; -- Calculate the average timeline for requests SELECT AVG(EXTRACT(DAY FROM NOW() - Date_Created)) INTO avg_timeline FROM ( SELECT Date_Created FROM profilemarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear UNION ALL SELECT Date_Created FROM postmarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear ) AS timeline_requests; -- Calculate total target followers for profile-based requests SELECT SUM(Target_Followers) INTO total_target_followers FROM profilemarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear; -- Calculate total target likes for post-based requests SELECT SUM(Target_Likes) INTO total_target_likes FROM postmarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear; -- Calculate total target comments for post-based requests SELECT SUM(Target_Comments) INTO total_target_comments FROM postmarketingrequest WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Date_Created) = targetMonth AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM Date_Created) = targetYear; -- Return the results as a record RETURN QUERY SELECT total_requests, total_completed_requests, avg_timeline, total_target_followers, total_target_likes, total_target_comments; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT * FROM GetMonthlyMarketingRequestStatistics(1, 2024);
SELECT * FROM GetMonthlyMarketingRequestStatistics(1, 2024);