


Data Requirements


  • Entity User- information about users

Primary Key: UserID.


Username - String data, mandatory.

Email - String data, mandatory.

Password - String data, mandatory.

Contact_Details - String data, mandatory.

  • Entity Social Media Profile - information about the users linked social media profiles.

Primary Key: ProfileID


Platform - String data, mandatory

Profile_User_Name - String data, mandatory

Account_Type - String data, mandatory (ex. public, private..)

Followers_Count - Integer data, mandatory

  • Entity Post - information about the post from a certain social media profile.

Primary Key: PostID


Content - String data, optional

Post_Date - DateTime data, optional

URL - String data, mandatory

Likes_Count - Integer data, mandatory

Comments_Count - Integer data, mandatory

  • Entity Profile Marketing Request - information about the user created request to market a specific profile/post

Primary Key: RequestID


Target_Followers - Integer data, mandatory

Timeline - DateTime data, mandatory

Profile_Id - Foreign Key, mandatory

Date_Created - DateTime data, mandatory

Status - Enum(MarketingStatus)† data, mandatory

  • Entity Post Marketing Request - information about the user created request to market a specific profile/post

Primary Key: RequestID


Target_Likes - Integer data, mandatory

Target_Comments - Integer data, mandatory

Timeline - DateTime data, mandatory

Post_ID - Foreign Key, mandatory

Date_Created - DateTime data, mandatory

Status - Enum(MarketingStatus)† data, mandatory

  • Entity Service Provider - information about social media marketing service providers

Primary Key: providerID


Name: String data, mandatory

Availability_Status: Boolean data, mandatory

Pricing: Float data, mandatory

Services_Offered: String data, mandatory

Contact_Email: String data, mandatory

†Enum(MarketingStatus) can have 3 values:

  • "in progress"
  • "completed"
  • "pending"

1-1 Relations

1-N Relations

Last modified 2 months ago Last modified on 01/21/25 00:01:25

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