
Personal Teacher

About the project

Project name: Personal Teacher

Started: December 2024

Course: Databases 2024/2025/Z

Under mentorship of: professor Vangel Ajanovski, PhD

Project summary

"Personal Teacher" is a web application that facilitates the scheduling of private lessons between teachers and students and keeps records of their execution. Students can schedule a private lesson with a teacher, the teacher having to accept the request for the appointment. The application allows for calendar integration for better organization, options for customizing lessons (online or in-person), as well as sending reminder notifications. In addition, the platform offers the ability to review and evaluate teachers, as well as monitor student progress through personalized reports.


Phases Phase NameStatus
P0 Defining the projectStarted
P1 Conceptual model (ERD)Started
P2 Relational schema (DDL and Database)Started
P3 Application design - everyday scenarios and use casesStarted
P4 Analytical and statistical queryingStarted
P5 Prototype applicationStarted
P6 Normalization
P7 Application Development
Last modified 11 days ago Last modified on 02/10/25 16:49:24

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