Data Requirements
- Entity User- information about users
Primary Key: UserID.
Username - String data, mandatory.
Email - String data, mandatory.
Password - String data, mandatory.
Contact_Details - String data, mandatory.
- Entity Social Media Profile - information about the users linked social media profiles.
Primary Key: ProfileID
Platform - String data, mandatory
Profile_User_Name - String data, mandatory
Account_Type - String data, mandatory (ex. public, private..)
Followers_Count - Integer data, mandatory
- Entity Post - information about the post from a certain social media profile.
Primary Key: PostID
Content - String data, optional
Post_Date - DateTime data, optional
URL - String data, mandatory
Likes_Count - Integer data, mandatory
Comments_Count - Integer data, mandatory
- Entity Profile Marketing Request - information about the user created request to market a specific profile/post
Primary Key: RequestID
Target_Followers - Integer data, mandatory
Timeline - DateTime data, mandatory
Profile_Id - Foreign Key, mandatory
Date_Created - DateTime data, mandatory
Status - Enum(MarketingStatus)† data, mandatory
- Entity Post Marketing Request - information about the user created request to market a specific profile/post
Primary Key: RequestID
Target_Likes - Integer data, mandatory
Target_Comments - Integer data, mandatory
Timeline - DateTime data, mandatory
Post_ID - Foreign Key, mandatory
Date_Created - DateTime data, mandatory
Status - Enum(MarketingStatus)† data, mandatory
- Entity Service Provider - information about social media marketing service providers
Primary Key: providerID
Name: String data, mandatory
Availability_Status: Boolean data, mandatory
Pricing: Float data, mandatory
Services_Offered: String data, mandatory
Contact_Email: String data, mandatory
†Enum(MarketingStatus) can have 3 values:
- "in progress"
- "completed"
- "pending"
1-1 Relations
- targetsProfile - Relation between Profile Marketing Request and Social Media Profile. Every ProfileMarketingRequest targets a single SocialMediaProfile, and every SocialMediaProfile can be targeted by only one ProfileMarketingRequest. Total Participation of ProfileMarketingRequest and partial participation of SocialMediaProfile.
- targetsPost - Relation between Post Marketing Request and Post. Every PostMarktingRequest targets a single Post, and every Post can be targeted by only one PostMarketingRequest. Total Participation of PostMarketingRequest and partial participation of Post
1-N Relations
- createsProfileMarketingRequest - Relation between User and ProfileMarketingRequest. One User can create many ProfileMarketingRequests, and a specific ProfileMarketing Request is always created by only one User. Total participation of ProfileMarketing Request and partial participation of User.
- createsPostMarketingRequest - Relation between User and PostMarketingRequest. One User can create many PostMarketingRequests, and a specific PostMarketingRequest is always created by only one User. Total participation of PostMarketingRequest and partial participation of User.
- has - Relation between SocialMediaProfile and Post. Each SocialMediaProfile can have many Posts, but each Post only belongs to one SocialMediaProfial. Total participation of Post and partial participation of SocialMediaProfile.
- handlesProfileRequest - Relation between ProfileMarketingRequest and ServiceProvider. Each ProfileMarketingRequest can be handled by one ServiceProvider, while a ServiceProvider can handle many ProfileMarketingRequests. Total participation of ProfileMarketingRequest, partial participation of ServiceProvider.
- handlesPostRequest - Relation between PostMarketingRequest and ServiceProvider. Each PostMarketingRequest can be handled by one ServiceProvider, while a ServiceProvider can handle many PostMarketingRequests. Total participation of PostMarketingRequest, partial participation of ServiceProvider.
- links - Relation between User and SocialMediaProfile. Each User can link many SocialMediaProfiles, while each SocialMediaProfile can be linked to only one user. Total Participation of SocialMediaProfile, partial participation of User
Attachments (4)
- growbridgeERD.jpg (176.1 KB ) - added by 3 months ago.
- growbridgeERD1.jpg (193.4 KB ) - added by 3 months ago.
- ERD.png (240.6 KB ) - added by 3 months ago.
- growbridgeERD2.jpg (160.2 KB ) - added by 2 months ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip