Version 2 (modified by 15 hours ago) ( diff ) | ,
Relational Design
- Primary keys are indicated by bold and underlined letters
- Mandatory attributes are marked in bold
- Foreign keys are indicated by a # followed by the name of the referenced table, wrapped in (). - attb#(table)
user (UserID, Username, Email, Password, Contact_Details)
social_media_profile (ProfileID, Platform, User_Name, Account_Type, Followers_Count, UserID#(user))
post (PostID, Content, Post_Date, URL, Likes_Count, Comments_Count, ProfileID#(social_media_profile))
profile_marketing_request (RequestID, Target_Followers, Timeline, Date_Created, Status, ProfileID#(social_media_profile), ProviderID#(service_provider))
post_marketing_request (RequestID, Target_Likes, Target_Comments, Timeline, Date_Created, Status, PostID#(post), ProviderID#(service_provider))
service_provider (ProviderID, Name, Availability_Status, Pricing, Services_Offered, Contact_Email)
Attachments (3)
- ddlScript.sql (2.5 KB ) - added by 15 hours ago.
- dml.sql (2.7 KB ) - added by 13 hours ago.
- relationdiagram.png (71.2 KB ) - added by 13 hours ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip