Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Adding user

11/02/17 09:04:30 (7 years ago)
Dajana Stojchevska



  • Adding user

    v4 v5  
    33=== 1. Guidance ===
    5 This section provides a description of each section in the use case template.
     5This use case is intended to explain the process of adding a new user into the system, by who it can be done and what type of users can be created.
    77=== 2. Use Case Identification ===
    1313'''2.3. Use Case History'''
    14 * '''Created by''': ...
    15 * '''Date created''': ...
    16 * '''Last updated by''': ...
    17 * '''Date last updated''': ...
     14* '''Created by''': Sashko M.
     15* '''Date created''': 01.11.2017
     16* '''Last updated by''': Dajana S.
     17* '''Date last updated''': 02.11.2017
    1919=== Use Case Definition ===
    2121'''3.1. Actors '''
    22 System Administrator,Doctor,Receptionist
     22* System Administrator
     23* Doctor
    2425'''3.2. Trigger'''
    25 A new user for HMS is identified who needs to be added to the system
     27A doctor or a system administrator needs to add a new user into the system. It can be a new patient or a new employee/staff.
    2729'''3.3. Description'''
    28  1.  Administrator add new Doctor, Receptionist, Nurse or Patient.
    29  2. Doctor add new Patient.
    30  3. Receptionist add new Patient.
     311. An administrator adds a new user which can be either a doctor, a nurse or a patient.
     322. A doctor adds a new patient.
    3234'''3.4. Preconditions'''
    33  Да се се имаат податоци за корисникот(име, презиме, матичен број, пол, специјалност).
    35 '''3.5. Postconditions'''
    36 Describe the state of the system at the conclusion of the use case execution. Number each postcondition. Examples:
    37 1. Администраторот на системот да може да ги креира докторите, медицинските сестри и шалтерските работници, а пациентите да може да ги гледаат истите
    38 2. Докторот да може да додаде пациент, а администраторот да може да го одобри и да биде креирана корисничка сметка и потоа пациентот да може да ја користи истата исто така медицинските сестри  и шалтерските работници да може да ги гледаат додадените пациенти.
     361. Information for the new user of type ''patient'' must be accessible (name, surname, PIN, genre).
     372. Information for the new user of type ''doctor'' or ''nurse'' must be accessible (name, surname, PIN, genre, specialization*, working_time).
     39'''3.5. Post-conditions'''
     411. The system administrator has added doctors, nurses and patients.
     422. A doctor has added patients.
     433. The staff can have a look at the patients list in the hospital.
     444. The patients can have a look at all the staff information (name, surname, specialization, working_time/shift and room).
     455. Each doctor has an access to the full report data for all patients at which they are assigned to be a GP.
    4047'''3.6. Normal Flow'''
    41 1. Администраторот се најавува на системот оди во соодветните модули за додавање на Доктори,медицински лица,шалтерски работници и креира нови корисници во соодветните модули.
    42 2.Докторот се најавува на системот оди во модулот за додавање на пациенти и креира нов пациент.
    43 3.Шалтрскиот работник се најавува на системот оди во модулот за додавање на пациенти и креира нов пациент
     491. A system administrator or a doctor login into the system.
     502. Go to the module for adding new user.
     513. The new user's profile information are entered.
     524. The new user (patient/employee) is created.
    4554'''3.7. Alternative Flows'''
     563.1. Information for the user are missing, therefore their user profile cannot be created until all required data at provided (system will not let the user to be created at all and will throw errors on the UI).
     58'''3.8. Exceptions'''
     601.1.E.1. The patient hasn't been registered into the system, but they are emergency case. The system allows registration afterwards, so the data for the case will be entered after registration.
     62'''3.9. Includes'''
     64This scenario goes along with use cases for editing and deleting user profiles.
     66'''3.10. Priority'''
     68High priority.
     70'''3.11. Frequency of Use'''
     72Estimation: 2 patients per day.
     74'''3.12. Business Rules'''
     76All patients must be registered into the system before they are able to make appointments and visit the doctor. Exception can be emergency cases only.
     78'''3.13. Special Requirements'''
     80The system must be available 99% of the time during the hospital working hours, plus 95% of the time that is not during the working hours.
     82'''3.14. Assumptions'''
     84All patients agree to give their data to be kept into the system and be accessible by their doctors.
     86'''3.15. Notes and Issues'''
     88Issue 1: *task description*, assigned to: *name*, (a link to the task can be added here instead writing for each);
     90Issue 2: Add a special table for the doctors specialists? Nurse and Doctor inherit out of Employee.
     92Note 1: Field ''specialization'' is optional. It is required only for doctors specialists. The GP and nurses can have a default value of this attribute 'GP' or 'nurse' respectively.
     94Note 2: Is it needed an admin to approve the patient that the doctor has added and why?
     96=== 4. Use Case List ===
     98System administrator
     99* Click button ''Add new *user*'', where user can be either a patient, a nurse or a doctor.
     100* Fill in information.
     101* Click ''Save''
     104* Click button ''Add new patient''.
     105* Fill in information.
     106* Click ''Save''