Version 3 (modified by 12 days ago) ( diff ) | ,
Student Class Selection Process
Step 1 - System Login
The student logs into the system using their email and password. The password is securely hashed before verification.
SELECT id_user, username FROM User WHERE email = :input_email AND password = :hashed_input_pass;
Note: :hashed_input_pass
is securely hashed before being checked.
Step 2 - Student Dashboard
After logging in, the student can see their enrolled courses and available classes.
List Enrolled Courses
SELECT c.id_Course, AS subject_name, c.num_of_classes FROM Enrollment e JOIN Course c ON e.id_Course = c.id_Course JOIN Subject_Course sc ON c.id_Course = sc.id_Course JOIN Subject s ON sc.id_subject = s.id_subject WHERE e.id_student = :curr_student_id;
Displays the courses the student is currently enrolled in.
List Upcoming Available Classes
SELECT cl.id_class, cl.start_time, cl.end_time, cl.duration, t.id_teacher, u.username AS teacher_name, AS subject_name FROM Class cl JOIN Teacher t ON cl.teacher_id = t.id_teacher JOIN User u ON t.id_user = u.id_user JOIN Course_Class cc ON cl.id_class = cc.id_class JOIN Course c ON cc.id_Course = c.id_Course JOIN Subject_Course sc ON c.id_Course = sc.id_Course JOIN Subject s ON sc.id_subject = s.id_subject WHERE cl.start_time >= CURRENT_TIME AND c.id_Course IN (SELECT id_Course FROM Enrollment WHERE id_student = :curr_student_id);
Lists upcoming classes for courses the student is enrolled in.
Step 3 - Selecting a Class to Attend
The student clicks on an "Attend Class" button next to an available class.
Step 4 - Registering Attendance
The system registers the student's attendance for the selected class.
Insert Attendance Record
INSERT INTO Attendance (id_attendance, id_student, id_class, attended) VALUES (:new_attendance_id, :curr_student_id, :selected_class_id, TRUE);
Marks the student as attending the selected class.
Step 5 - Viewing Attendance History
The student can review their past attendance records.
Retrieve Attendance History
SELECT a.id_class, cl.start_time, cl.end_time, cl.duration, AS subject_name, a.attended FROM Attendance a JOIN Class cl ON a.id_class = cl.id_class JOIN Course_Class cc ON cl.id_class = cc.id_class JOIN Course c ON cc.id_Course = c.id_Course JOIN Subject_Course sc ON c.id_Course = sc.id_Course JOIN Subject s ON sc.id_subject = s.id_subject WHERE a.id_student = :curr_student_id ORDER BY cl.start_time DESC;
Displays all past classes the student attended.
Step 6 - Checking Completed Classes
The student can see which classes they have completed.
Retrieve Completed Classes
SELECT DISTINCT cl.id_class, cl.start_time, cl.end_time, cl.duration, AS subject_name FROM Attendance a JOIN Class cl ON a.id_class = cl.id_class JOIN Course_Class cc ON cl.id_class = cc.id_class JOIN Course c ON cc.id_Course = c.id_Course JOIN Subject_Course sc ON c.id_Course = sc.id_Course JOIN Subject s ON sc.id_subject = s.id_subject WHERE a.id_student = :curr_student_id AND cl.end_time <= CURRENT_TIME;
Lists all classes the student has already completed.
Step 7 - Unregistering from a Class (Optional)
If a student mistakenly registers for a class, they can remove themselves.
Remove Attendance Record
DELETE FROM Attendance WHERE id_student = :curr_student_id AND id_class = :selected_class_id;
Removes the student's attendance entry.