Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of analytics-and-statistics

02/12/25 15:25:09 (10 days ago)



  • analytics-and-statistics

    v1 v1  
     1= Advanced Database Reports (SQL Queries and Stored Procedures) =
     3This page includes advanced SQL queries and stored procedures for generating reports from the *Legends of the Balkans* game database. The queries are based on the following tables:
     5== 1. Player Progress Report ==
     6This query provides a summary of each player's progress—including their character details and any associated faction reputation.
     9SELECT p.PlayerID,
     10       p.Username,
     11       c.Name AS CharacterName,
     12       c.Health,
     13       c.EXP,
     14       c.Gold,
     15       f.Name AS FactionName,
     16       r.ReputationPoints,
     17       r.Rank
     18FROM Player p
     19JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID
     20LEFT JOIN Reputation r ON c.CharacterID = r.CharacterID
     21LEFT JOIN Faction f ON r.FactionID = f.FactionID;
     24== 2. Faction Reputation Update After Quest Completion ==
     25The following stored procedure updates a character’s reputation for a given faction based on the EXP reward from a completed quest.
     28CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION UpdateFactionReputation(
     29    char_id INT,
     30    quest_id INT,
     31    faction_id INT
     36    reputation_change INT;
     38    -- Get the EXP reward from the quest
     39    SELECT EXP_Reward INTO reputation_change
     40    FROM Quest
     41    WHERE QuestID = quest_id;
     43    -- Update the Reputation record for the character and faction
     44    UPDATE Reputation
     45    SET ReputationPoints = ReputationPoints + reputation_change
     46    WHERE CharacterID = char_id AND FactionID = faction_id;
     48$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
     51== 3. Completed Quests Report for a Specific Player ==
     52This query retrieves the list of quests completed by a specific player. (Note: The join table *Character_Quest* contains only the CharacterID and QuestID.)
     55SELECT p.Username,
     56       q.Name AS QuestName
     57FROM Player p
     58JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID
     59JOIN Character_Quest cq ON c.CharacterID = cq.CharacterID
     60JOIN Quest q ON cq.QuestID = q.QuestID
     61WHERE p.PlayerID = ?;  -- Replace ? with the specific PlayerID
     64== 4. List of Players in a Specific Faction ==
     65This query lists all players whose characters have a reputation record with a specific faction. Replace the faction name as needed.
     68SELECT DISTINCT p.PlayerID,
     69       p.Username,
     70       c.Name AS CharacterName
     71FROM Player p
     72JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID
     73JOIN Reputation r ON c.CharacterID = r.CharacterID
     74JOIN Faction f ON r.FactionID = f.FactionID
     75WHERE f.Name = 'Kingdom of Zeta';  -- Replace with the desired faction name
     78== 5. Market Listings for a Specific Player ==
     79This query retrieves all items listed on the market by a specific player.
     82SELECT m.MarketID,
     83       i.Name AS ItemName,
     84       m.Price
     85FROM Market m
     86JOIN Item i ON m.ItemID = i.ItemID
     87WHERE m.SellerID = ?;  -- Replace ? with the specific Seller's PlayerID
     90== 6. Top Players by Total Experience and Completed Quests ==
     91This query provides a list of top players, ordered by the total EXP of all their characters and the number of quests they have completed.
     94SELECT p.PlayerID,
     95       p.Username,
     96       SUM(c.EXP) AS TotalEXP,
     97       COUNT(cq.QuestID) AS CompletedQuests
     98FROM Player p
     99JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID
     100LEFT JOIN Character_Quest cq ON c.CharacterID = cq.CharacterID
     101GROUP BY p.PlayerID, p.Username
     102ORDER BY TotalEXP DESC, CompletedQuests DESC;
     105== 7. Items Owned by a Specific Player ==
     106This query lists the items owned by a specific player's characters.
     109SELECT p.Username,
     110       i.Name AS ItemName
     111FROM Player p
     112JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID
     113JOIN Character_Item ci ON c.CharacterID = ci.CharacterID
     114JOIN Item i ON ci.ItemID = i.ItemID
     115WHERE p.PlayerID = ?;  -- Replace ? with the specific PlayerID
     118== 8. Items Listed in the Market ==
     119This query retrieves all items currently listed on the market along with seller information.
     122SELECT m.MarketID,
     123       i.Name AS ItemName,
     124       m.Price,
     125       p.Username AS Seller
     126FROM Market m
     127JOIN Item i ON m.ItemID = i.ItemID
     128JOIN Player p ON m.SellerID = p.PlayerID;
     131== 9. List of Guilds and Their Leaders ==
     132This query lists all guilds along with the username of their leader.
     135SELECT g.GuildID,
     136       g.Name AS GuildName,
     137       p.Username AS LeaderName
     138FROM Guild g
     139JOIN Player p ON g.LeaderID = p.PlayerID;
     142== 10. Characters in Guilds ==
     143This query retrieves characters that belong to guilds, along with their guild name.
     146SELECT p.Username,
     147       c.Name AS CharacterName,
     148       g.Name AS GuildName
     149FROM Character_Guild cg
     150JOIN Character c ON cg.CharacterID = c.CharacterID
     151JOIN Player p ON c.PlayerID = p.PlayerID
     152JOIN Guild g ON cg.GuildID = g.GuildID;