

22:17 Changeset [74b8c52]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
use jsog for Faculty model
22:16 Changeset [080a3f3]main by Viktor <mlviktor23@…>
styled search component
20:09 Changeset [a4b5062]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
changed search implementation in springapp
17:13 Changeset [0ae838b]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
created Search service in springapp
15:49 Changeset [a6dcc46]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
now using jsog for Professor model
01:04 Changeset [ad40ec0]main by Viktor <mlviktor23@…>
styled professor page


23:57 Changeset [f5d4792]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
styled professor page
21:53 Changeset [5347491]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
styled professor page, added date translation to datePosted, added …
20:37 Changeset [e958037]main by Viktor <mlviktor23@…>
added styling to /professor/{professorId} page
15:39 Changeset [2998dc4]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
made OpinionTree display author info
00:28 Changeset [3a44163]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
created OpinionTree component


21:31 Changeset [4a64cf0]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
implemented addOpinion and replyToOpinion functions, reorganized api


21:12 Changeset [7cb8c3c]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
swapped JsonManaged/BackReference with JsonIdentityInfo in Model, …


22:28 Changeset [0e62f4d]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
updated model (added Post, Opinion, Thread and Section entities)
18:26 Changeset [b7ec74e]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
implemented conf.token resending


23:09 Changeset [6c1d611]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
added basic a&a + acc confirmation email sender service


21:28 Changeset [9506ca8]main by unknown <mlviktor23@…>
first commit


15:24 WikiStart edited by 216151
15:24 ArchitectureInitial edited by 216151
15:23 classDiagramV2.png attached to ArchitectureInitial by 216151
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.