1 | insert into project.roles (role_id, role_description, role_name) values
2 | (default, 'Basic user', 'User'),
3 | (default, 'Administrator', 'Administrator');
4 |
5 | insert into project.users (user_id, user_username, user_password, user_name, user_surname, user_picture_url, user_email, user_phone_number, role_id) values
6 | (default, 'stefanTodorovski2', 'password1', 'Stefan', 'Todorovski', null, 'todorovskistefan@gmail.com', '072300300', 1),
7 | (default, 'katerinaSmilevska', 'password2', 'Katerina', 'Smilevska', null, 'smilevskakaterina@gmail.com', '070322000', 1),
8 | (default, 'mihailPetrovski12', 'password3', 'Mihail', 'Petrovski', null, 'petrovskimihail@gmail.com', '078888932', 1),
9 | (default, 'jovanaTodorov2232', 'password4', 'Jovana', 'Todorov', null, 'todorovjovana@yahoo.com', '079234986', 1),
10 | (default, 'jovantrajkoski420', 'password5', 'Jovan', 'Trajkoski', null, 'trajkoskijovan@gmail.com', '077128432', 1),
11 | (default, 'admin', 'admin', 'Admin', 'Admin', null, 'admin.admin@gmail.com', '078345123', 2);
12 |
13 | insert into project.manufacturers (manufacturer_id, manufacturer_name, manufacturer_country ) values
14 | (default, 'Samsung', 'South Korea'),
15 | (default, 'Apple', 'USA'),
16 | (default, 'Sony', 'Japan'),
17 | (default, 'North Edge', 'UK'),
18 | (default, 'Dell', 'USA'),
19 | (default, 'HP', 'USA'),
20 | (default, 'Philips', 'Netherlands'),
21 | (default, 'Google', 'USA');
22 |
23 | insert into project.Categories (category_id, category_name) values
24 | (default, 'Mobile phones and smartwatches'),
25 | (default, 'TVs and equipment'),
26 | (default, 'Laptops and equipment');
27 |
28 | insert into project.categories (parent_category_id, category_name)
29 | select
30 | (select category_id from project.Categories where category_name = 'Mobile phones and smartwatches'),
31 | v.cn
32 | from
33 | (values ('Mobile phones'), ('Smartwatches')) as v (cn)
34 | ;
35 |
36 | insert into project.categories (parent_category_id, category_name)
37 | select
38 | (select category_id from project.Categories where category_name = 'TVs and equipment') ,
39 | v.cn
40 | from
41 | (values ('TVs')) as v (cn)
42 | ;
43 |
44 | insert into project.categories (parent_category_id, category_name)
45 | select
46 | (select category_id from project.Categories where category_name = 'Laptops and equipment') ,
47 | v.cn
48 | from
49 | (values ('Laptops')) as v (cn)
50 | ;
51 |
52 | insert into project.productCharacteristics (characteristic_id, characteristic_description) values
53 | (default, 'Apple phone 1'),
54 | (default, 'Apple phone 2'),
55 | (default, 'Samsung phone 1'),
56 | (default, 'Samsung phone 2'),
57 | (default, 'Samsung phone 3'),
58 | (default, 'Apple watch 1'),
59 | (default, 'Apple watch 2'),
60 | (default, 'Samsung watch 1'),
61 | (default, 'Samsung watch 2'),
62 | (default, 'North Edge watch 1'),
63 | (DEFAULT, 'North Edge watch 2'),
64 | (default, 'Sony TV 1'),
65 | (default, 'Sony TV 1'),
66 | (default, 'Philips TV 1'),
67 | (default, 'Philips TV 2'),
68 | (default, 'Dell Laptop 1'),
69 | (default, 'Dell Laptop 2'),
70 | (default, 'HP Laptop 1'),
71 | (default, 'HP Laptop 2'),
72 | (default, 'Google phone');
73 |
74 | insert into project.products (product_id, product_name, post_date, manufacturer_id, category_id, characteristic_id) values
75 | (default, 'iPhone 13', '2020-11-20', 2, 1, 1),
76 | (default, 'iPhone 14', '2022-09-24', 2, 1, 2),
77 | (default, 'Galaxy S22', '2021-07-03', 1, 1, 3),
78 | (default, 'Galaxy A33', '2022-10-13', 1, 1, 4),
79 | (default, 'Galaxy A50', '2022-05-06', 1, 1, 5),
80 | (default, 'Watch SE2', '2019-08-30', 2, 1, 6),
81 | (default, 'Watch Series 7', '2018-12-04', 2, 1, 7),
82 | (default, 'Galaxy Watch 4', '2020-12-05', 1, 1, 8),
83 | (default, 'Galaxy Watch 3', '2021-02-13', 1, 1, 9),
84 | (default, 'Healthcare Watch', '2021-04-16', 4, 1, 10),
85 | (default, 'GAVIA watch', '2018-04-12', 4, 1, 11),
86 | (default, 'BRAVIA XR 65', '2022-01-13', 3, 2, 12),
87 | (default, 'BRAVIA XR 75', '2021-02-10', 3, 2, 13),
88 | (default , '4K UHD LED', '2020-06-13', 7, 2, 14),
89 | (default, 'Ultra Slim UltraHD Smart LED', '2019-10-10', 7, 2, 15),
90 | (default, 'Vostro 3510', '2021-02-19', 5, 3, 16),
91 | (default, 'Latitude 5530', '2019-11-12', 5, 3, 17),
92 | (default, 'Spectre x360', '2022-05-17', 6, 3, 18),
93 | (default, 'Chromebook x2', '2022-12-13', 6, 3, 19),
94 | (default, 'Pixel 6a', '2022-12-27', 8, 1, 20);
95 |
96 | insert into project.userFavourites (user_favourite_id, user_id, product_id) values
97 | (default, 1, 8),
98 | (default, 1, 5),
99 | (default, 2, 4),
100 | (default, 3, 7),
101 | (default, 3, 9),
102 | (default, 4, 14),
103 | (default, 2, 18),
104 | (default, 1, 13),
105 | (default, 1, 18),
106 | (default, 4, 3),
107 | (default, 3, 10),
108 | (default, 4, 19),
109 | (default, 5, 11),
110 | (default, 5, 8),
111 | (default, 3, 5),
112 | (default, 4, 8),
113 | (default, 4, 5);
114 |
115 | insert into project.userComments (comment_id, user_comment, user_id, product_id) values
116 | (default, 'Amazing product, would recommend.', 1, 3),
117 | (default, 'Not very satisfied. Low quality camera.', 1, 1),
118 | (default, '10/10 product, loved it!', 2, 2),
119 | (default, 'Just got it. Seems fine.', 2, 13),
120 | (default, 'Just as described.', 3, 10),
121 | (default, 'Great watch!', 3, 7),
122 | (default, 'Low resolution, would not recommend.', 5, 13),
123 | (default, 'Very satisfied. 10/10', 4, 18);
124 |
125 | insert into project.ratings (rating_id, rating_value, user_id, product_id) values
126 | (default, 5, 1, 3),
127 | (default, 4, 1, 5),
128 | (default, 5, 2, 9),
129 | (default, 3, 2, 12),
130 | (default, 1, 3, 4),
131 | (default, 5, 5, 18),
132 | (default, 4, 5, 11),
133 | (default, 4, 4, 4),
134 | (default, 1, 2, 10),
135 | (default, 2, 3, 11),
136 | (default, 3, 5, 7);
137 |
138 | insert into project.watchListProducts (watch_list_product_id, price_limit, user_id, product_id) values
139 | (default, 20000, 1, 5),
140 | (default, 40000, 1, 7),
141 | (default, 35000, 2, 8),
142 | (default, 27000, 3, 4),
143 | (default, 14000, 3, 9),
144 | (default, 29000, 1, 10);
145 |
146 | insert into project.productImages (product_image_id, product_image_url, product_id) values
147 | (default, 'dummyvalue1', 1),
148 | (default, 'dummyvalue2', 2),
149 | (default, 'dummyvalue3', 3),
150 | (default, 'dummyvalue4', 4),
151 | (default, 'dummyvalue5', 5),
152 | (default, 'dummyvalue6', 6),
153 | (default, 'dummyvalue7', 7),
154 | (default, 'dummyvalue8', 8),
155 | (default, 'dummyvalue9', 9),
156 | (default, 'dummyvalue10', 10),
157 | (default, 'dummyvalue11', 11),
158 | (default, 'dummyvalue12', 12),
159 | (default, 'dummyvalue13', 13),
160 | (default, 'dummyvalue14', 14),
161 | (default, 'dummyvalue15', 15),
162 | (default, 'dummyvalue16', 16),
163 | (default, 'dummyvalue17', 17),
164 | (default, 'dummyvalue18', 18),
165 | (default, 'dummyvalue19', 19),
166 | (default, 'dummyvalue20', 20);
167 |
168 | insert into project.stores (store_id, store_name) values
169 | (default, 'Anhoch'),
170 | (default, 'Setec'),
171 | (default, 'Neptun'),
172 | (default, 'Ledikom'),
173 | (default, 'iStyle');
174 |
175 | insert into project.productinstances (product_instance_id, product_instance_price, product_id, store_id) values
176 | (default, 37050, 1, 1),
177 | (default, 36000, 1, 2),
178 | (default, 57350, 2, 1),
179 | (default, 60400, 2, 3),
180 | (default, 78990, 3, 3),
181 | (default, 80000, 3, 5),
182 | (default, 68970, 3, 1),
183 | (default, 24000, 5, 1),
184 | (default, 25000, 4, 1),
185 | (default, 28700, 4, 2),
186 | (default, 27000, 5, 2),
187 | (default, 28980, 6, 1),
188 | (default, 32090, 7, 2),
189 | (default, 15660, 8, 2),
190 | (default, 13990, 8, 4),
191 | (default, 20180, 9, 1),
192 | (default, 50500, 10, 5),
193 | (default, 10870, 11, 2),
194 | (default, 18900, 11, 4),
195 | (default, 34000, 12, 1),
196 | (default, 87000, 12, 3),
197 | (default, 37000, 12, 5),
198 | (default, 25600, 13, 1),
199 | (default, 37580, 14, 3),
200 | (default, 12000, 15, 4),
201 | (default, 13500, 15, 5),
202 | (default, 14670, 16, 2),
203 | (default, 50700, 17, 2),
204 | (default, 35890, 18, 2),
205 | (default, 31650, 18, 5),
206 | (default, 30000, 19, 1),
207 | (default, 35500, 19, 4),
208 | (default, 38000, 1, 3),
209 | (default, 36600, 5, 3),
210 | (default, 12500, 4, 3),
211 | (default, 14490, 6, 3),
212 | (default, 53870, 9, 3),
213 | (default, 34860, 11, 3),
214 | (default, 54900, 13, 3),
215 | (default, 13000, 19, 3),
216 | (default, 22600, 20, 2);
217 |
218 | insert into project.belongs_to (product_id, category_id) values
219 | (1, 4),
220 | (2, 4),
221 | (3, 4),
222 | (4, 4),
223 | (5, 4),
224 | (6, 5),
225 | (7, 5),
226 | (8, 5),
227 | (9, 5),
228 | (10, 5),
229 | (11, 5),
230 | (12, 6),
231 | (13, 6),
232 | (14, 6),
233 | (15, 6),
234 | (16, 7),
235 | (17, 7),
236 | (18, 7),
237 | (19, 7),
238 | (20, 4);