Version 5 (modified by 11 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
1. Guidance for Use Case Template
Document each use case using the template shown in the Appendix. This section provides a description of each section in the use case template.
2.Use Case Identification
2.1. Use Case ID A use case diagram represents a set of use cases and actors and their relationships. The main actors that are involved in the first use case diagram are: administrator, doctor and nurse. Every actor is related to a certain number of use cases. Every use case represents the tasks that should be performed within the application by a certain actor. Administrator is in relation with the same use cases that is the actor Doctor, this is done because the administrator at the same time can work as a doctor in a given health center. 2.2. Use Case Name
F.1 logging in into the system F.2 patient is saving with all information and if the user won’t to search the patient information it can searchfrom F.3 adds new patient m the user has to write the patientID, name, surname, age and all there information about the new patient to have them in electronic F.4 user can search for appointment, diagnosis, blood test analysis or to add all of them.
3. Use Case Definition
3.1. Actors
Actors: Primary Actor: Doctor -Doctor: needs no errors, fest and no easy work, having all patient information in the electronic way. -Patient: wants fast exam service, not waiting, having appointment, having labs analysis in the same center. -nurse: need no complicated software.
Preconditions: Doctor is identified and authenticated. Post conditions: patient is saved, patient examination is saved, appointment is allotted to save, lab analysis record can be saved.
3.2. Trigger
Basic Flow:
- Doctor or nurse logs in into the system.
- Doctor save the new patient
- Patient take appointment
- Doctor or nurse fined the patient by identification nr.
- Doctor gives to patient appointment
- Doctor save the examination of patient with diagnose and therapy.
- System automatically records all the saved thinks.
- Doctor gives appointment for doing the blood test.
- Patient does the blood test analysis.
3.3. Description
Login, patient save ore search, patient examination save or search, appointment allow to save or search, lab analysis record save or search.
3.4. Preconditions
List any activities that must take place, or any conditions that must be true, before the use case can be started. Number each precondition.
2.Name surname or identification nr of patient