Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Project_look

05/03/14 15:10:42 (11 years ago)



  • Project_look

    v5 v6  
    1111At the textboxes of figure 1 the users will have to write their username and password. If the users live empty any of the textboxes or they put a wrong username or password the following message will appear Figure 2. [[BR]]
    1314Figure 2. [[BR]]
    1416In the other hand if the member of the staff put correct data and log in then will be send to the next form Figure 3.[[BR]]
    1619Figure 3.[[BR]]
    1721In the next form the main elements which are seen in the figure above are the tabs with their main properties Patient, Examination, Appointment and Lab Analysis, depending on the administration need from this form can choose them from this form to work.[[BR]]
    1924Figure 4.[[BR]]
    2026This form is the first step of all other forms because in this form the patient is saving with all information and if the user won’t to search the patient information it can be searched from this part, this form has search button, refresh button and addPatient button.
    2127The search button is used for searching the patient, refresh button is used if the new information that is add doesn’t appear in grid table, and add Patient is used for adding new patient, if administrator click in addPatinet  then will appear the Figure 5.[[BR]]
    2329In this form the user has to write the patientID, name, surname, age and all there information about the new patient to have them in electronic way not in hard copy. This form I think is more important than the other form because it gives to administrator easy work, till now they have the patient information saved in hard copy but with this application they will have all patient in electronic way and this will help them to find the patient information easily.[[BR]]
    2532Figure 5.[[BR]]
    2634If the administrator leaves any textbox empty the message which is in figure 6 will appear and the leaved textboxes will automatically change their color.[[BR]]
    2837Figure 6.[[BR]]
    2939The other control that has been used is the one that doesn’t permit to put text at the textboxes that should contain numbers. In this case the following message will appear Figure 7.[[BR]]
    30 [[Image(7.jpg)]][[BR]]
    31 Figure 7.[[BR]]
     41Figure 7.[[BR]][[BR]]
    3242Examination form also in this form administrator can search previous examinations and if there is need to add new examination can be added with addExamination button. The form is shown in Figure 8.[[BR]]
    33 [[Image(8.jpg)]][[BR]]
    34 Fiugre 8.[[BR]]
     44Fiugre 8.[[BR]][[BR]]
    3545For adding new examination I create this form, in this forum the administrator  have to write the patient ID for identification of patient then have to choose the date  ,to write the control ,diagnosis and presentation than can insert the new examination. If the administrator adds new examination for patient form will appear the Figure 9.[[BR]]
    3748Figure 9.[[BR]]
    3850By using the tab Appointments the doctor can assign a new appointment to a certain patient by himself or just can see the appointments that have been done from the patients through the Figure 10. [[BR]]
    4053Figure 10.[[BR]]
    4155In appoitnment form the doctor give to patient new appointment with char order,date,hour and also write the descrpition.[[BR]]
    4358Figure 11.[[BR]]
    4460If the Administrator moves to the LabAnalysis there will appear a table that contains the information about the blood test and can see the previous blood test that have been done from the patients through the Figure 12.[[BR]]
    4663Figure 12.[[BR]]
    4765If the Administrator  have new blood test then move to add Lab result, in the next form will appear the table that are shown the equated of Range-Bottom and Range-Top of blood, the administrator need to fulfill the blood test result of patient with date results. The form is shown in figure 13.[[BR]]
    4968Figure 13.[[BR]]