
Legends of the balkans

"Legends of the Balkans" is a multiplayer RPG set in a historical-fantasy version of the Balkans, where players create their own hero by choosing a faction, hero type, customizing their character and growing their legend.

Starting in a historically accurate safe city, they embark on an open-world journey filled with quests, combat, trading, and exploration of real-world locations.

The game features a faction reputation system, dynamic events, and a rich economy with crafting and trade routes.

With an emphasis on deep world-building and immersive mechanics, Legends of the Balkans is designed for ongoing expansion, with future updates planned for advanced combat, guilds, PVP zones, and legendary questlines inspired by Balkan folklore.

Project phases

Phase Description Status
P0 Define Project Done
P1 Conceptual Model (ERD) Done
P2 Relational Schema (DDL and Database Done
P3 Application Design - Use Cases (SQL Queries) Done
P4 Advanced database reports (SQL Queries) Done
P5 Basic Prototype of Use-Case scenarios (Java, C#, C) Done
P6 Normalization Not Started
P7 Application Development Not Started
P8 Security Not Started
P9 Optimization Not Started
Last modified 8 days ago Last modified on 02/13/25 17:58:50

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