Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of ERD

01/13/25 17:38:25 (41 hours ago)



  • ERD

    v7 v8  
    9595             Contact_Email: String data, mandatory
     97=== 1-1 Relations ===
     99- **Targets** - Relation between Profile Marketing Request and Social Media Profile. Every ProfileMarketingRequest targets a single SocialMediaProfile, and every SocialMediaProfile can be targeted by only one ProfileMarketingRequest. Total Participation of ProfileMarketingRequest and partial participation of SocialMediaProfile.
     101- **Targets** - Relation between Post Marketing Request and Post. Every PostMarktingRequest targets a single Post, and every Post can be targeted by only one PostMarketingRequest. Total Participation of PostMarketingRequest and partial participation of Post
     103=== 1-N Relations ===
     104- **Creates** - Relation between User and ProfileMarketingRequest. One User can create many ProfileMarketingRequests, and a specific ProfileMarketing Request is always created by only one User. Total participation of ProfileMarketing Request and partial participation of User.
     106- **Creates** - Relation between User and PostMarketingRequest. One User can create many PostMarketingRequests, and a specific PostMarketingRequest is always created by only one User. Total participation of PostMarketingRequest and partial participation of User.
     108- **Has** - Relation between SocialMediaProfile and Post. Each SocialMediaProfile can have many Posts, but each Post only belongs to one SocialMediaProfial. Total participation of Post and partial participation of SocialMediaProfile.
     110- **Handled by** - Relation between ProfileMarketingRequest and ServiceProvider. Each ProfileMarketingRequest can be handled by one ServiceProvider, while a ServiceProvider can handle many ProfileMarketingRequests. Total participation of ProfileMarketingRequest, partial participation of ServiceProvider.
     112- **Handled by** - Relation between PostMarketingRequest and ServiceProvider. Each PostMarketingRequest can be handled by one ServiceProvider, while a ServiceProvider can handle many PostMarketingRequests. Total participation of PostMarketingRequest, partial participation of ServiceProvider.
     114- **Links** - Relation between User and SocialMediaProfile. Each User can link many SocialMediaProfiles, while each SocialMediaProfile can be linked to only one user. Total Participation of SocialMediaProfile, partial participation of User