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Advanced Database Reports (SQL Queries and Stored Procedures)
This page includes advanced SQL queries and stored procedures for generating reports from the Legends of the Balkans game database.
1. Player Progress Report
This query provides a summary of each player's progress—including their character details and any associated faction reputation.
SELECT p.PlayerID, p.Username, c.Name AS CharacterName, c.Health, c.EXP, c.Gold, f.Name AS FactionName, r.ReputationPoints, r.Rank FROM Player p JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID LEFT JOIN Reputation r ON c.CharacterID = r.CharacterID LEFT JOIN Faction f ON r.FactionID = f.FactionID;
2. Faction Reputation Update After Quest Completion
The following stored procedure updates a character’s reputation for a given faction based on the EXP reward from a completed quest.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION UpdateFactionReputation( char_id INT, quest_id INT, faction_id INT ) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE reputation_change INT; BEGIN -- Get the EXP reward from the quest SELECT EXP_Reward INTO reputation_change FROM Quest WHERE QuestID = quest_id; -- Update the Reputation record for the character and faction UPDATE Reputation SET ReputationPoints = ReputationPoints + reputation_change WHERE CharacterID = char_id AND FactionID = faction_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
3. Completed Quests Report for a Specific Player
This query retrieves the list of quests completed by a specific player. (Note: The join table *Character_Quest* contains only the CharacterID and QuestID.)
SELECT p.Username, q.Name AS QuestName FROM Player p JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID JOIN Character_Quest cq ON c.CharacterID = cq.CharacterID JOIN Quest q ON cq.QuestID = q.QuestID WHERE p.PlayerID = ?; -- Replace ? with the specific PlayerID
4. List of Players in a Specific Faction
This query lists all players whose characters have a reputation record with a specific faction. Replace the faction name as needed.
SELECT DISTINCT p.PlayerID, p.Username, c.Name AS CharacterName FROM Player p JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID JOIN Reputation r ON c.CharacterID = r.CharacterID JOIN Faction f ON r.FactionID = f.FactionID WHERE f.Name = 'Kingdom of Zeta'; -- Replace with the desired faction name
5. Market Listings for a Specific Player
This query retrieves all items listed on the market by a specific player.
SELECT m.MarketID, i.Name AS ItemName, m.Price FROM Market m JOIN Item i ON m.ItemID = i.ItemID WHERE m.SellerID = ?; -- Replace ? with the specific Seller's PlayerID
6. Top Players by Total Experience and Completed Quests
This query provides a list of top players, ordered by the total EXP of all their characters and the number of quests they have completed.
SELECT p.PlayerID, p.Username, SUM(c.EXP) AS TotalEXP, COUNT(cq.QuestID) AS CompletedQuests FROM Player p JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID LEFT JOIN Character_Quest cq ON c.CharacterID = cq.CharacterID GROUP BY p.PlayerID, p.Username ORDER BY TotalEXP DESC, CompletedQuests DESC;
7. Items Owned by a Specific Player
This query lists the items owned by a specific player's characters.
SELECT p.Username, i.Name AS ItemName FROM Player p JOIN Character c ON p.PlayerID = c.PlayerID JOIN Character_Item ci ON c.CharacterID = ci.CharacterID JOIN Item i ON ci.ItemID = i.ItemID WHERE p.PlayerID = ?; -- Replace ? with the specific PlayerID
8. Items Listed in the Market
This query retrieves all items currently listed on the market along with seller information.
SELECT m.MarketID, i.Name AS ItemName, m.Price, p.Username AS Seller FROM Market m JOIN Item i ON m.ItemID = i.ItemID JOIN Player p ON m.SellerID = p.PlayerID;
9. List of Guilds and Their Leaders
This query lists all guilds along with the username of their leader.
SELECT g.GuildID, g.Name AS GuildName, p.Username AS LeaderName FROM Guild g JOIN Player p ON g.LeaderID = p.PlayerID;
10. Characters in Guilds
This query retrieves characters that belong to guilds, along with their guild name.
SELECT p.Username, c.Name AS CharacterName, g.Name AS GuildName FROM Character_Guild cg JOIN Character c ON cg.CharacterID = c.CharacterID JOIN Player p ON c.PlayerID = p.PlayerID JOIN Guild g ON cg.GuildID = g.GuildID;