| 314 | |
| 315 | [[BR]] |
| 316 | |
| 317 | |
| 318 | |
| 319 | Use case specification on all application: |
| 320 | [[BR]] |
| 321 | [[BR]] |
| 322 | |
| 323 | Actors: |
| 324 | [[BR]] |
| 325 | |
| 326 | Primary Actor: Doctor |
| 327 | [[BR]] |
| 328 | |
| 329 | -Doctor: needs no errors, fest and no easy work, having all patient information in the electronic way. |
| 330 | [[BR]] |
| 331 | |
| 332 | -Patient: wants fast exam service, not waiting, having appointment, having labs analysis in the same center. |
| 333 | [[BR]] |
| 334 | |
| 335 | -nurse: need no complicated software. |
| 336 | |
| 337 | Preconditions: Doctor is identified and authenticated. |
| 338 | [[BR]] |
| 339 | |
| 340 | Post conditions: patient is saved, patient examination is saved, appointment is allotted to save, lab analysis record can be saved. |
| 341 | [[BR]] |
| 342 | |
| 343 | Basic Flow: |
| 344 | 1. Doctor or nurse logs in into the system. |
| 345 | 2. Doctor save the new patient |
| 346 | 3. Patient take appointment |
| 347 | 4. Doctor or nurse fined the patient by identification nr. |
| 348 | 5. Doctor gives to patient appointment |
| 349 | 6. Doctor save the examination of patient with diagnose and therapy. |
| 350 | 7. System automatically records all the saved thinks. |
| 351 | 8. Doctor gives appointment for doing the blood test. |
| 352 | 9. Patient does the blood test analysis. |
| 353 | 10. Doctor records the new blood test analysis to the system. |
| 354 | |
| 355 | |